Monday, December 28, 2015

Blurb Blitz and Giveaway: A Curse Unbroken by Cecy Robson

Anyone who knows me knows how much I adore Cecy's writing and in particular the Weird Girls Series, it is one of my most favorite UF series out there and this week only to celebrate Of Flame and Promise, the next book in the series, the first book, A Curse Unbroken is on sale for only $.99, which, let me tell you, is a steal!

So don't miss this opportunity to pick up this amazing book!

You can see my review for it HERE!

* * 99 cents Limited Time SALE * *

Penguin Random House buy link:


Fans of Keri Arthur will love the Weird Girls, four sisters cursed with supernatural powers. In Cecy Robson’s latest urban fantasy romance, the search is on for an unholy grail, while evil is licking its wounds—and looking for revenge.

The preternatural world is changing. After a massive magical throwdown tore apart the established order, the dark elements are rebuilding their ranks unopposed. Celia Wird’s world is changing, too. She’s the mate of the pureblood were Aric, and his Warriors are honor-bound to protect her family as she and her sisters recover from unimaginable horrors.

Celia hesitates to reveal the true extent of the Wird sisters’ trauma, but they aren’t the only ones keeping secrets: Aric and the werewolf Elders are tracking a stone that grants limitless power. So is a tough coven of witches. Then Misha, a master vampire with his own plans for the stone, sends Celia after it. Can she and the vamps beat both the weres and the witches to the treasure before it falls into the wrong hands?

Fearing for Celia’s safety, Aric begs her to stay out of the hunt. What they don’t realize is that they’re the ones being hunted. But Celia’s ready to prove that she’s not easy prey.

Barnes & Noble:

BooksA Million:

Google Play Store:

About the Author:

CECY ROBSON is the New Adult and Contemporary author of the Shattered Past series, the O’Brien Family novels, and the award winning author of the Weird Girls Urban Fantasy Romance series. A self-proclaimed professional napper, Cecy counts among her talents a jaw-dropping knowledge of useless trivia, the ability to make her hair big, and a knack for breaking into song, despite her family’s vehement protests. A full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the South, Cecy enjoys spending time with her family and silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.

Release Date:  January 12, 2015

Read my review HERE!

Book Description:

Cursed by a spell meant to destroy them, Taran Wird and her sisters instead developed unique magical talents. With the power of fire and lightning literally at her fingertips, Taran doesn’t fear much. Demons, vamps, whatever—bring ’em on! Only one thing terrifies her: commitment.

Taran is crazy about her boyfriend, Gemini, a sexy were with the incredible ability to split into two separate wolves. But after watching her sister go through heartbreak with the pack’s Alpha, Taran knows not to count on happily ever after—despite Gemini’s desire to claim her as his mate. Reluctantly, she agrees to meet his very traditional and conservative parents. Taran’s a badass with a mouth to match, and Gemini loves her for it. She’s just not positive these attributes will please Mom and Dad.

Unsurprisingly, every attempt by Taran to bond with Gemini’s folks proves disastrous. But in the end, Taran finds that winning them over means unleashing her powers . . . and proving that this foul-mouthed fire-starter is a force to be reckoned with.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, December 18, 2015

Happy Holidays To You From Me A Bit Early This Year!!

I know it is a bit early to be posting this since Christmas is still a week away but after careful thought and deliberation I have decided to take a blogging break during the holidays.

It is always so hectic with parties, last minute gift buying, cookie baking, and present wrapping (not to mention having my kids home all day long) that I think it will be easier and less stressful for me and more than likely my whole household if I take a two week break while the holidays are in full swing. 

Plus, I really want to focus on my family this time of year because they are after all, what matters most.  :D

I wanted to take a moment though to stop and say thank you to everyone I consider a friend (which is ALL of you!!). You guys mean so much to me and I truly hope you all have a wonderful holiday season in whatever way you do (or maybe don't) celebrate. 

But most importantly, I want you all to stay safe, eat lots of goodies, and most of all have fun!

I hope you all get something exciting and bookish this Christmas and since I won't be around New Years Eve either, stay safe, be smart, and have fun!!

