Thursday, July 9, 2015

Review: Thief by Tarryn Fisher

Title: Thief
Author: Tarryn Fisher
Series: Book Three in the Love Me With Lies Trilogy
Published: July 21, 2013
Source: Purchased
Genre: Contemporary
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
Note to Self

Love is patient; love is kind.
Love doesn't boast or brag.
There's no arrogance in love;
it's never rude, crude, or indecent-it's not self absorbed.
Love isn't easily upset.
Love doesn't tally wrongs.
Love trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what.
Love will never become obsolete.
I'll fight for her.


Caleb Drake never got over his first love. Not when he got married. Not when she got married. When life suddenly comes full circle Caleb must decide how how far he is willing to go to get the aloof and alluring Olivia Kaspen back. But for every action in life there is a consequence, and soon Caleb finds out that sometimes love comes at an unbearably high price.

This series. This. Freaking. Series.

I think it just about killed me. I read it all in two days. I consumed it heart and soul.

It broke me, put me back together again. It made me think. It made me sad, angry, frustrated, happy, and hopeful. 

I think it just about brought out every emotion known to man.

I love Olivia, I love Caleb and their story is a tragic one. A crazy obsessive one but also, a very beautiful one.

I was eager to get to the end. To have it all come together and to make sense and most of all for it to be a happy one but I have to say, I had my doubts that these two, star crossed lovers, were ever going to get together and stay that way.

I was prepared to be crushed, numerous times even because if there is one thing I know about Ms. Fisher's writing, it is that you should always expect the unexpected.

I absolutely love that with each book we got a different perspective, a different point of view and I was eager to get Caleb's. To see it all through his eyes, Leah, Noah, and most of all Olivia.

This book, this whole series really, was emotionally draining because I became so very invested in Caleb and Olivia's story and I will definitely need to read something light hearted or funny after this, but at the same time, I don't regret it because it was worth it. It was so worth it to take this journey with them and to learn their story. 

Tarryn is an amazing writer and story teller and I will be reading everything she writes in the future and be eagerly awaiting it.


  1. Tarryn can be cruel in the best freaking way. This is one of my favorite series and still think about it. I love how things may look one way in the first book, but then you get what really happened or a different perspective of something you thought was true. -sigh- I want to read these again now.

    1. She really is but yeah, she always leaves you wanting more and coming back for more no matter the heartache. ;)

  2. Oh it's great that the end was so good mainly as it's something always so difficult to do. I'll have to try one day!

  3. Ahhhh very few books/series have done that to me, so I'd like to check this out even though I'm a bit scared to. lol.

    1. Don't be scared, it will be worth it, I promise!

  4. Wow!! What a fantastic review, Ali!
    I'm so glad that this finale was as emotional and successful as the rest. I need to get to it soon! I'll try to read it this month if I get some time. :)
    Lovely review!

    1. Yay I'm so excited. I really hope you do and love it Nick! I can't wait to see what you think.

  5. I feel like I'm not emotionally equipped to handle this series at the moment Ali! I need light and fluffy and this is clearly brutal (but in a good way). I'm so glad it was such a win for you!

    1. You do need to be prepared for it but I promise the ride is well worth it Jenny!

  6. Oh wow, I haven't read a book with similar feelings in quite some time! My friend has been pushing the first book in this series but it didn't really appeal to me until now. I'll have to first prepare myself emotionally before picking it up now.

    1. Definitely prepare yourself but it will be worth it I promise!

  7. OMG Ali, what a righteous review, you've got me convinced. I love star crossed lovers, second changes and seemingly impossible HEAs, yeah this is right up my alley. Thanks!

    1. Yay! Read it Debbie! I cant' wait to see what you think about it!

  8. Oh, wow, this sounds really intense! Of course, I didn't know about it :( Adding it now. Once again, thank you for broadening my horizons :)

  9. Okay I seriously need to read these books! Another five star-I am missing out!

  10. Wow, this seems to be such delicious torment! Five stars for the series, and you practically inhaled it in just a few days? i don't think any recommendation can be higher than that! I'm looking for beach reads during this heat wave and this might be it, but it too radiates heat, it seems. :)

    1. It will definitely be a hot read in more ways than one. ;)

  11. Yep, definitely had me hooked for sure.

  12. I've been wanting to try this series, the NA label is making me hesitate though. I should start my own challenge, dare myself to read books I usually stay away from.

    1. It isn't bad for NA at all and not your normal read by any means if that helps at all. ;)

  13. I am so putting this on my TBR. Loving a book or series that much is special.

    1. Yay! I'm so excited to see you say that Jennifer! I hope you absolutely love this as much as I did!

  14. I loved that ''you should always expect the unexpected'' comment. Predictable can be safe, but not always good. So yay! Will check this series out!!

    1. I really really hope you do Lola because I think this one will keep you on your toes. ;)

  15. I have not heard of this series until now. How have I missed this? It looks like it has all the feels, which is something that I can never get enough of. I added the first in the series to my TBR. Thanks for the review.

    1. Yay! So happy to hear that! I hope you love it as much as I have. :D

  16. This is the first I've heard of this series but WOW, that blurb! So intriguing! Plus, the fact that you gave this book 5 stars. This is the 3rd book of the series so I skimmed your review but I will definitely check this series out. Thanks Kindlemom! -Amir

    1. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out Amir, I really hope you look into the first book and read it, it is so worth all the feels. ;)

  17. How did I miss the others..this series is one I should be reading Nope wait I have one and two on my wishlist..guess I better pick them up

    1. This is one of Christy's favorites so definitely read it!
