Monday, February 18, 2013

Fire and Ice: Guest Post by Cambria Hebert and Her New Book, Recalled!

Today for my stop for the Fire and Ice Blog Hop, I give you none other than the very talented Cambria Hebert and her new YA novel, Recalled book one in the Death Escorts Series! and look at that cover, it is gorgeous!

Title: Recalled
Author: Cambria Hebert
 Genre: Young Adult Romance with paranormal, thriller and mystery elements
Release Date: February 15, 2013

Format: Will be available in Print and Ebook

Publisher: Cambria Hebert

Love or Death? A simple question really. The choice seems obvious. But. What if you never knew love, what if your life was spent just trying to survive? What if you knew your fate before you were fully grown?

And then you died.
And you were given another chance. A better chance.
This new life depended upon one thing: your job. And so you agreed. You thought it would be simple. You thought it would be cut and dry.

It never is.

And now you are left holding the fate of someone else in the palm of your hand and you have to make the ultimate choice.

Love or Death?

 About the Series:
A little info about the series: Death Escorts is a new series from the author of the Heven and Hell series. This series is unique because each book acts as a stand alone, meaning that you don't have to read all the books in order to understand each of them. They are all based off of the same idea (that idea being the characters are all Death Escorts) and will have some of the same characters in each book. The series is for young adults and beyond and encompasses the elements of romance, thriller, paranormal and fantasy. You will not see vampires, shifters, witches, fae or any type of those kinds of characters in this series. 

About the Author:
Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series and the upcoming Death Escorts series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in Pennsylvania where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting

Follow her on Twitter:

Cambria website:

Guest Post:

In honor of the Fire & Ice hop I decided to do a post about kissing. That’s right. Kissing. This blog hop is all about romance and love and kissing usually goes along with that.
And I have to tell you that I think Dex and Piper in my new book, Recalled, share a pretty awesome first kiss. But you’ll have to decide that for yourself.
Today I am not going to talk about kisses in books, only because the list would never end and my brain might actually start to hurt. So instead I am going to talk about some of the best on screen kisses that you might want to cozy up on the couch to watch.
Now I don’t use some fancy rating system, I’m just listing the kisses that I thought were hot! See if your list is close to mine!
(these are in no particular order)
Hot On Screen Kisses

#1 Spiderman and the “upside down kiss”
Watch it on Youtube! Youtube video link:

#2 Dirty Dancing
Watch it on Youtube. Youtube link:

#3 Lady and the Tramp
Watch it on Youtube. Youtube Link:

#4 Damon and Elena – Vampire Diaries.

#5 Pride & Prejudice

Now I don’t know about you but watching all those kissing scenes has got me feeling all squishy inside.  Personally the last two are my faves.
How about you? What are your favorite on screen kisses?

Before I go let me tell you about my brand new release, Recalled, which just came out on February 15th and is now available at a special limited time price!

Love or Death? A simple question really. The choice seems obvious. But. What if you never knew love, what if your life was spent just trying to survive? What if you knew your fate before you were fully grown?
And then you died.
And you were given another chance. A better chance.
This new life depended upon one thing: your job. And so you agreed. You thought it would be simple. You thought it would be cut and dry.
It never is.
And now you are left holding the fate of someone else in the palm of your hand and you have to make the ultimate choice.
Love or Death?

Intrigued? Get it now for only 99 cents! 

Purchase Link: Amazon

My Thoughts and Review:

Cambria has blown me away with her writing in the past, her Heven and Hell series is one of my favorites. So really, I shouldn't have been so surprised that I loved this one as much as I did.

Really what was I thinking? I should have know Cambria wouldn't give us anything less than her best and her best, well, it is pretty darn fabulous.

Maybe I was just apprehensive about trying something new from her since I love Heven and Sam so much, but really, again, I shouldn't have been.

Dex and Piper? They are every bit as great as Heven and Sam, just in completely different ways.

I loved Dex from the moment I met him. Sarcastic, gruff, damaged but still you could see that heart of his in there. You knew he wasn't all bad, just put in some bad circumstances that helped shape the person he turned out to be.

In other words, Dex was somewhat of a bad boy (but not in the typical drinking, womanizing, tattoo covered way) and we all know how I love those damaged bad boys. I can't help it, I think it is a sickness.

Before I get to Piper can I just talk about Frankie first? I loved Frankie! She is everything I love in a great secondary character. Witty, loyal, true, a little kick butt, heck, she is everything I love in a main character. Having her as a secondary character was just icing on this already delicious cake.

I really liked Piper too. I didn't quite connect with her on the level that I wanted to but I did like her. She didn't always have all the answers but she sought to get them. She was good and honest and had a heart of gold. She was willing to forgive and love unconditionally and you have to love her for that.

G.R. (aka Mr. Burns) what can I say about him without giving too much away? Gasp I actually liked him. Yep, I said it. For some reason I liked the villain in this one. There was just so much to him. I am really hoping we get to see a lot more of him as the series progresses and get a bigger better view of his background and past.

This was a really fun read and I liked all the crazy twists in it. I can really see myself loving this series more and more as it progresses.

It will be a lot of fun to see where Cambria takes it from here. I can already tell that she is going to have another hit YA series out there that a lot of people are really going to enjoy.

3.5 to 4 Stars!



  1. Dirty Dancing and P&P..oh yes! Great guest post and loved your review!

  2. Hi!
    thank you so much for having me on your blog today! I enjoyed your review and revisiting all the great kissing scenes I wrote about! LOL. I still think Elena and Damon is my most fave.
    :) thank you for posting!

  3. I really love the cover! I'm going to have to grab it while it's .99 cents, but I'm not sure when I'll ever be able to fit it in!

  4. Who is this Cambria?! lol jk. I really want to read this. I'm sooo loving the cover.

  5. I haven't heard of this before, but it sounds good. I love the kissing guest post, and I really like the cover. Great review!