(a big thanks to and and for the images)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Review: The Killing Jar by Jennifer Bosworth

Title: The Killing Jar
Author: Jennifer Bosworth
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Ferrar, Straus, and Giroux (January 12, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
“I try not to think about it, what I did to that boy.”

Seventeen-year-old Kenna Marsden has a secret. 

She’s haunted by a violent tragedy she can’t explain. Kenna’s past has kept people—even her own mother—at a distance for years. Just when she finds a friend who loves her and life begins to improve, she’s plunged into a new nightmare. Her mom and twin sister are attacked, and the dark powers Kenna has struggled to suppress awaken with a vengeance. 

On the heels of the assault, Kenna is exiled to a nearby commune, known as Eclipse, to live with a relative she never knew she had. There, she discovers an extraordinary new way of life as she learns who she really is, and the wonders she’s capable of. For the first time, she starts to feel like she belongs somewhere. That her terrible secret makes her beautiful and strong, not dangerous. But the longer she stays at Eclipse, the more she senses there is something malignant lurking underneath it all. And she begins to suspect that her new family has sinister plans for her…

I've started and restarted this review many times and the truth of the matter is, I have no idea what my complete and finals thoughts are on this book.

It was such a strange and thrilling mix of fantasy, romance, and mystery, let alone the twists and turns and the complete feeling of bizarreness that was this read, and because of the mix, I still can't quite grasp all my emotions on how I feel about it. 

To say it was anything but the norm is an understatement. To say it was slightly dark, mysterious, and unusual is better, but still doesn't grasp all this book as to offer. 

It isn't perfect or even well plotted at times but it still drew me in and made me want to keep reading yet it was down right strange but in a good way that messed with your head just slightly enough to keep you guessing and shaking your head at all the weirdness happening in  Kenna's life and family. 

Do you see my dilemma?

Was this a good read? Yes it was albeit strange and not what I was expecting but as we all know, that isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially in this very saturated genre of sameness. But still unusual but fun.

Overall if you are looking for something completely out there and completely unbelievable but still entertaining because of it, then this is the read for you. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

You guys, I love this weeks pick is a series that took me by surprise with how much I fell in love with it. Trust me, this series is more than a pretty cover, which all of the books have by the way, truly breathtaking every single one of them and, I just can't wait to see how it all ends but sad that it will be ending all at the same time.

Book Description:

Nym and Draewulf prepare to face off in a battle destined to destroy more lives than it saves.

With the loss of Tulla still fresh in mind, Rasha’s fate unknown, and Lord Myles taken over by the dark ability, Nym and the few Bron soldiers rush to warn Cashlin’s queen. Only to discover it may already be too late for the monarch and her eerie kingdom. As the Luminescents are sifting through Nym’s past memories and the queen is reading into her future, Nym is given a choice of how to defeat Draewulf, but the cost may be more than she can bear. And even then there are no guarantees.

With that reality burrowing into her bones—along with the guilt of the lives she will sacrifice—Nym returns to her homeland of Faelen to raise an army of peasants through promises of freedom. But when the few friends she has left, along with the world and citizens she loves, are staring down the face of a monster and his undead army, will Nym summon every element her blood is capable of controlling . . . or surrender to a different strength—one of sacrifice?

Because in the end, death may be more merciful for them all.

So have you tried this series yet? If so, are you as hooked on it as I am?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Review: Undertow by Toni Holly

Title: Undertow
Author: Toni Holly
Series: Novella
Published By: Pink Gables Publishing (August 11, 2015)
Source: Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars

Book Description:
A hereditary curse 

Tiffany "Tiffy" Schafer is a novice Shaman. Saddled with spook-o-vision on her sixteenth birthday, Tiffy can chat with ghosts and may eventually be able to speak with Nature spirits like her Nana. Instead of vacations and sunbathing, she gets to spend an exciting summer in strict tutelage of how to use her new "gifts." 

A summer of strange disappearances 

After a friend of Tiffy's ex-boyfriend goes missing, the boy returns as a grotesque Merrow: an undead thrall of a water witch. She realizes there's something fishy going on in her coastal town than simple disappearances. 

Caught in the middle of this brewing supernatural battle is the boy Tiffy swore to love forever. The prize: his heart.

Is there ever anything that isn't irresistible about a  good ghost story? If there is, I'm not sure (thankfully) that I've encountered it. 

