Author: Ilona Andrews
Series: Book Three in the Hidden Legacy Trilogy
Published By: Avon (July 25, 2017)
Source: ARC Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Stars!
Book Description:
Just when Nevada Baylor has finally come to accept the depths of her magical powers, she also realizes she’s fallen in love. Connor “Mad” Rogan is in many ways her equal when it comes to magic, but she’s completely out of her elements when it comes to her feelings for him. To make matters more complicated, an old flame comes back into Rogan’s life…
Rogan knows there’s nothing between him and his ex-fiance, Rynda Sherwood. But as Nevada begins to learn more about her past, her power, and her potential future, he knows she will be faced with choices she never dreamed of and the promise of a life spent without him.
As Nevada and Rogan race to discover the whereabouts of Rynda’s kidnapped husband and are forced to confront Nevada’s grandmother, who may or may not have evil motives, these two people must decide if they can trust in each other or allow everything to go up in smoke.
It is so hard going into what you know will be the last book in a series. You want to both devour the sucker and take your time and make it last forever.
This series was one that, from the moment I picked up book two, so was very thankful that I had book two and three, because I needed more. It was so addicting in all it's Rogan and Nevada goodness that I just couldn't help myself.
I don't want to go into any of the details but I will say that Nevada is even more kick butt as she slowly discovers what she can do and is capable of while still trying to stay the person that she is and being able to take care of her family and still have Rogan be a part of her's as well as dealing with all that her magic entails. She is one feisty kick butt heroine that is full of duty and full of heart and I adored her throughout this whole series. She has stayed constant and true to who she is no matter what the circumstances.
And Rogan has of course, continues to be, well Rogan with maybe just a little bit more softness around the edges but still as strong and tough as ever. I loved seeing a bit more of a softer side to him ever now and then, it was nice but still made him ever bit of the bad a$& that we've come to know and love.
I loved how this ended. That while it was a conclusion to the story line, it was also a new beginning and yes, there is a part of me, maybe even a big part of me, that hopes that slightly open new beginning ending, could lead somewhere down the road to a continuation of the series.
Wonderfully written, plotted, and executed, this was a series worth waiting for.
*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*