Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week!

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I admit, I was drawn into this by the cover just as much as the premises. Sounds like  Beauty and the Beast retelling with a huge twist and I can't wait to read it. 

I know I have been burned by retellings more often than not but I can't help it, Beauty and the Beast is by far my favorite so, I'm going to take a chance and read this one.

Book Description:

Sixteen-year-old Brielle has grown up hearing tales of a beast that kills humans, leaving behind only a scattering of bones and limbs. Or so the village elders say. She thinks it’s just their way of keeping children in line, though it doesn’t explain her grisly premonitions of blood, claws, and severed heads.

When Lord Kenrick, Knight of the Crowhurst Order, shows up asking questions about the legendary monster and Brielle finds a mangled body in the woods, she begins to wonder if the grim stories are true. Her attraction to the handsome knight grows as she spends time with him searching for clues to the creature’s existence, and she becomes even more determined to help him discover the beast’s location. 

But as her seventeenth birthday approaches, her nightmares worsen. If Brielle doesn’t figure out the connection between Kenrick, the monster, and visions of a ghostly woman in the woods soon, more people could die. Including those closest to her… 


  1. oh what an intriguing cover there!

  2. This sounds pretty darn awesome even though I am not super into retellings. Plus the cover!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I really hope it will be, especially since it needs to live up to that cover. :P

  3. I'm a sucker for those beauty & the beast storylines. Love em.

  4. Sounds like a good time, and that cover-*drools* Great pick!

  5. Oh Beauty & the Beast retelling with a twist! And I do love that cover! It's so pretty! :)
    Thanks for sharing, Ali!

    1. I always love the fun twists author's can add. ;)

  6. Ummmm Ali? A huge YES to this book! I need it in my life asap:)

  7. Wow I love the sound of this one! Great pick, I'm definitely adding it to my TBR :)

  8. Sounds interesting - i hadn't heard of this one. I really like the cover too. I have a WOW post over here:


  9. Love the cover, and it's totally new to me. YEA to more fantasy - yes, please!! Nice twist on the fairytale :)

    1. I love YA fantasy, it has quickly become my favorite. ;)

  10. I can see why resisting a book cover like this would be hard! I like fairy tale retellings, they have to be solid though; I'll keep and eye out for your review ;)

    1. I know what you mean. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this one will be a solid read. ;)

  11. Oh Ali, shiver me timbers. Wow what a premise and great cover too!

  12. I have a niece named Brielle. This sounds pretty good!

  13. Oh this one sounds interesting. I do think I want to read it too!

  14. YES!! I so want this book too, Ali. *grabby hands* Isn't that cover so gorgeous and I read THE WINTER PEOPLE which I really liked. I think this would make a perfect fall read with those bones and gothic tones.
    Oooh, I hope you get it soon, Ali :)

    1. I still need to read The Winter People, it looks really good as well!

  15. Spoiler alert: the beast and the prince is one and the same.

    Kidding...I don't know. But damn, I want to read this one, too!

    1. *gasp* You didn't! :P

      I do hope it is good. ;)

  16. That cover is so prettyyyyy!!! :o I want to read this one!

    1. It really is! I hope you end up liking it as well!

  17. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite so this has me curious.

  18. Gorgeous cover! I really hope the story is just as good as the cover.

  19. Great pick, and that cover is awesome!

  20. I haven't read any Beauty and the Beast retellings. This sounds really good! I hope you enjoy reading it.
    My WoW

  21. I'm always attracted to Beauty and the Beast retellings because I love the original story. Hope this one pans out for you! :)

  22. Gorgeous cover, interesting description...can't say no to that hehe :)

    @ "Book Addict"
