Monday, May 6, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Montana Dawn by Caroline Fyffe

Title: Montana Dawn
Author: Caroline Fyffe
Series: Book One in the McCutcheon Series
Published: September 30, 2011
Source: Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Western Romance
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:

When Luke McCutcheon finds Faith Brown about to give birth in her rickety wagon, his first instincts are to ride for help. Instead, he stays and delivers a beautiful baby girl. Unable to leave the pretty young widow and her little son and newborn unprotected in the Montana wilderness, he brings them along on his family’s cattle drive, to the absolute delight of the other friendly cowboys. 

Luke, third son of Montana’s wealthy McCutcheon family, is different from his brothers. As the offspring of a Cheyenne warrior, he carries a chip on his shoulder for all to see. His flashing eyes and handsome face make Faith feel she’s stepped into some long-ago tale where men cherish their women--and keep them safe. If only she could trust him! Faith is on the run, and although she’s pampered and protected by Luke and his family, she just can’t risk the consequences of sharing the details of her past--one that’s hunting to take her back to the nightmare she’s just escaped. Happy-ever-afters are for fairytales, she reminds herself sternly as her heart feels the warm pull of his. Still, she can’t help but dream of a loving family, a home to call her own, a beautiful and bright…Montana Dawn.

My Thoughts and Review:

Westerns are normally not my thing although after reading this, I just might have to amend that statement and say, yes, westerns are my thing.

I seriously loved every single minute of this story. It completely shocked me with how well it was written, how easy the plot flowed and how absolutely easy it was to fall in love with Faith, Colton, Dawn and the whole McCutcheon clan.

I loved Faith. She was a strong woman that had been through what most people will never experience and she still came out loving and gentle and kind. She was feisty and I really admired her strength.

Luke was even better. He was one swoon worthy cowboy, and trust me, that is something I never thought I would say! He was everything a gentleman should be. He was kind, loving, respectful, patient and understanding. Everything Faith wasn't use to in a man. 

He had a few issues about his heritage but you know what? He pushed through them. I was afraid we weren't going to get the full story of his parentage but we did and I am so glad that the author revealed all of his story. I adored Luke's mom. Really his whole family was amazing and I am so glad that this is part of a series because I really want to visit the ranch again! 

I want to know more about all the brothers, their wives and Charity. Even the farm hands were pretty special and I know there are so many possibilities for stories with all of them and that makes me happy. The author did an amazing job at keeping this story real to it's western roots while still making it easy to read (no harsh slang or accent). 

I will definitely be looking up future books in this series. I am very impressed with the author's writing abilities and how clean this read was in romance and editing. 

The author has generously offered not one but two prizes to one lucky winner. An e-copy of Montana Dawn and also her second book, Texas Twilight!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A swoon-worthy cowboy? I don't really need to hear any more. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed this book! Luke and Faith sound like great characters and people I would love to meet. Great review as always!

  2. Can you believe I've never read a western romance? I've read a book or two with a cowboy in them, but they were definitely not westerns. I need to read one, and I think this is definitely the place to start. I'm so ready swoon!

  3. Thanks Sam!!

    And Jenny, yes! You should read this. I think I am now officially a lover of them and I NEVER thought I would say that!!

  4. I love a good western or should i say cowboy book..LOL Awesome review and I am adding this to my list!!

  5. Yeah, it definitely isn't the western theme that is so hot in this one. ;)
    Luke steals the show!

    I actually thought of you while reading this one Kim, I knew you would really love it too!

  6. I don't normally read Westerns either, but this does sound good. Great review and thanks for the giveaway.

  7. Thanks Heidi and Ellen! I think you would both really like this one too!

  8. I'm not normally a fan of westerns, but you had me at swoon-worthy cowboy. :-) After Tucker in Unearthly, I'm much more open to them than I was before.

    4.5 stars for a western...I clearly need to check this out! Fabulous review!

  9. I actually DO enjoy Westerns, I just rarely pick them up anymore. But I grew up reading my dads. However, I think the Western romances might be even better and aren't usually the normal romances we have today just because of the time period and stuff, things were different. I might like this a lot!

  10. oh i love westerns well done, hehe swoon worthy cowboys + awesome plots = me hooked hehe
