Thursday, August 10, 2017

Review: Love and Other Consolation Prizes by Jamie Ford

Title: Love and Other Consolation Prizes
Author: Jamie Ford
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Ballantine Books (September 12, 2017)
Source: ARC Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Historical Fiction
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
From the bestselling author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet comes a powerful novel, inspired by a true story, about a boy whose life is transformed at Seattle's epic 1909 World's Fair.

For twelve-year-old Ernest Young, a charity student at a boarding school, the chance to go to the World's Fair feels like a gift. But only once he's there, amid the exotic exhibits, fireworks, and Ferris wheels, does he discover that he is the one who is actually the prize. The half-Chinese orphan is astounded to learn he will be raffled off--a healthy boy "to a good home."

The winning ticket belongs to the flamboyant madam of a high-class brothel, famous for educating her girls. There, Ernest becomes the new houseboy and befriends Maisie, the madam's precocious daughter, and a bold scullery maid named Fahn. Their friendship and affection form the first real family Ernest has ever known--and against all odds, this new sporting life gives him the sense of home he's always desired.

But as the grande dame succumbs to an occupational hazard and their world of finery begins to crumble, all three must grapple with hope, ambition, and first love.

Fifty years later, in the shadow of Seattle's second World's Fair, Ernest struggles to help his ailing wife reconcile who she once was with who she wanted to be, while trying to keep family secrets hidden from their grown-up daughters.

Against a rich backdrop of post-Victorian vice, suffrage, and celebration, Love and Other Consolations is an enchanting tale about innocence and devotion--in a world where everything, and everyone, is for sale.

Ford's debut novel Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet was one of my absolute favorite reads, not only of the year I read it but one I still think about and consider in my top reads of all time, so it was no wonder how crazy excited I got when I saw he had another release coming out and in the same vein as his first. I don't think I've ever hit a request button so quickly as I did for it. In fact I stalked Netgalley until it was available because I just couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I knew it was going to be something special, something emotional and something so worth my time and all the feels I would go through while experiencing it. 

Ford knows how to weave a tale riddled with history and heartbreak, hope, and love unlike any other author out there. He truly is a master at what he does. It isn't often that one can make you crave history, romance, and a happily ever after, along with struggling and feeling right along with the characters. To be both sad and happy at once, along with heartbroken and angry for everything we put one another through as a people and as a country and as a nation. 

His words are powerful in every way imaginable and it is so incredibly easy to get wrapped up in the story and the characters themselves until you are completely consumed by them and want nothing more than to see how it will all come together and wishing like crazy that there will be a happily ever after when all is said and done. 

This story moved me. It touched my heart and rocked my world. The characters, the setting, the circumstances. I couldn't have asked for a more heart felt, emotional read. I loved every single minute of it and I didn't want it to end but at the same time, was eager to see how it would.

Once again Ford has exceeded all my expectations and once again touched my heart and soul with his beautifully written stories and unforgettable characters. This story will forever live on in my thoughts and memories. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher, I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Wow! This sounds absolutely beautiful, Ali. I need to read this and the author's debut ASAP. I love stories like that stay with you for a long time. I can't wait! :)

    1. His stories really are beautiful Nick, do try them, I think you will love them as well.

  2. Oh wow this looks fantastic!!! Thanks Kindlemom

  3. I love when a debut novel just blows you away. Sounds like a spectacular read! I'm glad Ford is still wowing you :)

    1. This wasn't his debut but his debut was so fantastic too and did blow me away as well. He really is a talented writer. ;)

  4. You sold me. I never heard of the author before but your review makes me want to read his Work.

    1. I really hope you do, they are all so darn good and so worth it to read.

  5. You will love them both Heidi. ;) Have a nice weekend as well!

  6. Well now you have me super excited to read these books. Last month, when my audible credits came up I was wondering what to buy. In the last two days I don't think I will have to worry about that anymore for a while. The cover is beautiful, and your review was amazing. Can't wait to read it :)

    1. Thanks so much Becca! I really think you will love this and his other one as well. ;)

  7. Want. I love the setting and your review has me excited!

  8. I'll check this out! Why is it that Worlds Fairs were always filled with draa-aaa-ma???

    1. I have no idea! Maybe so many people in one place? I don't know LOL!

  9. Oh that's awesome. Yay for it being just as good :)

  10. Wow, looks like I really need to read this one. I've meant to pick up the author's first book. Great review!

  11. I've never heard of Jaime Ford before this post, but I'll be sure to check him out now. The story sounds epic! Knowing that Ernest has an ailing wife would spell heartache by the end if I'm reading this correctly, but it sounds like it was a rich story leading up to present time. Wonderful review! :)

    1. I won't say but definitely check out all his books, so worth it to read them, heartbreak aling the way and all.

  12. I have to say like Rachel, I haven't heard of this author or his debut before. But I do love when books stay with you. Just shows you how really great that book is. Great review - I'll stick it on my TBR!

  13. Omg, I need this book. I don't read historical fiction nearly as much as used to, but this is a must.

    1. Yes it is, so read it Christy. I bet you can still request it on Netgalley. ;)

  14. This sounds wonderful! I will be adding it to my wishlist. :)

    1. Happy to hear that, it really is a wonderful story. Hope you love it as well!

  15. I didn't know about this one but it's great that it continues to be good!

  16. This sounds amazing. Also like it would make for a great movie as well. I am not familiar with this author but it sounds like I need to become acquainted with his work ASAP. Excellent review!

  17. This sounds amazing. I'm second guessing myself though, I'm not in a slump, I just don't know what to read. I have 5 books in rotation and none of them are keeping my attention.

    1. Oh man that sucks. I hope you find something soon, I hate reading slumps. If it helps, this was really good and not your typical read so you never might pull you out.

  18. The World's Fair has always facinated me as an intriguing and magical place, this sounds great!!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

    1. You might get a different view of it after reading this. :P

  19. I haven't read historical fiction in too long of a time. I will definitely check this one out now!! Great review!

    1. Thanks Grace and I hope you do, it really is a wonderful read.
