Thursday, July 16, 2015

Review: The Uninvited by Cat Winters

Title: The Uninvited
Author: Cat Winters
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: William Morrow (August 11, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Historical Paranormal Mystery
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
From the award-winning author of In the Shadow of Blackbirds comes a stunning new novel—a masterfully crafted story of love, loss, and second chances. Set during the fear and panic of the Great Influenza of 1918, The Uninvited is part gothic ghost-story, part psychological thriller, perfect for those who loved The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield or The Vanishing by Wendy Webb.

Twenty-five year old Ivy Rowan rises from her bed after being struck by the flu, only to discover the world has been torn apart in just a few short days.

But Ivy’s life-long gift—or curse—remains. For she sees the uninvited ones—ghosts of loved ones who appear to her, unasked, unwelcomed, for they always herald impending death. On that October evening in 1918 she sees the spirit of her grandmother, rocking in her mother’s chair. An hour later, she learns her younger brother and father have killed a young German out of retaliation for the death of Ivy’s older brother Billy in the Great War.

Horrified, she leaves home, to discover the flu has caused utter panic and the rules governing society have broken down. Ivy is drawn into this new world of jazz, passion, and freedom, where people live for the day, because they could be stricken by nightfall. But as her ‘uninvited guests’ begin to appear to her more often, she knows her life will be torn apart once more, but Ivy has no inkling of the other-worldly revelations about to unfold.

Cat Winters is known for her beautifully detailed, creative, and imaginative worlds. Worlds that transport you back in time to another place and more often than not, to something other.

It is for all these reasons that I didn't hesitate to pick up The Uninvited. 
I needed that small taste of the other she is so gifted at creating. I needed the beautiful world I knew she could paint and more than that, I needed something unique, original, and enchanting.

Winter's has an amazing ability to blend history with fiction and give us just a touch of the macabre along with a hint of romance that truly makes her novels stand out and shine.

I love this era. So much happens, good and bad and Winter's managed to show the best and worst of both sides. Prejudices, war, death, sickness, but also love, honor, and women really coming out into the world and taking charge. 

I loved Ivy's role in the story. How she didn't stand by and let those around her take charge of her life. She didn't let them lead her around or bully her. She saw what she wanted and she went after it. She helped those that needed it, regardless of color, social standing, gender, or origin. She was strong, determined and I loved her character because of it.

The slight paranormal aspect that Winter's weaved into the storyline gave this just enough of that otherwordliness that I have come to crave from her writing and put enough spin and twist on the story that I truly, didn't see the end coming. 

Winter's once again created an imaginative tale that despite it's slow start, had me turning the pages eager for more.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review*


  1. Glad that you enjoyed this one! I added it to my tbr list on goodreads since I'm a fan thrillers especially one that's historical fiction! Great and simple review as well :)

    1. So glad you added it to your TBR pile, it is worth the read!

  2. AHHH! I need this one NOW. I think I have it on my kindle... I’ll need to check, lol. So glad you enjoyed this one–I loved IN THE SHADOW OF BLACKBIRDS and no doubt this one is going to be amazing as well. Great review!! :D

    1. I hope you do have it on your kindle and that you love it as much as I did!

  3. Well, well, well ... color me intrigued. I haven't read her other books yet, even though so many people love them. I'm totally gravitating towards this one, though.

  4. I read this not too long ago and really loved it! You're right that this author just has a natural knack of creating amazing stories in eras and times long past. She's just so natural at it and she never fails to immerses us in those places effectively. Much love for this author and I'm glad it impressed you, too! :D

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Yes Faye! She really is a fantastic weaver of unusual tales.

  5. The cover and premise sounds spooky and eerie, but your review makes it sound like it's interesting for a variety of other reasons!

    1. It really wasn't too eerie or scary at all, more interesting for sure.

  6. So glad to see that you enjoyed this one! I'm really looking forward to reading it :D

    1. I hope you like it as well but I have a feeling you will. ;)

  7. I've only read one book by this author but I adored how rich and beautiful her writing was. This sounds like it wasn't an exception. I love that she's able to show you the good and the bad parts of that era. Plus, I love learning from books, so I think I need to pick this up.
    Wonderful review, Ali! :)

    1. I really do too so I think this will be fun for you!

  8. Cat Winters seems to be an expert in this era. Several of her books were set in this times. I agree, though. She does creepy well!

    1. Yeah she is good with this time period for sure and yes, she always manages to throw in a bit of the creep factor to really make things interesting.

  9. Oh I love the sound of Ivy Ali! Yay for a heroine who stands up for herself and helps others with not a hint of prejudice, especially in this time period. Definitely going to have to pick this one up!

    1. I really hope you do Jenny. I love heroines like this, so hard for me to resist.

  10. LOVE the cover and premise on this one! Ivy sounds like my kind of heroine.

  11. Ok Ali as soon as you compared it to The Thirteenth Tale I was all ears. Gothic, Historical Mystery all float my boat and I love finding new to me authors who my pals enjoy.

    1. The Thirteenth Tale was fabulous wasn't it? I still vividly remember that one. This wasn't quite like that but there are similarities. ;)

  12. I love the blend of historical and fiction. It really can be so interesting. I remember seeing this cover a while back and being intrigued by it. Awesome to hear it's good!

    1. I love the history with fiction as well, so much fun can be done with it for sure.

  13. I have a thing for lovely stories and beautiful backdrops and this author sounds like she delivered that perfect story for you. I'm glad you liked it girl!♡

    1. She does do it well for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  14. It would be perfect for October with the ghostly theme it sort of has. ;)

  15. I was thinking about picking up this one. It looks beautiful in a hunting sort of way. I'm glad you enjoyed it - hope I will too :)

    1. I hope you do too! Can't wait to see what you thought about it. :D

  16. I had no idea that she was coming out with a new book. YAY, I'm so excited. I adored her previous two books and I can't wait to read this one. I think I might save it for Halloween.

  17. Oh I love heroines like that. I am going to have to pick this one up. I still need to read this author's first book. I think this author is going on my must read author list.

    1. I still haven't read her first one yet either but I did love her second one and this one. Definitely try her!

  18. I never really read Historical but Historical Paranormal I might like. I really like the sound of it. Great review!

    1. The paranormal element is definitely a bonus with this genre. ;)

  19. This sounds so good! I think I'm going to have to check it out.

  20. Ooo this is something I would enjoy, and like you I love the era. That cover is looks paranormal.

    1. There was a slight paranormal edge to it that I'm sure you will love every bit as much as the era.

  21. I'll be sure not to miss this! I love this era too and I'm all for beautifully written novels. Who isn't?

  22. It's great that it didn't disappoint. I didn't know about this one but I'm curious about the author's imagination now!

  23. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE historical fiction? Because I do. A lot. Thanks for placing this one on my radar! :)

  24. Awesome review. This sounds fantastic. Thanks for the heads up on the slow start. If I know about it and know it gets better I will take the time to read it...hehe :). Great review as always Ali.

  25. You are definitely making me want to read some Winters books!

  26. I have always been a fan of historical fiction about epidemics. Not sure why but they have always fascinated me. This sounds really good, I'm adding it to my TBR!

    Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
