Monday, September 26, 2016

Review: Blood of My Blood by Barry Lyga

Title: Blood of My Blood
Author: Barry Lyga
Series: Book Three in the I Hunt Killers Trilogy (Jasper Dent)
Published By: Little Brown (September 9, 2014)
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Thriller
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
Jazz Dent has never been closer to catching his father.

Jazz has been shot and left to die in New York. His girlfriend, Connie, is in the clutches of Jazz's monstrous father, Billy--the world's most notorious serial killer. And his best friend, Howie, is bleeding to death on the floor of Jazz's new home. 

Somehow, these three must rise above the horrors and find a way to come together in pursuit of Billy. 

But then Jazz crosses a line he's never crossed before, and soon the entire country is wondering: "Like father, like son? Who is the true monster?"

From New York City to the small town of Lobo's Nod, the chase is on, and this time, Jazz is the hunted, not the hunter--while Billy Dent lurks in the shadows. 

And beyond Billy? Something much, much worse. Prepare to meet...the Crow King.

From acclaimed author Barry Lyga comes the shocking conclusion to the bestselling I Hunt Killer trilogy.

If I was only allowed one adjective to describe this series as a whole, it would have to be intense.

of extreme force, degree, or strength.
"the job demands intense concentration"
extreme, great, acute, fierce, severe, high; More

having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious.
"an intense young woman, passionate about her art"

Thankfully, I'm not limited to just one adjective because this book, this series, is so much more than that one word.

Riveting, thrilling, captivating, addicting, emotional, terrifying, well written. Truly there are a lot of adjectives that would fit what Lyga created in the I Hunt Killers series and in the final book, Blood of my Blood and all of them would be accurate. I know I've said this in past reviews for book one and two but this series is utterly unique in it's execution and delivery. You feel as if you are in the mind of not only a killer, but a killer's protege as well. Into the mind of a young man who wants to be anything but his father but nonetheless can't help thinking the thoughts, the images, the lessons that were planted and ingrained in his memories, in his very subconscious since he was small child. 

And as horrifying as it is, it is also fascinating and yes, addicting to be inside both Jasper and Billy's head.

So many twists. So many secrets and all more horrifying than the next, this was a heart stopping, pulse pounding conclusion to the series and I lapped up very single word of it. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. And twisted. You can't forget 'twisted'. :D

  2. I have this series on my TBR and omg, Ali. You make me want to drop everything and just read these books. I love that this series has been such an experience for you. Lovely review!

    1. Do it Nick! I don't think you will regret it at all, seriously!!

  3. Glad this conclusion worked for you!!! It definitely sounds intense. Great review!!

  4. I loved that cover, even before I realized it was the "I Hunt Killers" book. I already have book one on audio to try soon. The number of books I have to read next is overwhelming. So many new releases and stuff I want to listen to just for fun. Really glad to see that this ended on a up note. :-)

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Thanks Melanie and I hear you, there really are way too many great books out there to try, this one really is worth it though if that helps at all. :P

  5. wow that's great! I heard about it but haven't read it I need to try!

    1. Definitely try it, it was so much fun and creepy too!

  6. I have book one already after you reviews - and now I'm so excited to try this series! I'm thrilled you enjoying this series. Perfect for a cold, day/night reads :)

  7. That does sound good. That cover gave me the creeps but that's a good thing.

    1. The cover is very fitting for the whole series. ;)

  8. Ok, you'v convinced me I need to read books 2 and 3 post haste :) Intense is good!

    1. Read them Kim! If it helps, Christy loved them as well. ;) And Heidi too I think.

  9. Great review Ali, I been wanting to read this series a while, it looks riveting.

  10. Oh man. That would really mess with your head. I think maybe too creepy for me but who knows!

    1. It might not be, it's more psychological than anything else. ;)

  11. WOW.that does sound intense. I may have to check these out after I catch up on a few other series!

  12. Loved this twisted, morbid series. I couldn't put it down despite all the weird dreams it gave me when I read it. SO glad you read and enjoyed it, Ali!

  13. Howie was fantastic and so funny in all of them.

  14. This is a total reminder that I need to start this series! This sounds SO good! I will have to make sure that first book is on my library wishlist!

    1. I really really hope you do, I really can't recommend it enough!

  15. Great review! So glad this conclusion lived up to your expectations, I can't wait to read this series!!

    1. Yay! I'm so happy it did as well, it really was a fantastic book and I think it ended pretty realistically considering.

  16. Woo-hoo, this is a series that I have on my backlist TBR. I'm especially eyeing it on audio, it sounds amazing!

    Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist

    1. I've heard the audio is awesome so do it! I think you will love it!

  17. Loved the series and got my kids (adult) reading it now.

    1. Woo hoo! One of my daughters (so far) has read it and loved it as well.

  18. I am so so so so glad you liked this series as well. I LOVE this series!

  19. OMG Intense is right Kindlemom and I'm putting this on my list for when I want something in your words, emotionally terrifying Yikes
    Thanks for the great review

    1. LOL, I know it sounds crazy but even with all those terrifying adjectives, this read was amazing. ;)

  20. I've been meaning to start this series for some time. I am so glad you posted about it.

    1. I hope you like it Tyler, it is darker but it's really good too and so well written.

  21. Well it sounds like I really need to put the first book on my wishlist!

  22. An intense YA Thriller, sounds great I added it to my TBR!!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  23. I may try to listen to the audio of I Hunt Killers. I can do thrillers with a little horror, but I try to stay away from too much. Yes, I'm a wuss.

    1. I don't think this will be too scary, creepy yes, scary, just barely. ;) I heard the audio is fantastic for it!