It truly is hard for me to resist a well written, well plotted ghost story and Ms. Holly reminded me why I haven't given up on indie authors.

Every now and then you come across one that can truly write and entertain and captivate.

I had so much fun with this short little read that I truly didn't want it to be over and I highly look forward to the next. I can see this series becoming something that will be so much fun. 

This was well done and I can't wait for more.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by an outside source. I was not compensated for this review.*

Monday, December 14, 2015

Review: Whatever It Takes by L.E. Bross

Title: Whatever It Takes
Author: L.E. Bross
Series: Book Two in the Second Chances Series
Published By: Pocket Star (December 14, 2015)
Source: An ARC Copy Was Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Tess is burdened with a responsibility she’s not quite sure she can handle, and Ryan is determined to save her from it—if she ever stops pushing him away—in this sexy follow-up to Right Where You Are, the first new adult novel in the captivating Second Chances series.

Tess is a lot of things. Strong. Independent. Determined. Completely overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being her little brother’s caretaker. But she can handle it. She has to. Because there’s no way in hell she’s letting anyone else raise Noah.

Ryan’s happy with a life on cruise control. He has no intention of tying himself down. That road only leads to heartbreak, a lesson he learned the hard way when he was fifteen. So why can’t he stay away from the one woman who broke his heart?

Tess knows exactly why Ryan keeps popping up right when she needs the most help: He’s got a hero complex big enough to save Cinderella. But Tess isn’t that girl, and she refuses to let him be part of her life. Not even when Noah takes a liking to him. Not even when they kind of, maybe, hook up.

Not even when she starts to fall for him…

This is my second read by Bross in almost as many months and I have to say, she knows how to write, sweet, fun, and even emotional reads that are great for a long weekend when you just want to get away without having to leave the comfort of home. 

This book hit me in the feels. It was so hard not to fall in love with all of them, sweet little Noah, good hearted Ryan and hard working, loyal Tess, I even liked grumpy Pops, all the characters were just so much fun and so darn endearing. 

I connected right from the beginning with Tess and Noah and knew that after what their father put them through and was still trying to put them through, I wanted to see them get their happily ever after, desperately. 

And of course that is where Ryan walks in. He too was an amazing character, swoon worthy, loyal, and just downright good. It is hard not to fall in love with a man that takes care of his pops and loves kids as much as he did plus, okay, I'm a sucker for these type of romances. The slow burn we were once lovers and now are something else romances. 

And of course the added bonus was getting to see Avery and Seth from the first book. I truly love it when authors give us that peek into characters from other books, it is just so much fun and so nice to see where they are and what is going on with them and hoping they are still getting their HEA as well. 

Overall this was a fast read that I quickly devoured in just a few hours that is full of all of the good stuff romance junkies like me adore and crave.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Promotional Post and Review: It's Not What You Say, It's The Way You Say It by Michael Parker

Today I'm bringing you a very different kind of read from my normal every day read. When I received this in the mail I honestly wasn't very interested in it, I mean, I don't read this genre, so I wasn't even sure why it was sent to me but, curiosity got the better of me and I started to flip through it.

I have to say, I found this really interesting. There were cute little illustrations that went along with the writing and overall, this was kind of a fun read and very much informative. I think for anyone interested in this type of thing, they would really enjoy it and find some very helpful tips and hints.

So, today, I'm going to share an excerpt with you and maybe, just maybe you will take the time to pick this up too and see what it has to offer as well. 

Published By: Vermillion (December 4, 2014)

Book Description:

No matter what your speaking challenge is, this inspirational, cleverly illustrated book will ensure you perform with passion, power and persuasion; at your very best.

Whether you are chasing a job, planning a pitch, giving a speech at a wedding, presenting to one or one thousand people, you’ll discover how to:

-Use the rule of three to win any audience over

-Prepare so you can be yourself – but better

-Embrace the unknown and conquer any fear

Capturing a life time’s work in the art of persuasive communication, this powerful book reveals the principles, tools and tricks to help you become a courageous, memorable, stand-out speaker.


Michael Parker is the author of IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY: How to Sell Your Message When It Matters Most and a former Vice-Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi London, who now coaches private clients on their pitches ( He has taken part in, lead or coached over 1000 pitches, and currently lives in England.


