Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Review: Renegade by Debra Driza

Title: Renegade
Author: Debra Driza
Series: Book Two in the MILA 2.0 Series
Published By: Katherine Tegen Books (May 13, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy/Sci Fi
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
There is no one left for Mila to trust. Except for a boy she barely knows.

But Hunter has no idea who—and what—Mila really is. She can’t bear to reveal her secret, even though he’s unwittingly joined her search for Richard Grady, a man who may know more details of Mila’s complicated past.

Yet the road to the truth is more dangerous than ever. With General Holland and the Vita Obscura scouring the earth for her whereabouts, Mila must rely on her newfound android abilities to protect herself and Hunter from imminent harm. Still, embracing her identity as a machine leads her to question the state of her humanity—as well as Hunter’s real motives.

Perfect for fans of I Am Number Four and Divergent, this action-packed and heart-wrenching second installment of MILA 2.0 will leave readers breathlessly awaiting the series conclusion.

I really liked the whole concept and idea behind MILA, an android girl with real human emotions and memories that can't be explained and even though I didn't totally fall in love with the book, I liked it enough to know that I wanted to continue on with the series.

I had so many questions about V.O. that I needed answered, not to mention about Hunter. Was he good, was he bad?> Was he everything he appeared to be?

Yep, lots of questions and I was really hoping I would get a lot of them, if not all of them, answered in this second installment. 

And oh boy did I!

I don’t' even know what to say in fear that I will spoil something somehow so I am going to try and leave this as simple as I possibly can and spoiler free.

This one started right off where the first one ended, with Mila calling Hunter and asking him to meet her. While it started there, it certainly didn't end there. From the first chapter there are still so many questions, so much suspicion and uncertainly about Mila herself, her mom, the V.O. and of course about Hunter not to mention the action starts pretty quickly with fights, dangers, and Mila constantly needing to be on guard, all while trying to remain as human as she feels. 

There is a lot that goes on and yet still a lot left to be done. Yes we get answers, a lot in fact but those answers just cause new questions to come out and with the new questions you once again have to start questioning everyone around Mila. Who are the bad guys, who can she trust and most of all, what in the heck is she exactly and why...well, there are a whole lot of why's in there.

I actually really enjoyed this. Once again, more than I thought I would. I am actually really really curious what the author is going to do in the next book. How she is going to explain everything, handle everything and of course, end everything. 

Who will still be left standing and what it will all mean to Mila in the end.

I will definitely be there reading right along with everyone else that has tried this series and was surprised by it because I just have to know how it all plays out and goes down.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I need to start this series yet, glad you're enjoying it!

  2. Yay for getting answers! I don't mind that answers to previous questions only raise new questions, as long as I'm getting some answers I'm happy. This sounds like such a fantastic series Ali, and yet another one I need to start! Lovely review:)

  3. Best way to get your readers coming back for more is to leave them wanting more. Well played, author. :) I hope the next book answers everything for you.

  4. I still haven't read this series, I've been putting it aside because I wasn't sure if I'd like it. I am glad that you enjoyed it and one thing that I noticed from your review is that romance isn't main focus of the story. Am I right?
    I love when this kind of books aren't just about with who will MC end up.
    Great review.

    1. Yep, the romance is a side factor for sure. There is some but very little and definitely not a huge focus.

  5. You can't see me but my fingers are steepled and I'm smiling. This looks too good to pass up. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  6. I am so glad you enjoyed this. I love the covers and the premise but never picked this up. Your enthusiasm has me added the series to my wishlist!

    1. Yay! If you try it, I hope you like it Kim, it is different but good.

  7. I never had a strong urge to start this series, but I have to admit that I'm curious now!

    1. Yeah, it probably isn't for everyone but I am glad I piqued your interest Candace. :)

  8. It was stronger than the first, which was nice but still lots of questions!

  9. I kinda like the sound of this book? It has some interesting elements for sure, but I'm not sure it's for me. Maybe if I read a sample first...

    1. I think trying a sample of the first book would be a great idea.

  10. You know I had a couple of issues with the first book but got this one because I wanted to see what happens next, so I'm glad there are answers. I'm just not in the mood to read it right now though. I want to, just not now. I might put it off just so I can make sure to be fair to it.

    1. I know what you mean. You really do need to be in the right mind set for these type of books. I know you loved a certain character in the first one and I think you will be sad at their role (or lack thereof) in this one.

  11. Okay, I have read a lot about this series, and I have heard mixed reviews. It sounds fantastic though. Thanks for the great review :)

  12. I'm usually not a lot into robots or other things like that in books and I heard a lot of mixed things about the book so I passed but maybe it was a mistake. It sounds really nice, maybe I could like it too.

    1. It probably isn't for everyone. Maybe try a sample of the first book and see if you like what you read. ;)

  13. Awesome. I liked book 1 in this series, but like you said . . . SO many questions. Knowing that a lot of them get answered is very motivating ;)

    Jessica @ Rabid Reads

  14. I know what you mean about leaving a first book with more questions than you know what to do with. I am glad that they got answered for you, but it does seem like the kind of series that is driven by the unknown. Which is exciting and frustrating at the same time.

    This looks like a great book.

    Awesome review! :)

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. That is a great way to put it Michelle and yes, that is exactly how this series is.

  15. I felt the same way as you about the first book, so I'm thrilled to hear that you got answers in this installment. I was on the fence about continuing with this series, and now I'm definitely going to pick this up. Fantastic review! :-)

  16. I'm so glad you enjoyed Renegade as well as Mila. I really enjoyed part one, and can't wait to find out some of these answers...and of course more questions too. I love that Debra Driza makes the readers feel Mila's emotions despite what she is. That just keeps me coming back for more- she's a great heroine :)

    1. I really do love that about MILA, about how you can feel for her and sense her emotions even though she isn't suppose to have any.

  17. I'm reading this really soon. I really enjoyed the first book. Great review!!
