Monday, May 26, 2014

Release Day Blitz and Giveaway: Not Until Tonight by Jessica Sankiewicz

Welcome to the Not Until Tonight by Jessica Sankiewicz release day blitz!

Title: Not Until Tonight Author: Jessica Sankiewicz Series: This Night Novella Genre: New Adult Contemporary Release Date: May 26th 2014 Add to your Goodreads shelf Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords
Every day after work, Haley goes to the bar across the street from her apartment to get a drink. It's the only time she gets to see Skylar, her bartender and crush. She would like to get to know him as more than a friend but she's afraid he won't be interested and she'll have to go elsewhere for her after work drink. When Skylar asks Haley to pretend to be his girlfriend for a night, she is more than happy to oblige. She finally has the chance to make something happen without risking anything. But pretending proves to be more difficult than she thought. She's not sure she can resist the pull any longer with her feelings growing stronger, and it seems like Skylar is feeling the same way. At the end of the night, will they be willing to turn a fake relationship into a real one?
About the author

Jessica Sankiewicz is the author of the New Adult novella series, This Night. You can often find her either reading or marathon watching TV on DVD, her favorites being Castle and Veronica Mars. She frequently mismatches her clothes and giggles uncontrollably. She knows almost every Billy Joel song by heart. She collects books and toys, and she has an intense love of cats and lemurs. Jessica decided when she turned 27 that she would remain 27 forever. Currently in the midst of her quarter-life-crisis, she is still takin' names and getting very close to reaching an epiphany.
Follow Jessica on
“Speaking of which, what was that all about? he asks me.
I think...I think he was just trying to present a solution to your problem.” A solution to both the problems at hand.
Yeah, probably. He half smiles. I'm just sorry he had to go and put you on the spot like that.
Oh, that was no biggie. I just happened to be the closest girl to the conversation. More like, the closest girl intentionally put on the spot to begin with. I wave it off. Besides, I would be fine with helping you out of a jam.
Something changes in his eyes at hearing this. “You would?
Of course. We're friends. I pop a fry in my mouth and smile.
He stares curiously at me. Are you saying you would help me?
Yeah, I would. I look back down at my fries and pick up another.
With this?
My head snaps up. Wait...what are you thinking?
He touches a finger to his lips. Maybe...just maybe...Tyler could be on to something.
And what would that be?
He steps forward and takes my free hand in his. “Pretend to be my girlfriend, Haley.”

ONE Prize pack: Notebook, Chocolate, Book Swag, and an E-book copy of Not Until Tonight
TWO signed postcards
~Open Internationally~
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for participating in the blitz! :)

  2. That excerpt is downright mischievous! Thanks for sharing, and for the chance to win! There's nothing like free books to help make my Monday suck less. LOL

  3. Hah, pretend girlfriend boyfriend huh? There's always something about farces like this that are very interesting and intriguing. I may check this out, thanks, love!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  4. Oooh, fun excerpt! Pretending to be boyfriend + girlfriend= fun mischief!

  5. Love the cover of this one-another one going on the TBR list :)

  6. Hee. It seems like the fake-dating premise seems to be following me around now! I do seem to be enjoying it more though, so this sounds like it could be fun. Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. This really was a fun read and I do love that premises, it really does always lead to trouble.

  7. The idea for the novel sounds hilarious. I think being asked to pretend to be the girlfriend of the guy you liked would be pretty fun for any girl :p

    1. Definitely as long as it all worked out well in the end.

  8. Oh it's nice, I didn't know this one I confess but I love the cover! Thanks for sharing!

  9. That cover is so super cute :)

    1. Doesn't the guy kind of look like Pattinson?

  10. Thanks for sharing the excerpt and introducing me to this!
