So I would like to say I post a review here every time I read a book but the (very) sad FACT IS I don't, even when that book is fabulous. I do try to post on Goodreads and Amazon (when I remember Amazon) though because I think the author deserves that much but when it comes to here, not so much.
So I thought it might be fun to post those top reads I read this summer that I absolutely loved but didn't get around to posting about here but that definitely deserve some love.
Even though this hasn't been my genre lately, I took a chance and read this, and oh boy, did I love it. Like, love loved it. Seriously read this one, you won't regret it.
And of course because I tried her YA book, I had to look into more of her reads which leaves this series. To imagine, I almost overlooked this series and I don't even know why I did other than the simple fact that book three is so hard to find and very expensive in kindle format but because I loved the first two, I broke down and got a copy anyway. I don't regret it. I still have the last book to read but so far, I have loved them all, even the novella. There is just something about UF that has a family dynamic (even one made up of friends), that I just adore.
This next series is another that I overlooked (silly me) because I loved it too! Seriously, so much fun. Why do I overlook all these fabulous reads?
After having fallen in love with The Bourbon Thief earlier, I had to try something else by this author and her next book, did not disappoint. I love the mystery and drama in these, so much fun.
This next one is labeled as YA but it is more historical and a mystery than anything else. Yes the main characters are teenagers but they don't act like them, maybe because this takes place during WWII? I don't know, either way it was a fun read and took me a little by surprise with it's originality.
I love the In Death series but I'm seriously behind on them. I think the series is over 40 books strong and I haven't even made it to 20 yet but I do love Eve and Roarke and I truly do try to make time for them when I can.
This next series I am deliberately behind on. Why you ask? because I save them for when I really need a laugh. This series never fails to crack me up and put a huge smile on my face, I love them all and it has some of the best fleshed out characters I have ever read. They are all so lovable and memorable. I actually read three of these over the summer, I couldn't help myself I wasn't ready to put the series back down yet. I loved all three of them and was tempted to pick up the next but I resisted, just barely though.
This is one I couldn't resist reading (I actually just read it, so not quite over summer but close). It is a beautifully written ghost story with just the right amount of historic detail (set in the early '20's) and romance to keep me up late turning the pages.
I wasn't too sure about this series but I have yet to read anything by Caine that I haven't really liked so I gave it a chance. Book one was good but book two was even better. So glad I gave it a chance.
So that's it for this summer, at least I think so. I could add so many books over the years that I've read and never reviewed here, it is so shameful but what's a girl to do right? I can't review them all! Well I could but who has time for that some weeks?
So are you guilty of this too, please say you are because if not, I will feel even worse and you don't want that now do you? ;)