Thursday, May 4, 2017

Review: The Crown's Fate by Evelyn Skye

Title: The Crown's Fate
Author: Evelyn Skye
Series: Book Two in the Crown's Game Series
Published By: Balzer & Bray (May 17, 2017)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
Perfect for fans of Shadow and Bone and Red Queen, The Crown’s Fate is the thrilling sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Crown’s Game, an atmospheric historical fantasy set in Imperial Russia.

Russia is on the brink of great change. Pasha’s coronation approaches, and Vika is now the Imperial Enchanter, but the role she once coveted may be more difficult—and dangerous—than she ever expected.

Pasha is grappling with his own problems—his legitimacy is in doubt, the girl he loves loathes him, and he believes his best friend is dead. When a challenger to the throne emerges—and with the magic in Russia growing rapidly—Pasha must do whatever it takes to keep his position and protect his kingdom.

For Nikolai, the ending of the Crown’s Game stung deeply. Although he just managed to escape death, Nikolai remains alone, a shadow hidden in a not-quite-real world of his own creation. But when he’s given a second chance at life—tied to a dark price—Nikolai must decide just how far he’s willing to go to return to the world.

With revolution on the rise, dangerous new magic rearing up, and a tsardom up for the taking, Vika, Nikolai, and Pasha must fight—or face the destruction of not only their world but also themselves.

I fell in love with Skye's beautiful lyrical writing style in her debut novel Crown's Game last year and was eager to be thrown back into the magical setting that she had created and with the slightly cliffhanger ending, I was eager to know what would happen next. 

This was quite the sequel. It was both happy and sad, maddening and infuriating. Beautiful and heartbreaking. So many things happened, came to an ending and came to a beginning and I'm still not sure if all of it was breathtaking or a complete disaster. 

This was...I don't even know. It was good and then again it was sort of...lacking at the same time. It was wonderful and sort of not. I think part of me wanted more. More magic, less drama, more romance and less madness and anger.

Overall it was a story that captured my attention and while it maybe didn't quite live up the first book for me, it was still a pretty solid sequel and still a good story. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. oh sorry it wasn't what you were expecting. The cover is beautiful!

  2. Sorry this wasn't as good as the first. I think sequels are so hard and very rarely are better than the first book. Great review!

  3. You're not the only one who felt similarly about this book, Ali. I've seen several reviews saying it wasn't what they were expecting. It's always a shame though, especially if you liked the first book.

    1. I agree Nick but at least I wasn't the only one. ;)

  4. Most people I know felt the same way. I really enjoyed the first book but I'm not so sure I'll pick up this conclusion. Great review :)

  5. Yes Heidi! I've been trying not to start any new ones but I have wanted to give the ones I did start last year and like another try. It just doesn't always work out. ;)

  6. Ali, thanks for the even and detailed review. I agree, the cover is gorgeous.

  7. That's a bummer this wasn't as good as the first book. I'm not one for romance drama or frustration. Hopefully the next book will exceed expectations!

    I see you're reading Wildfire!! I can't wait to get my hands on it! Enjoy! :)

  8. Glad it was mostly good, sequels can be tough and hopefully the next one will be awesome! I like that we're seeing more stories like this using Russia as a setting.

    1. I really did love the setting, it was so much fun and definitely something different.

  9. Love that cover! Too bad it's wasn't as good as the first book :( Anyway, great review!

    1. Thank you and it really is a great cover. ;)

  10. Sorry this one did not go the way you expected. Love your review, thanks for sharing.

  11. I want read this serie and I really love it the cover!

  12. Too bad that it did not live up to the first book. Great review!

  13. Sorry book 2 was a let down for you. :(

  14. Glad you liked it kindlemom, sorry it didn't wow you like #1 did.

    1. Thanks Debbie and it's okay, it happens. ;)

  15. Hmmm...Sounds like it made you feel even if your thoughts are unsure about it.

  16. Sorry this wasn't as great as you hoped!! It's always a let down when you love the first book in series and the rest isnt quite as great!
    Tori @ In Tori Lex

  17. I don't think I've read a book quite like this one.

  18. I'm glad that despite some issues you were able to enjoy this one! This truly does sound like a great series that I need to check out!

    1. It is something a bit different and like I mentioned, the setting really is fantastic. ;)

  19. i'm sorry this was lacking, and yet it looked really emotional

    1. It was in a sense so not a bad read, just not as breathtaking as the first. ;)

  20. Sophomore slump? Filler volume? I hope the next one more than makes up for this, the series sounds epic and that cover art is so pretty!

    1. Definitely and maybe it will be, if there is another one. I'm not quite sure if this was a duology or if it will be a trilogy.

  21. Hmm...Well I do like the sound of lyrical writing.

    1. The lyrical feel to it was the nicest part and the setting. ;)

  22. I'm only in about seven chapters so we will see how it goes for me. I feel like this may how some middle book syndrome but I do love her writing. The characters being apart and the situation is going to make it hard I think. Thanks for the lovely and thoughtful review, Ali!! :)

    1. I hope you like it Kim, I do think it is very much a middle book but you are right, her writing still is beautiful. ;)

  23. Darn on it not quite living up to the first one. That's always a bit sad even if you enjoy it overall.

  24. Sorry this one wasn't as good as you hoped, but I do still want to read the first book. :)

    1. It happens and the first book was fabulous so I really do hope you read it. ;)

  25. I need to know... do Vika and Nikolai end up together? If so then that will probably end up being the only reason I will read it...

    1. Sort of. I know that's vague but they aren't exactly a couple by the end but they do care for one another.
