Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Blog Tour Book Review: Island of Glass by Nora Roberts

I'm so excited to be a part of the Island of Glass blog tour because not only do I love Nora but, I've loved this trilogy from the very beginning and I couldn't of asked for a better ending to it. Nora's PNRs are always fun but this was definitely a favorite, it is sad to see it end but so satisfying with the way it did end. I strongly urge you to check it out if you haven't yet.

Released Date: December 6, 2016
Published By: Berkley
Book Three in the Guardians Trilogy
(ARC copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.)

Book Description:

The final Guardians Trilogy novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Bay of Sighs and Stars of Fortune.

As the hunt for the Star of Ice leads the six guardians to Ireland, Doyle, the immortal, must face his tragic past. Three centuries ago, he closed off his heart, yet his warrior spirit is still drawn to the wild. And there’s no one more familiar with the wild than Riley—and the wolf within her…

An archaeologist, Riley is no stranger to the coast of Clare, but now she finds herself on unsure footing, targeted by the dark goddess who wants more than the stars, more than the blood of the guardians. While searching through Irish history for clues that will lead them to the final star and the mysterious Island of Glass, Riley must fight her practical nature and admit her sudden attraction to Doyle is more than just a fling. For it is his strength that will sustain her and give her the power to run towards love—and save them all…

About the Author:

Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including The Obsession, The Liar, The Collector, Whiskey Beach and coming in June 2017, Come Sundown. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

I have loved this series from the very first book and even though I have loved them and all its characters, Riley and Doyle's story, was the one I have been most looking forward to and I can say with absolute honesty, that it did not disappoint. It was worth every single moment of waiting to finally be able to get their story and inside their heads. 

Like I mentioned before, I've loved all the characters so far, it is almost impossible not to but I knew that these two rough and tough, slightly jaded and calloused characters were going to be the real heart of the story and I wasn't wrong. I absolutely loved finally getting, not only, their backstories and history, but what they were really thinking and feeling about their mission, their role in it, and of course, each other. Plus as an extra bonus, we still got all the characters that we've already fallen in love with and this just made me love them even more as well. 

This was such a great conclusion to the series, full of twists and turn and surprises and tender moments as well as lots of the action we love, this very well might be one of my most favorite ones by Roberts yet. It is definitely one that will stick with me and I won't soon be forgetting.  

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I totally missed this series, Ali! Sounds good, I need to check it out further. You always manage to bring to my attention interesting books.

    1. Thanks Ksenia and hopefully some of them you will like as well. ;)

  2. OK I still have read Nora Roberts but I like the sound of this and knowing it ends strong is such a plus for me. Great review!

    1. It's funny because I love her PNRs but I struggle with her straight up romances. Definitely try her though and this series, they really are a lot of fun.

  3. I'll have to try her out again. I LOVE her JD Robb ones but have had trouble with the Roberts ones. I want to love them so bad!

    1. I do too Anna except for her PNRs, I do love her In Death series, it's a favorite!

  4. Ok I have officially been living under a rock. I haven't read any of them. Time to visit my amazon page LOL
    Thanks Kindlemom your review makes me really want to read this trilogy!

    1. Glad I could tell you about it! Definitely check it out Debbie, they are fantastic, Kim loves them as well. ;)

  5. Sweet. This is on my secret Santa list, so I need to wait until I get my gift before buying/reading!

  6. Glad this series ended in a strong note for you! Series finales have been a hit or miss with me lately. :(

    1. Sometimes they really can be hit or miss, more often than not it seems they are misses.

  7. Thank you!! And happy to hear it, I hope you like it!

  8. I haven't read anything by Nora, but I'm so glad to hear this was a nice trilogy and one that ended well.

  9. Ohhh I've wanted to check out this series of hers for a while now and I'm sort of glad it's only a trilogy! I'm glad you loved it, Ali!

    1. It is nice to know it will all be done after three books. ;)

  10. I listened to her The Obsession recently and loved it. I do like her romantic suspense and all of her JD Robb books are great. I have read some of her paranormals as well. Between you and Kimberly, you all make me want to try these. Someday :)

  11. I just picked up the last book (now I have all three) and plan on binge reading them all. This series has me written all over it and I'm so excited to read them soon.

  12. Ooooh twists and turns, me likey. I will add this to my TBR!
