Saturday, May 17, 2014

Review: Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

Title: Wallbanger
Author: Alice Clayton
Series: Book One in the Cocktail Series
Published By: Simon and Schuster (February 14, 2013)
Source: Purchased
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Caroline Reynolds has a fantastic new apartment in San Francisco, a Kitchen Aid mixer to die for, and no O (and we’re not talking Oprah here, folks). She has a flourishing design career, an office overlooking the bay, a killer zucchini bread recipe, and no O. She has Clive (the best cat ever), great friends, a great rack, and no O. Adding insult to O-less, she also has an oversexed neighbor with the loudest late-night wallbanging she’s ever heard. Every moan, spank, and—was that a meow?—punctuates the fact that not only is she losing sleep, she still has—yep, you guessed it—no O. Enter Simon Parker. When the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. Their late-night hallway encounter has…well…mixed results. Because with walls this thin, the tension’s gonna be thick. A delicious mix of silly and steamy, this is an irresistible tale of exasperation at first sight.

I had my doubts about this one going into it. I thought it would be too over the top for me, too steamy and quite frankly to erotic. All innuendos, “O” moments and wall banging aside, this was so darn funny. Laugh out loud and make people around you look at you weird, funny.

Oh my heck I love Caroline and Simon. 

Oh Ms. Clayton you know how to write one heck of a swoon worthy man. I might be a little bit in love with Simon..just a little bit.

All I am really going to say about this one is that while yes there is some dirty talk and a little bit of steam, really this is just more of a fun and humorous read  than it is anything else. It has all the tropes I love in a really good contemporary, including the whole friends to lovers thing that is such a must for me, great friends and secondary characters and that happily ever after we all crave in a romance. 

Don't let this one pass you buy or the description throw you for a loop, this is so worth the read, the fun you will have while reading this and those laugh out loud moments, not to mention the ones that will make you sigh and melt you into a puddle of goo are so worth it. 

I wouldn't hesitate to pick up another book from this author in the future because of this one and it really does deserve all the hype that is going on about it.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Great review. I do want to read this one; it sounds fantastic. I like that it has a lot of humor!

    1. It was so funny! The humor made this story for sure.

  2. I rated this book four stars too :)

  3. The blurb sounds interesting and I'm glad you enjoy it :)
    It also has a funny title (at least for me it is)
    Great review :)


    1. The title makes sense when you start the story. :P

  4. Yay glad you enjoyed this! I've been wanting to read the 2nd book lately but have others to read before I can.

    1. I really want to make time for it soon as well.

  5. It's nice to see that despite what you thought you had a great time. I have the same idea when I read the synopsis so it's interesting to know that I would have made a mistake.

    1. Don't get me wrong it isn't a clean read but it sin't as bad as it sounded either. ;)

  6. It was really funny! I wasn't quite as in love with it as I expected though. I found myself skimming some parts. But all the wallbanging and meowing had me giggling.

  7. I remember reading this when it was fan fiction, and yeah, it's hilarious! I'm glad you loved it. :)

    1. That is funny because I had no idea it was fanfiction!

  8. I pretty much agree with what you said. I listened to the audiobook and it was hilarious but it was VERY vocal, like the narrator REALLY did the sounds 100% which made me blush and turn down the volume on my headphones, lol. But it was pretty excellent.

    1. Oh dear I bet that would have made me blush as well Candace!

  9. Great review! I love it when books make me laugh. Laughing is my favorite.

    1. Same here!! I am starting to like and look for them more and more.

  10. Okay, you are right. I probably never would have picked it up just because of the name...but your review makes it sound fantastic. I'm so confused ;)

    1. It does have naughty parts Becca but yeah, so darn funny.

  11. I've been kind of on the fence about this one to, but you've convinced me to grab it. I love a funny book and this sounds right up my alley.

    1. I think you will really like this one Ellen. ;)

  12. Haha, to be honest, that cover screams sex and erotica, so I was a bit wary of it at first and couldn't really believe it has a funny and humorous side. I definitely want some of that laughter you got from reading this book! I'll try to get a copy of this sneakily.. not sure what the 'rents would say if they find me reading this LOL!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

    1. It really isn't that bad I promise and defintiely not erotica!

  13. LOVED this book. Alice Clayton is freaking hilarious. Glad you liked it too ;)

    1. So glad you loved it too, it really is funny.

  14. I really think a lot of people were. Glad you gave this one a go as well, it really is worth it and now I want to read the whole series.
