Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Blog Tour Book Review and Giveaway: Suddenly Last Summer by Sarah Morgan

I am excited to bring to you today my stop for the Suddenly Last Summer Blog Tour!

Series: Book Two in the O'Neil Brothers
Published By: Harelquin (June 24, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Tour Host

Book Description:
Fiery French chef Élise Philippe is having a seriously bad day. Not only have the opening day plans for her beloved café fallen apart, but Sean O'Neil is back in town, and looking more delectable than ever. Last summer, they shared an electrifying night together…and the memories have Élise really struggling to stick to her one-night-only rule! Her head knows that eventually Sean will be leaving, so all she can do is try to ignore her heart before she spontaneously combusts with lust. 

Being back in Vermont—even temporarily—is surgeon Sean O'Neil's worst nightmare. For Sean, returning home to the Snow Crystal Resort means being forced to confront the reasons and the guilt he feels about rejecting his family's rural lifestyle years ago. But discovering that Élise has settled in Vermont and still sets his blood racing is a very welcome distraction! Thinking he can persuade her into a replay of last summer is tempting, but remembering how good they are together is going to make walking away more difficult than he could imagine…

About the Author:

USA Today bestselling author Sarah Morgan writes hot, happy contemporary romance and her trademark humour and sensuality have gained her fans across the globe. She has been nominated four years in succession for the prestigious RITA© Award from the Romance Writers of America and has won the award twice, in 2012 and 2013. She also won the RT Reviewers' Choice Award in 2012 and has made numerous appearances in their 'Top Pick' slot. 

Sarah lives near London, and when she isn't reading or writing she loves being outdoors, preferably on vacation so she can forget the house needs tidying. 

I have a confession to make, I had no idea this was a second book in a series, which knowing I read them out of order, normally would have driven me nuts and I would have felt lost and confused. Thankfully this acted as a stand alone so no irritation or confusion all, which, let me tell you, was so nice! 

This was such a cute read. It has everything I look for in a good romance. Sweet moments, frustrating moments, relatable characters, tension (sexual and nonsexual) and a great setting.

Sean wasn't an easy character to love at first, in fact I had to warm up to him but, once I did and I understood him better, look out because I really liked him and felt for him.

I can see why so many people are drawn to Morgan's writing and characters and even to this series. Not only do we get romance but a wonderful loving family dynamic as well in the O'Neil household. You can feel their love, respect, caring, and friendship with one another and I absolutely ate it up. I adored the grandpa and wanted more of him. The whole family was wonderful as a whole and I love that we really get so much more than Sean and Elise's story in this, that we really get a whole family and all that comes with it. Chaos, love, arguments, worry, butting into everyone's business, and all those other glorious (but sometimes eye rolling) events.

This truly was a quick heartfelt read and I really enjoyed it. I can say with certainly that I would look this author up again in the future.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by an outside source. I was not compensated for this review.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Great review! I wanted to do this tour, but I just didn't have time to get the book read. It sounds great. I'll have to pick it up.

  2. OOH great post It was one of my favorites too, I also have a blog post/giveaway/review of Sarah's book if you'd like to see it-

    1. I am so glad you tried this one as well Debbie!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop!

  4. I bet you would love this right now Heidi. <3

  5. I'm always on the lookout for cute romance reads and while I've never heard of these books or author before, I'm definitely curious. On to my TBR it goes! :)

  6. Sometimes I wish I wasn't an impulsive checker of things like that! So i could enjoy something without realizing it wasn't the first in a series. I once accidentally read the Holly Black Tithe books out of order and still loved them. So sometimes it's totally possible.

    1. It can be but yeah, I usually like to read all of them as well but this was still just fine without having done so.

  7. I've seen several great reviews for this, Ali! It sounds wonderful, filled with romance and tension like I like. I'm adding this to my wish list for sure :)

  8. I haven't heard of this one, but I love the fact that I can read it without reading the previous one first. It sounds so cute and perfect for the summer. Great review, Ali :)

  9. really wanted to read this series of hers, heard that the first one was so cute but.. time :( need time

    1. I think that is the life of a reviewer, not enough time too read all the wonderful books out there.

  10. this looks like a lot of fun :) Your review definitely confirmed that! Thanks for sharing!

  11. This sounds like a good book :) I like quick and I like heartfelt. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Then you will really like this one Natalie. :)

  12. I love the name of the book!!! I just added all of them to my TBR pile...Ugh, it's growing every single day :)

  13. Awwww, I can't join because I'm not from the US!!! :( In any case, I love it when a series is episodic. Like you can just pick book number 4 and you won't be left clueless because it's a whole new plot altogether. I like those stuff the most because it measn I won't need to read 1234 books before reading the one I liked. And yay for family dynamics! Those are seriously the best, and I feel like meeting the grandpa especially since both my grandfathers were dead before I was ever born :( Awesome review, love!!

    Faye at The Social Potato Reviews

  14. I adore this series. You need to go back and read Sleigh Bells in the was wonderful!

  15. Great review! Straight up contemporary isn't one of my standard genres, so I need the extra stuff--fun, caring family dynamics, etc.--to get me interested in reading something like this if it's not one of my well-loved, fall back authors/series. Thanks for putting this one on my watchlist ;)

    1. I think you would really like this one then Jessica!

  16. Brilliant review! This book looks like a great read, I definitely need to keep an eye out for it. Might have to start with the first book though, I am OCD about reading series in order, haha.

    1. I usually am too but this time it didn't bother me so much. ;)

  17. I am so guilty of that as well. And even when books are standalones, I like to read the series in order. But I have read a couple later standalones in a series and have enjoyed them.

    Great review!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs
