Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Review: Nemesis by Anna Banks

Title: Nemesis
Author: Anna Banks
Series: Book One in the Nemesis Series
Published By: Feiwel & Friends (October 4, 2016)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
The princess didn't expect to fall in love--with her nemesis.

Princess Sepora of Serubel is the last Forger in all the five kingdoms. The spectorium she creates provides energy for all, but now her father has found a way to weaponize it, and his intentions to incite war force her to flee from his grasp. She escapes across enemy lines into the kingdom of Theoria, but her plans to hide are thwarted when she is captured and placed in the young king's servitude.

Tarik has just taken over rulership of Theoria, and must now face a new plague sweeping through his kingdom and killing his citizens. The last thing he needs is a troublesome servant vying for his attention. But mistress Sepora will not be ignored. When the two finally meet face-to-face, they form an unlikely bond that complicates life in ways neither of them could have imagined.

Sepora's gift could save Tarik's kingdom from the Quiet Plague. But should she trust her growing feelings for her nemesis, or should she hide her gifts at all costs? 

I fell in love with Anna's debut fantasy series a few years ago and was so excited to see her coming out with a new series and after reading the enticing synopsis and seeing the gorgeous cover, it didn't take much convincing to immediately grab it and read it. 

This was a good story. Engaging, entertaining, just the right amount of romance, action, mystery, and an interesting plot line. It wasn't anything unheard of or even unique but that was okay because what it lacked in complete originality it made up for with lovable characters and a fast paced plot that left me turning the pages. 

I can already tell this will be a series to watch out for and I can't wait for book two. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. If it is done well not being original isn't as big of a deal. Glad you enjoyed this! Great review!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ali. This book has been on my Watch List, too so yay! It sounds like it was well done even if it lacked originality. :)

  3. Cool cover Ali. I do not think I have tried this author, but love when the characters are strong. Great review!

    1. It does have a great cover and she is one to try, especially if you like the genre. ;)

  4. I'm fine without originality as long as the characters are strong, and that's clearly the case here Ali! I have this on my list for next week and I can't wait:)

    1. Oh yay Jenny, I hope you like it as much as I did. :D

  5. I do find that once one author writes a good book using certain elements, other's will kind of use them in their books too, and even thought it aint very unique anymore, i guess the characters and the writing can still make the book. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. That is true Lily, which is good since there sometimes are a lot of repeats out there. ;)

  6. Great review, Ali. thanks for sharing!

  7. A fast paced book with great characters does sound like a winning combo!

  8. I haven't read the other books by this author, but this one sounds great! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

    AngelErin @ Angel Erin's Book Obsession

  9. LOL, it is weird but it does make sense when you read the story. ;)

  10. This looks like a great fantasy, haven't heard of this author, but I always trust your taste!

    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  11. That cover! So glad to hear that this was a solid sequel

    1. I like the cover but I know not everyone does. ;)

  12. I'm loving this cover. She looks so primal and badass.

  13. It looks like a nice fantasy one there!

  14. I'm glad you enjoyed Nemesis, Ali! I actually like the cover (I know many don't) but- it reminds me of the badass warrior-woman on Avatar. I've got this to read so I'm crossing my fingers I enjoy it as well :)

    1. Oh it does, I agree! Just silver instead of blue. :P Hope you like it too!

  15. I love that cover too. I'm a very character driven reader, so if the characters are really good, I can look over some other stuff (as long as the other stuff isn't horrible). Glad you enjoyed it, even if it is unoriginal.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I can too which is why I think, I really liked this.

  16. Great review! This sounds interesting and I love how you described the combination of romance and mystery!

    1. Thanks Eva, it really was a great read and I was surprised with how much I ended up really liking it.