Rhetoric can be defined as the art of persuasion, influencing with words rather than force. Arguably the greatest masters of this art were ancient writers Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. And it was Quintilian, the Roman rhetorician from Spain, who said:

“The whole art of oratory, as the most and greatest writers have taught, consists of five parts: invention, arrangement, style, memory and delivery.”

Each of these elements is as valuable today in creating effective communication as when it was first taught over 2,000 years ago.

1. INVENTIO (invention)

This is the stage of exploring all the possible avenues of what you might say about your subject, keeping the interests of your audience in mind.

From the Latin, invenire (to come upon) and the Greek heuristic (to discover), this phase calls for research and imagination.

The goal is to find an idea that will be the framework of all that follows— an idea that provokes a:


2. DISPOSITIO (arrangement)

This is the process of organizing your arguments for maximum impact. In Greek, the word is taxis—to arrange troops for battle.

There are six main parts of a speech:

i. Exordium, “to prepare the audience in such a way that they will be disposed to lend a ready ear to the rest of the speech.”


ii. Narration, where you set out your issue or your proposition.

iii. Partition, where you summarize the arguments you are about to make. (You’re telling the audience what to expect, making it easier to follow.)

iv. Proof, the arguments in full.

v. Refutation, the destruction of any opposing arguments.

vi. Peroration, a summary of your key points, leading to a forceful conclusion, with an emotional appeal as the lasting impression.

3. ELOCUTIO (style)

This is all about making your audience want to listen to your ideas and your argument. It is about how you do it—the way you come across.

Style is often described as the extraordinary use of language. It should be based in correctness, clarity and appropriateness but enlivened through ornament— an unusual use of language.

Rhetorical questions, clever turns of phrase and surprising figures of speech are all part of this.

Above all, your style must be one that is just right for your audience. You must be seen to speak “their” language (see page 77).

4. MEMORIA (memory)

This is the process of learning and memorizing your speech so you can deliver it without the use of notes. As notepaper was rare, the ancient orators had to memorize their speeches as they held forth in the forum.

Spontaneity, apparent or real, added to their authority, as it does today. Rather than memorizing or reading from a script, the best “spontaneous” solution is to prepare notes to refer to. Assuming you have a reasonable grasp of your content, these need only contain the key headings and signpost words that will keep you on track.

These same signposts, together with considered pauses, will help make you more memorable to your audience, the other aspect of memoria.

5. ACTIO (delivery)

Apparently when Cicero finished speaking, the people said, “How well he spoke,” but when Demosthenes finished they said, “Let’s march!”

When asked what was the most important component in oratory, Demosthenes replied “DELIVERY.” Asked what was second, he responded, “DELIVERY” and, third, “DELIVERY.”

Excerpted from IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY: How to Sell Your Message When It Matters Most by Michael Parker© 2015 by Michael Parker. Tarcher Perigee, Penguin Group USA, Penguin Random House.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Review: Shade Me by Jennifer Brown

Title: Shade Me
Author: Jennifer Brown
Series: Book One in the Nikki Kill Series
Published By: Katherine Tegen Books (January 19, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Mystery/Thriller
My Rating: 3.5-4 Stars

Book Description:
Nikki Kill does not see the world like everyone else. In her eyes, happiness is pink, sadness is a mixture of brown and green, and lies are gray. Thanks to a rare phenomenon called synesthesia, Nikki’s senses overlap, in a way that both comforts and overwhelms her.

Always an outsider, just one ‘D’ shy of flunking out, Nikki’s life is on the fast track to nowhere until the night a mysterious call lights her phone up bright orange—the color of emergencies. It’s the local hospital. They need Nikki to identify a Jane Doe who is barely hanging on to life after a horrible attack.

The victim is Peyton Hollis, a popular girl from Nikki’s school who Nikki hardly knows. One thing is clear: Someone wants Peyton dead. But why? And why was Nikki’s cell the only number in Peyton’s phone?

As she tries to decipher the strange kaleidoscope of clues, Nikki finds herself thrust into the dark, glittering world of the ultra-rich Hollis family, and drawn towards Peyton’s handsome, never-do-well older brother Dru. While Nikki’s colors seem to help her unravel the puzzle, what she can’t see is that she may be falling into a trap. The only truth she can be sure of is that death is a deep, pulsing crimson.

