Wednesday, September 14, 2016

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I just recently read this author's debut novel and I completely feel in love with her writing style and heart melting romances so I'm very excited that in November she will have a new novel out. Seriously, if you like this genre at all, give her a try, so darn good!

Book Description:

Nothing ever goes right for Skye Cameron, thanks to her family’s Scottish curse. She protects herself from the worst of it by following certain rules, like no traveling, avoiding all things Scottish, and never doing anything she loves. Everything changes on her nineteenth birthday when she receives a postcard from her mother, begging Skye to come to Scotland to help her break the curse. But the travel curse is strong with Skye, and without the help of a handsome stranger with a wicked sense of humor, she wouldn’t make it past airport security, let alone to the Scottish islands where the future of her family hangs in the balance. But if getting there is more than half the battle, getting there without falling in love is the war of her life. Lost in Scotland is a contemporary romance full of adventure, humor, and heart.


  1. This looks interesting. I really like the cover. Nice pick!
    My WoW

    1. She is such a good author, I can't wait and really hope it will be just as good as her others.

  2. I WANT TO BE LOST IN SCOTLAND ALI! I also have a traveling curse, so I understand Skye's pain. Every plane I'm on is delayed. Every. One.

  3. I've never heard of this author, but this sounds pretty good. I like the cover. :D

  4. OOh this looks really good thanks Kindlemom

  5. Oh this is different, and hello Scotland. Thanks for finding it!

    1. I know Scotland! Huge bonus on the location alone. ;)

  6. Oh, I've never heard of this one before, Ali. Scotland is on my bucket list, so yass!

  7. YES! Love books set in Scotland and this sounds so good

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW!

  8. So far all her books have been so I have high hopes for this one too.

  9. I would love to go to Scotland one day. Great pick!

  10. This is new to me, but it sounds really good. I hope you enjoy reading it, Ali.
    Thanks for stopping by My WoW earlier.

  11. Great pick, Scotland would be a fun place to visit.

  12. Awesome pic. And this story sounds engaging.

  13. Yea, this sounds like a book that will make me want to book a trip to Scotland. I already want to go! LOL Great choice!

    1. I know me too, I'm sure this will just make it all the worse. :P

  14. I hope you enjoy this one! It's great to find a new author you love.

  15. Those dang Scots and their curses. :D

  16. Now this sounds like something I would love. I am not familiar with the author but maybe I should fix that! Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. I just added it to Goodreads and then went to Amazon and it wasn't available? Only listed as paperback and CD. Like it's really old? So maybe it's going to be a re-release?

    2. Oh I don't know, that is interesting. Goodreads says it comes out next in November but it very well could be. Hmmm, I need to research it now I think. Thanks for letting me know!

  17. Oh that does sound like an interesting book. I do love books set in Scotland.

    1. It is such a great setting where it seems like anything can happen. ;)

  18. Ohh, I'd love to get lost in Scotland! And never found, preferably. I was just thinking yesterday how much I'd love to live there.

    1. And never found, I love it Maja! It would be fun to visit at the very least. ;)

  19. This souns great! I want to read it Now. LOL

  20. not super into Contemporary, but glad you found a new debut author to love!! Great Review!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. I'm not as much anymore either but it is fun to find new ones to love. ;)

  21. Seriously, I can read any book set in Scotland.
