Monday, July 21, 2014

Review: Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto

Title: Ghost House
Author: Alexandra Adornetto
Series: Book One in the Ghost House Saga
Published By: Harlequin Teen (August 26, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 2-2.5 Stars

Book Description:
From the New York Times bestselling author of Halo comes the start of a beautiful and powerful new series.

After the loss of her mother, Chloe Kennedy starts seeing the ghosts that haunted her as a young girl again. Spending time at her grandmother's country estate in the south of England is her chance to get away from her grief and the spirits that haunt her. Until she meets a mysterious stranger…

Alexander Reade is 157 years dead, with secrets darker than the lake surrounding Grange Hall and a lifelike presence that draws Chloe more strongly than any ghost before. But the bond between them awakens the vengeful spirit of Alexander's past love, Isobel. And she will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who threatens to take him from her.

To stop Isobel, Chloe must push her developing abilities to their most dangerous limits, even if it means losing Alex forever… and giving the hungry dead a chance to claim her for their own.

Never let it be said that I don't love a good ghost story. It doesn't matter the time of year, season, or whether it is night or day, I love them, sometimes crave them and seek them out every chance I get.

This has all the aspects of a good ghost story, without being so gruesome or frightening it is hard to stomach or will keep you up at night.

It will give you the chills and make you guess, maybe even creep you out at times but it isn't overly done or dramatic. With a setting ripe for the taking and a good haunting to take place, really you can't go wrong with this one.

Except, that it slightly did go wrong. It maybe was a bit too mild at times and the romance had a nasty habit of taking over the storyline and although it had a grand setting fit for a fabulous gothic feel, very little atmosphere was established and set for the story to really take root and thrive.

The story did get more solid as it went but still never lived up to it's expectations.

I can see a younger audience really liking the romance aspect and of course the unforeseeable cliff hanger at the end is sure to draw people back to read the second book simply because they are curious to see where the story will go from there but I don't think I will be one of them. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Oh I'm sorry it wasn't for you, too bad the premises souded great and I also love a ghost story. I think I'll pass...

  2. I hate it when a romance takes over the story line. I prefer my romance to occur more in the sidelines more than anything. It's a shame that this wasn't as scary as you expected. I think I will be skipping this book.
    Great review!

    1. I wouldn't have minded it is the story was just a little bit more with the ghosts I think.

  3. Dang, it's too bad that despite the fabulous gothic feel, Ghost House had very little atmosphere in it. I would have been disappointed also. I mean-it's hard to have ghost minus the spooky atmosphere right? Thanks for the thoughtful review :)

    1. I know and the cliffhanger suggested the atmosphere would be gone in the next book and I just don't see how that will work, but, you never know!

  4. Well shoot Ali! I had high hopes for this one after falling in love with that beautifully eerie cover, it's a shame the story didn't quite meet its potential. And there's a cliffhanger to boot? *sobs* One of these days I'm going to read a paranormal YA without a cliffhanger, I just know it ;-) Thanks for your thoughts!!!

    1. Thanks Jenny! I am sure we will find one some day. ;)

  5. Sometimes cliffhangers are okay I agree and are even necessary. :D

  6. HI Kindlemom, Yeah I'm not a huge fan of YA for the main reason that I just don't think like these youngens anymore :)
    Thanks for the review

    1. It definitely has to be well done that is for sure. :)

  7. NOES, the romance should be a side dish. I had this on my wishlist..but nope not anymore. So sorry this one fell flat for you Ali

    1. That is okay Kim, it does happen, especially in this genre for some reason.

  8. I saw this one on Goodreads but wasn't sure if I would like it. I will probably pass on it... and cliff hangers :( Thanks for the review!

  9. Oh no, that's not good news! I was looking forward to this one. Since I have a review copy I'll be reading it, but my expectations will definitely be lowered. Thanks for the honest review!

    1. Maybe if they are lower, you will like it more. ;)

  10. Ghost stories are usually hit or miss with me. This one sounds interesting but like you said it seems to be more for younger readers. Great review, Ali :)

  11. I hate it when books categorized as a certain genre like (horror, fantasy thrillers) get sidetracked with the romance and it eventually takes over the storyline. If I want to read romance, I would read a book that is labeled as one. I'm sorry this didn't work out for you Kindlemom, I hope hat your next read is bette! :)

    1. Thanks Amir, it is disappointing when that happens and I do like my romance but when I want a good thriller, I expect just that and this just didn't deliver.

  12. I love ghost stories and the plot of this one sounds awesome. As an old friend of mine once said, though, it sounds like "the plot doesn't live up to the promise of its premise!" That happens all too often, sadly.

  13. Oh, bummer, I saw the ARC of this one and thought it looked good, but the YA tempered my enthusiasm, sigh. I see I had the right instincts...

    1. Glad you didn't get it then, I doubt you would have liked it if you already had reservations about it. ;)

  14. Thank god I passed up on this!

    I loved the first two books of her Angel series then the last one just failed! And the worst part is, it's the season ender! Gosh, I think I gave that one a sad 1 cauldron rating.

    So I feel your pain a bit, I'm disappointed coz it seems her writing has lost its magic somewhat.

    1. There is nothing worse than a series you love having an ending that is just crap! Makes me glad I didn't start it.

  15. I had no idea it had such bad reviews. :(

  16. *yawn* Too bad it wasn't all that great. It does make it easy for me to pass up though. :)

  17. I'm sorry this didn't live up to your expectations. Sad because it sounds and looks promising too!

    Dea @ Teen Readers' Diary

  18. I'm sorry this one just wasn't for you and that it didnt seem to satisfy that ghost story crave you have!

  19. Huh. Sorry this one didn't turn out that great for you. It does have an interesting premise, but I don't know if this one is for me. I haven't read a ghost story yet, but I have a few lined up! Thank you for your review!

  20. Bummer....I saw the cover and thought "I NEED THIS ONE"....then I read the review...and I think I am on the fence about it ;). Great review though. Thanks for the honest review!!!

  21. Great review. I had seen this one on a few blogs and been slightly tempted but it doesn't sound like it's for me. It doesn't have the kind of romance that I'd enjoy either - which is bad if that then takes over the story quite a lot.

    1. Yeah the romance felt a little forced in this and not swoon worthy at all.

  22. Sorry this one wasn't better. I don't think I'll be reading it. I appreciate your honest review.
