Monday, December 15, 2014

Review: Nocte by Courtney Cole

Title: Nocte
Author: Courtney Cole
Series: Book One in the Nocte Trilogy
Published By: Lakewood Press (November 3, 2014)
Source: Purchased
Genre: NA Thriller
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Save me and I'll save you...

My name is Calla Price. I’m eighteen years old, and I’m one half of a whole.
My other half-- my twin brother, my Finn-- is crazy. 

I love him. More than life, more than anything. And even though I’m terrified he’ll suck me down with him, no one can save him but me.

I’m doing all I can to stay afloat in a sea of insanity, but I’m drowning more and more each day. So I reach out for a lifeline. 

Dare DuBray. 

He’s my savior and my anti-Christ. His arms are where I feel safe, where I’m afraid, where I belong, where I’m lost. He will heal me, break me, love me and hate me. 

He has the power to destroy me. 

Maybe that’s ok. Because I can’t seem to save Finn and love Dare without everyone getting hurt. 

Why? Because of a secret. 

A secret I’m so busy trying to figure out, that I never see it coming. 

You won’t either. 

Wow, just, wow.

I have always loved Cole's work but this, this was undeniably her best novel yet.

This truly blew me away. It messed with my head and my heart and everything in between.

I can't even go into any detail but this was an amazing read and I want book two now, like now now, more so than I think I have ever wanted a second book to be here.

Calla, Finn, Dare, I love them all. This is one of those stories that makes it impossible to pick anything else up afterward because you need time to process and because most of all, whatever you pick up next won't even come close to comparing to it.

This was quite the roller coaster, twisty, turning, stomach heaving, ride and I soaked it up, threw my hands in the air, let go and enjoyed the rush. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I haven't read any thing by this author but I have heard a lot about her stories. This one sounds really interesting and I love roller coasters!!! I hope to read it soon. Great review :)

  2. I love a book that can mess with your head!

    1. I really do too, they can be so much fun, which I know sounds weird but it's true!

  3. From your review I gather that the inside of this book was just as beautiful as the cover. I keep thinking it's paranormal, but it's not. Ah, how I love a twisty turvy read!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    1. I was thinking the same thing! But nope, not paranormal. ;)

  4. Ooooo color me intrigued Ali! I like how vague you were in this review, it's made me want to buy this immediately and dive in:) Plus, that cover is gorgeous, love the bright pop of color!

  5. Your review is all mysterious, Ali! Good job in making me want to read this! Haha! You're very bad for my wallet and bank account. I'm really curious about this book though. I think I would really enjoy it and I want to meet these characters.
    Lovely review! :)

    1. I know, the hazard of visiting blogs for sure. ;)
      I do hope you end up getting this one though, it is worth it!

  6. I'm very curious now with "This was quite the roller coaster, twisty, turning, stomach heaving, ride!" I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and the author is one I haven't tried yet so thanks! :)

  7. Wow love the storyline and your review Kindlemom

  8. That synopsis just calls to me, and I love how this has left you. When a book gets in my head it is amazing.

  9. Wow I haven't read anything by Courtney Cole but sounds like I really need to pick this one up!

  10. That blurb makes me so curious! Yeah hard to review without spoiling anything. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Must make for a bad book hangover though. Does it end to be continued or was it just that good?

    1. Nope it needs to be continued! The torture of waiting. ;)

  11. Sounds like a fantastic read and I LOVE that cover! I'll have to check this one out.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  12. I've never read one of her books, but I defintiely will after such a glowing recommendation. And I love stories about twins.

  13. Try it, try it, try it. If you don't I will send Christy over to knock some sense into you. :P

  14. I read somewhere this got taken off Amazon for a while. I wonder if its a tech issue.or something else... everyone is loving this, I'm so curious but I cant take on any more books at this point!

    1. This images weren't showing up in it so they might have taken it down and fixed it.

  15. It sounds amazing! Dang. Great review!

  16. Isn't the second book here YET? Seriously, c'mon, I need to get back to making predictions. lol.

    1. And you are so good at them! You suck. :P

      Seriously it can't get here fast enough!

  17. Oh it's great that it's the best you've read from the author, I alxays like a good surprises like that. I don't think I knew about it but I'm so in love with the cover!

  18. Okay, I need to get on this. I've read several fantastic reviews for this book, so I'm glad all the hoopla's warranted. :)

  19. I have such intense cover love for this book! I am beyond happy to hear that the story is so good as well. I will definitely be getting my hands on this as soon as I can.

    1. Yay happy to hear that because I think you are going to love this one!

  20. I haven't read this author, but wow, you've convinced me about this one!

  21. I haven't heard of this book or author but you make me want to go check it out. I hate when a book ends and you know you are going to have to wait, But still, I am going to go look for it..thanks for sharing :)

    1. So happy to hear that and thankfully the wait isn't too long for the next one.

  22. This sounds amazing! I always love hearing that a book has you craving the next book immediately. I need to read this! Lovely review :-)

  23. I think I picked this one up myself, there was just so many beautiful reviews for this one.

    1. Oh I can't wait to see what you think about it!
