Thursday, March 6, 2014

Review: Waiting On You by Kristan Higgins

Title: Waiting On You
Author: Kristan Higgins
Series: Book Three in the Blue Heron Series (although can be read as a stand alone)
Published By: Harlequin (March 25, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Does being nobody's fool mean that you're nobody's love?

Colleen O'Rourke is in love with love... just not when it comes to herself. Most nights, she can be found behind the bar at the Manningsport, New York, tavern she owns with her twin brother, doling out romantic advice to the lovelorn, mixing martinis and staying more or less happily single. See, ten years ago, Lucas Campbell, her first love, broke her heart... an experience Colleen doesn't want to have again, thanks. Since then, she's been happy with a fling here and there, some elite-level flirting and playing matchmaker to her friends.

But a family emergency has brought Lucas back to town, handsome as ever and still the only man who's ever been able to crack her defenses. Seems like maybe they've got some unfinished business waiting for them—but to find out, Colleen has to let her guard down, or risk losing a second chance with the only man she's ever loved.

Kristan, Kristan, Kristan. How I love thee.

Truly, I think you are my very favorite writer in this genre (sorry Sparks, move over buddy!). You never cease to amaze and delight me with your witty heroines, the fabulous-ness that is the small towns she writes about and of course the sweet (and sometimes steamy) romances. Oh gosh and let's not forget the wonderful canine sidekicks! It is no wonder the woman has won award after award for her writing. She truly is wonderful at what she does and she is one author who's books I pick up as soon as I get them in my hot little hands.

Ms. Higgins, you are my hero.

Okay, so I loved this book, can you tell?

I have loved Colleen since first being introduced to her in the series and I love the town and people even more. They feel like home and really, that is the best compliment I can give it.

This was a beautiful addition to the series and even though these can be read as a stand alone, I highly recommend reading them all because there is so much background on the characters and you really will love all of their stories as well. 

If there is one thing Higgins know how to do it is to make her heroines feel real. They are feisty and funny and sometimes down right embarrassing with the situations they get themselves into and the act, talk and feel like someone we would know, or at the very least, someone we wish we knew.

Colleen and her match making ways was so exception. I knew there was a great story about her and I wasn't wrong. I loved every single minute of her journey back to Lucas.

And oh yes, let's talk about Lucas. If Higgins does heroines well, it is nothing compared to her heroes. Drool worthy they are. Kind, but sometimes gruff, handsome, charming and every bit the kind of guy you can imagine yourself with and fall in love with, in fact you do fall in love with them. Their story, their background and their inner goodness.

This one will be a fav of mine for sure and one that I can easily see myself reading again in the future.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Now this is the kind of romance I could swallow whole in a single afternoon. Higgins always delivers feel good romances, and I love the sound of this one. I think I have read one of the Heron Bay books and I love that they work as standalone.

  2. Yet another author I need to try Ali! I've heard amazing things about her books, and given that her heroes and heroines are equally appealing, I'm simply going to have to pick one of her books up. Love a book destined for the reread shelf!

    1. I hope you do give her a try Jenny, I don't think you will be disappointed at all.

  3. Well you convinced me! I love small towns and great characters. I wasn't drawn to her books before but you changed my mind!

  4. ha! no wonder you bought her up last night :D I want to read book 2 before I read this one but I liked Colleen so I am so curious!

    1. LOL! Yeah she is my very favorite contemporary writer I think. I just love the humor and how real all her characters are.

  5. I just love your review. I am going to have to read this. It sounds like my kind of book.

  6. Awwww!! This sounds like it belongs on my must-read list. Well, at least the 1st book does ... for now. I haven't read any Higgins, but perhaps it's time I did!

  7. Why oh Why must you add more books to my ever growing TBR list...hehehe! Great review. Sounds fantastic!
