Monday, March 3, 2014

Review: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Title: The Book Thief
Author: Markus Zusak
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Knopf Books For Young Readers (March 14, 2006)
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Historical/Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
It is 1939. Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier, and will become busier still.

Liesel Meminger is a foster girl living outside of Munich, who scratches out a meager existence for herself by stealing when she encounters something she can’t resist–books. With the help of her accordion-playing foster father, she learns to read and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement.

In superbly crafted writing that burns with intensity, award-winning author Markus Zusak, author of I Am the Messenger, has given us one of the most enduring stories of our time.

I am always up for something out of the norm. There is just something to be said about a well written book that isn't like the others.

A book narrated by Death himself during a time when all the world knew was heartache and destruction. 

I could no sooner pick a favorite character in the story than I could pick a favorite child. They were all strong, fabulous, scared, damaged, and most of all, good.

To have Death be the narrator was indeed, perfect. His voice, while unattached at times was also humorous and whether he would admit it or not, admirable. He admired the living, they amused him, they fascinated him and in some cases, he even felt for them. 

I loved the whole feel of this book. The very fact that it makes us not just think about the soldiers of Germany and all the destruction that they caused but the actual living and breathing people of Germany as well. Those that adored Hitler and those that despised him. Those that supported him and those that deceived him. The Jewish inhabitants who lived in constant fear either in hiding or those being mistreated and dying in the concentration camps. Either way you look at it, this was a dark time in our worlds history but still a time were people banned together and got strength from one another. A time when they didn't give up and hope was still out there in the faces of those they loved.

This isn't just The Book Thief's story, this is a story about the effects of war, hunger, hatred, prejudice, greed, friendship, love, promises, deception, and growth. This is a story about those that succumbed to the harshness, the dangers and the death and those that triumphed over it all. Those that still knew what was good and right and at great cost and sacrifice helped those in need. This is a story about  the inhabitants of Himmel Street.

This was so captivating, from the very first page it had my attention, my devotion and my interest. It was extremely hard to put down and even though this is a 550 plus book, I read it in a day, I couldn't help it. I had to know how it all came together and how it all ended for Leisel, her family and friends.

This isn't an easy read. It is full of the darkness that was the time and some scenes are pretty harsh but my love for this story stems from the fact that with the harshness came lightness and new beginnings  as well. 

This was beautifully crafted and presented and will be one of those stories that stays with me for a very long time.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. People have been telling me for years to read this and that I'll love it, but for some lame reason I've put it off. It's narrated by Death, so you'd think I'd immediately pick it up. I will, though. Especially before the movie.

    1. That is why I finally did Christy, I can't watch movies until I have read the book, unless of course I never plan on reading the book, which does happen once in awhile.

  2. I've been walking around this book fora long time, I guess I'd have to read it soon too. Great review.

  3. It looks like we're all in the same boat, lol. I have also had this book FOREVER, but for some reason haven't gotten to it. I will though *says with conviction* Great review!

  4. I still need to read this Ali! This review is gorgeous, and I am just so fascinated by the fact that the book is narrated by Death. Such an interesting choice of narrators and I really, really want to find out what his voice "sounds" like:) Glad this was such a beautiful story for you even in its darkest moments, I hope I get the chance to read it in the not-too distant future!

  5. Stunning review Ali, I actually own this and ooo maybe I will try and read it this month too. I love that it is narrated by death..hehe

    1. You really should try to read it, it is fabulous.

  6. I love this book so much, and I'm thrilled to hear it affected you too. I can't believe you read it in one day, that's really impressive! I remember this being an absolute brick of a book, and though I read it quickly because I couldn't put it down, I came nowhere near one day. :-) Wonderful review!

    1. I couldn't help myself, I needed to know how it ended! :P

  7. I think you will really like it Heidi.

  8. I really need to read this one. I think both my mom and friend have offered to loan it to me. I should take them up on it!

  9. I really struggled with this book. The narrative voice was really hard for me to follow and I just couldn't get into the story. I may have to reread it at some point, to see if it works better the second time around.

    Just found your blog and now following :)
    Finley Jayne-

    1. Sorry you struggled with it, I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone.

  10. I am so glad you liked this book! It has gone down as one of my favorites of all time. It was so beautiful, sad, and great all at the same time. Awesome review!

  11. I'm so glad you enjoyed it Ali! I loved this book and you're right the book narrated by Death itself is unusual, but this book has so much to offer. Great review :)

  12. Adding this one to my never-ending list of books I want to read. Great review!

  13. A book narrated by Death that is quiet...different I have to admit hum.. I heard this was a difficult read but very good so I give you much credit for finishing it

    1. It is never easy reading about this time in our history but for the most part I have found they are almost always worth the read.

  14. I'm glad you loved this too! The beginning was tough for me, but once I got use to the style I really loved it. So emotional though! The movie was good too (IMO) but REALLY lacked the emotion that the book brought.