Shade Me is award-winning author Jennifer Brown’s first book in a thrilling suspense series about Nikki Kill. 

It is so nice when you find a YA book that is not only fun but has a totally new, totally fun concept behind it, not to mention an action fueled mystery.

Synesthesia was not new to me but in truth I didn't know a ton about it and this is the first time I can remember reading about it so that was a totally new experience for me and I loved it. 

There were so many good aspects to this story that were interesting and kept me turning the pages. The mystery wasn't totally unpredictable but it was a good one and still kept me guessing at times.

And while I didn't totally love Nikki, she was a bit abrupt, violent, and sometimes impulsive, I still couldn't help but like her. Even when she made some pretty stupid choices, it was hard not feeling for her. The girl has some trust issues and as the story unfolds, it becomes clear why.

I'm so glad this is going to be a series because I really am hoping they delve more into the mystery of her mom's murder in the next book, I just know so much ties into this story and I know they are some things that Nikki has yet to learn about her family.

Overall, this was a pretty solid start to what I think will be a pretty fun, different, and somewhat original series.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review*

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Review: The Forgotten Room by Karen White, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig

Title: The Forgotten Room
Author(s): Karen White, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: NAL (January 19, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Contemporary
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
New York Times bestselling authors Karen White, Beatriz Williams, and Lauren Willig present a masterful collaboration—a rich, multigenerational novel of love and loss that spans half a century....

1945: When the critically wounded Captain Cooper Ravenal is brought to a private hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, young Dr. Kate Schuyler is drawn into a complex mystery that connects three generations of women in her family to a single extraordinary room in a Gilded Age mansion.

Who is the woman in Captain Ravenel's portrait miniature who looks so much like Kate?  And why is she wearing the ruby pendant handed down to Kate by her mother?  In their pursuit of answers, they find themselves drawn into the turbulent stories of Gilded Age Olive Van Alen, driven from riches to rags, who hired out as a servant in the very house her father designed, and Jazz Age Lucy Young, who came from Brooklyn to Manhattan in pursuit of the father she had never known.  But are Kate and Cooper ready for the secrets that will be revealed in the Forgotten Room? 

The Forgotten Room, set in alternating time periods, is a sumptuous feast of a novel brought to vivid life by three brilliant storytellers. 

It isn't often that three point of views, in three different eras, are seamlessly woven together and so well done that it really is breathtaking but the authors of the Forgotten Room, not only pulled it off, but mastered it.

Beautifully detailed, spoken and interwoven, the tale of Olive, Lucy, and Kate was one I soon won't be forgetting. Foreshadowed, mysterious, and lovingly laid out, these three women all with different, strong, and determined voices, couldn't have been presented better. 

Each lovable, endearing, and completely relatable, it was hard to choose a favorite any more than I could have chosen a favorite hero from each section.

Beautifully detailed, told, and unfolded, this really was so well done and has a story line that will stick with you long after the book has been put down. I couldn't get enough of The Forgotten Room and it truly took me by surprise with how much I not only connected with it but savored and enjoyed it.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

This weeks pick was an easy one, I loved the first book in the series and am hoping like heck Katie pulls through again with another outstanding read, not that I doubt her ability to do so. ;) 

Book Description:

One moment of recklessness will change their worlds 

Smart. Responsible. That's seventeen-year-old Breanna's role in her large family, and heaven forbid she put a toe out of line. Until one night of shockingly un-Breanna-like behavior puts her into a vicious cyber-bully's line of fire—and brings fellow senior Thomas "Razor" Turner into her life. 

Razor lives for the Reign of Terror motorcycle club, and good girls like Breanna just don't belong. But when he learns she's being blackmailed over a compromising picture of the two of them—a picture that turns one unexpected and beautiful moment into ugliness—he knows it's time to step outside the rules. 

And so they make a pact: he'll help her track down her blackmailer, and in return she'll help him seek answers to the mystery that's haunted him—one that not even his club brothers have been willing to discuss. But the more time they spend together, the more their feelings grow. And suddenly they're both walking the edge of discovering who they really are, what they want, and where they're going from here.