Monday, July 9, 2018

Review: The Serpent by Sarah Fine

Title: The Serpent
Author: Sarah Fine
Series: Book One in the Immortal Dealers Series
Genre: Fantasy
Published By: 47North (July 24, 2018)
Source: ARC Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
One woman is in a world of otherworldly trouble—and she’s going to have to bet her life to save humankind.

Ernestine “Ernie” Terwilliger has put her dreams aside to look after her eccentric mother. Case in point: saving her from a mysterious stranger who’s just stormed the terrified woman’s antique store wearing a rattlesnake tattoo, leveling threats, and brandishing the weirdest deck of cards Ernie’s ever seen.

When Ernie grabs some of the cards and runs, she’s launched into a world she never knew existed—one her mother may know more about than she’s revealing. With a handful of stolen cards, Ernie has just been made an unwilling player in a game of good versus evil. But she’s not even playing with a full deck, and its original owner is more than happy to kill to get his cards back.

Suddenly Ernie’s matching wits and plays with the supernatural Immortal Dealers, who can raise empires, damn souls, and shape the world’s destiny. It’s up to Ernie to defeat the most brutal member of their order. And if her roguish new ally isn’t bluffing, he can help. The mystery is all in the cards, and to save her life—and humanity—Ernie had better learn how to deal.

Sarah Fine is known for creating unusual premises for almost all of her books and series. She is someone you can count on for a bit of the different and sometimes, in some case, even a bit of the dark.

Which is why whenever I see she has something new out, I'm all over it.

Her latest is definitely in the realm of different and new. Something that will suck you in with it's interesting storyline and complex game of cards, mystery, and danger.

And while this was captivating in premises, it sadly lacked any real character connection for me. I found that while I was intrigued by the weird and original world she had created in Dealers and cards, I sadly cared little for the characters or felt anything for them. But it was okay because the world certainly kept me turning the pages wanting to see what direction the author was going to take with it all and by the end, I was left wanting to read the second book.

Overall a daring new series with an exciting new premises that I think those looking for something original and unique will enjoy. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Replies
    1. It isn't bad, just moves a bit slow at times, especially in describing what exactly is going on with the theme. It isn't a bad read though, I bet you will like it. ;)

  2. I still haven't tried one of her books though, like you mentioned, they always seem to have intriguing worldbuilding. Bummer there wasn't great story/character development to go with it in this one.

    1. I'm hoping the next book will be better, usually her books are pretty solid though.

  3. it's always tricky when you can't connect to the characters

  4. The story premise is so unique. It sounds really promising.

  5. The world does sound interesting and unique. Sorry about the lack of character development.

    1. It's okay, it happens. I'm hoping that will all be resolved in the next book.

  6. Sorry to hear you couldn't connect to this one, hopefully the next on will be better.

    Simply Angela

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will be. ;)

  7. It's great that you found something to make it worth your while. Characters used to be second fiddle to me, but now they are almost as important as the story. Better luck next time.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. Character connection is just so important. It can really make or break the book. Seems like an interesting read though.

    1. I agree. It was interesting though so it wasn't a total loss.

  9. It can be tough when you don't connect to the characters - that's usually a biggie for me! Thanks for sharing!!


  10. Ooh I love the cards angle. Sorry to hear the characters weren't quite there though, that's always a bummer when the worldbuilding works but the characters fall kinda short.

    1. It was a great and unique world but yeah, would have been so much better with better character building.

  11. I've slacked so hard on reading her books. I wanted to zoom through some of them but ... you know how it goes. This sounds promising, but I'll probably go for the other books of hers I already have first.

    1. Yeah, her Shadowlands series is still by far my favorite. Nothing else has quite lived up to that one in my opinion.

  12. Oh sorry to hear you couldn't connect especially with a well loved author but it does happen. Maybe if you read book 2 things will get better. ::)

    1. That's what I'm hoping. I will definitely give it another chance because it really was interesting.

  13. I only read one book by her, Marked, which was just okay and didn't make want to continue with the series though premise was interesting. I still want to give her another shot though.

    1. Her Shadowlands series (I think that is what it is called, it's her debut series) is by far my favorite. It's so dark and rich in detail and completely imaginative. I recommend that one over any of her others.

  14. Oh that is too bad about the lack of character connection. I may try her other series because the story sounds otherwise intriguing and I hope to have luck connecting there.

    1. I think you will connect with her other series way more. ;)

  15. It sucks so much when you're disappointed by an author you love. :( I haven't read anything by Sarah Fine yet, but this definitely won't be my first if ever.

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  16. Oh it s s hard when you don't connect or care for characters in a book!

    1. It really is, it makes the story less I think.

  17. Its really hard to stay engaged with a book when you don't connect to the characters, I hope your next read is better!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  18. Love when an author is good at new and unique. Makes it so fun :)

  19. I know exactly what you mean Heidi. I feel like something has been lost along the way with her writing that her first books had.

  20. Oh, I have to have a connection to the characters for sure. And not really sure about the deck of stolen cards and Dealer and all that really either. You are right, it sure does sound unique, just not sure if it would be one for me. Sorry it wasn't better for you Ali.

    1. Thanks Lorna and I agree. It seems others connected better than I did though so you never know. ;)
