Thursday, October 13, 2016

Review: Belakane by Angela Carling and Anna Taylor

Title: Belakane
Author: Angela Carling and Anna Taylor
Series: Prequel to the Secret Keeper Series
Published: October 5, 2016
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Belakane lives during the terrifying age of the Salem Witch trials. And, unlike the women around her, she actually is a witch. When Belakane’s magic gets her best friend Martha accused of witchcraft, the powerful sorceress creates a risky enchantment to protect what’s left of the small group of friends who hide her secret. 

Will Belakane’s power save her friends or will it be the demise of all she holds dear?

The Secret Keeper series has always been unique and because of that uniqueness I haven't once hesitated to pick up each new book. When I was given the chance to read a novella that told the story of where it all began, I was so very excited to read it and finally find out what started it all. 

This was so much fun to read and the history nerd in me absolutely loved that it started during the Salem witch trials, when things were so very uncertain, scary, and dangerous for many people, especially those that stood out or stood up for what was right during this horrible time in not just our history as a country, but across the world. 

It was in short, very fitting to the whole storyline of the series and couldn't have been more perfect. 

It was so much fun to see how it began, how the very first secret keeper (or keepers as the case may be) came about. How a loving gift was later turning into a curse. How goodness became bad and how one person changed it all. 

This was a fabulous addition to the series and definitely a must for any fan of it. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I don't always love novellas but glad this one worked for you and was a great addition to the series!

    1. I don't either but I do love how they sometimes add to the story and this one definitely did. ;)

  2. I was fascinated by the Salem Witch Trials in HS, so I'm really curious about this one and this series now. It sounds like a terrific series!
    Great review, Ali!

    1. This is the only one (so far) that has even mentioned them but it was a lot of fun. I was always fascinated with them too Nick, still am. ;)

  3. I don't even think I've ever heard of this series before, Ali. But I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  4. I'm glad the the novella was good, sometimes authors add all these side stories about characters and they are not really worth the time!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  5. Love stories that surround the Salem trials! Sounds like a great intro!

    1. Not really a love story in this one though. ;)

  6. I guess your did a quiz before or a trivia about this book or the series. I can´t remember now. But the story sounds pretty interesting. Ready on my TBR

    I want invite you to my Velvet Ink Giveaway!

  7. Sounds like a great addition to the series. I love books set during the Salem Witch Trials.

  8. aww that's awesome going back and reading when the original story all begin, glad this one worked for you despite being a novella.

  9. Wow, that sounds like a very original story line for a book.

  10. They are hard to resist aren't they?

  11. Great review! This series sounds really interesting

  12. Happy to hear it was a great edition. I love these little extras with favorite series.

  13. I'm going to have to read this series!!!!

  14. Oh wow, love the cover and the premise. I'm not familiar with the series but it looks like something that's right up my alley
    thanks Kindlemom!

  15. Salem Witch Trials? Sign me up, please!
