Friday, April 4, 2014

Review: The Treatment by Suzanne Young

Title: The Treatment
Author: Suzanne Young
Series: Book Two in The Program Duology
Published By: Simon Pulse (April 29, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Dystopian
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Can Sloane and James survive the lies and secrets surrounding them, or will The Program claim them in the end? Find out in this sequel to The Program, which Publishers Weekly called “chilling and suspenseful.”

How do you stop an epidemic?

Sloane and James are on the run after barely surviving the suicide epidemic and The Program. But they’re not out of danger. Huge pieces of their memories are still missing, and although Sloane and James have found their way back to each other, The Program isn’t ready to let them go.

Escaping with a group of troubled rebels, Sloane and James will have to figure out who they can trust, and how to take down The Program. But for as far as they’ve come, there’s still a lot Sloane and James can’t remember. The key to unlocking their past lies with the Treatment—a pill that can bring back forgotten memories, but at a high cost. And there’s only one dose.

Ultimately when the stakes are at their highest, can Sloane and James survive the many lies and secrets surrounding them, or will The Program claim them in the end?

I fell in love with Young's writing and creativity after reading The Program and to say I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation for this next installment is a huge understatement. I literally was bouncing in my seat waiting for this to load on my kindle. I needed to know that James and Sloane were going to make it, that they were going to beat the odds and that they were going to beat The Program. 

So much was still left to do, so much left to discover and so much uncertainty about not only their future but the future of the world as well. The epidemic is getting worse and no one really knows why and no one is safe. Everyone they love is in danger and at risk. 

Once again we are thrown back into a world of fear, confusion, anger, sadness, and one where you have to constantly look over your shoulder in fear of the power of The Program and having your memories and your life erased for ever.

I loved this. It gave me more of everything I fell in love with in the first book and then it took it further with more suspicion, more danger, more drama, more action and more tender sweet moments with all the characters I loved in the first book and some new ones as well.

I don't even want to get into more because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone but I loved how it all played out. How secrets were revealed about every single character, Sloane, James, Lacey, Realm, and even with all we have learned and all we have been told, we still don't know who to trust and who to love.

Sloane is stronger than she was in The Program, she is a fighter and she does what she needs to do to survive and to fight for the love that she believes in, the love that she knows is true regardless of what anyone says.

Then there is The Treatment, all it means for the world, what it means for Sloane and James. 

All I am going to say is read this. It was wonderful and ended exactly how I wanted it to. It was believable and it was right for the storyline. I enjoyed this duology so much and I am so glad I took time out to fit it in and to experience it for myself. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Man...this sounds soooo good. Thanks for feeding my reading addiction :)

  2. I'm thrilled that this one lived-up to your expectations, because they is often NOT the case, unfortunately. I've heard good things about The Program; perhaps I'll add it to "the pile". Great review!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

    1. I hope you do decide to give this one a chance!

  3. I'm hoping to get to the first book in this series next month :)

  4. This is yet another series I desperately want to read Ali! I haven't read anything by Suzanne Young and I've heard these books are amazing, so I need to make time for them. Glad this was a fabulous sequel!

    1. Thanks Jenny! I really think you would like this duology!

  5. I didn't read The Program, but I have this one as an ARC and I need to read them both. I've met the author and it's so interesting to me that she is super happy and bubbly, but she writes these very serious, almost depressing stories. She actually talked a little about that. Anyway, great review! I'll definitely be read these.

    1. That is really interesting Tressa! I would have loved to hear it!

  6. I'm so jealous you read this one already! I'm SO excited to read it! I really loved the first one and I'm glad this has a great ending!

    1. It has a very believable ending for sure. I know you are going to love it Candace!

  7. I love it when dystopian books are believable! I have heard so much about the first book and both sound really great. Amazing review, Ali :)

  8. I haven't read anything by Suzanne Young yet, but your review makes me want to pick this duology up. It sounds like a pretty amazing dystopian! I love stories that make you look over your shoulder. I'm so glad you enjoyed Treatment as much as The Program and it ended well. Great review, Ali :)

    1. Oh I hope you do, it really is worth the read.

  9. I'm so glad to hear this ends in a satisfying way for you! I really need to read these, I keep hearing such fantastic things! Lovely review :-)

    1. Thanks Lauren, I think you would really like these, I hope you do pick them up at some point.

  10. *facepalm* I still have book one on my wishlist. I will add this one and bump them up. I am so glad you enjoyed them!

  11. I love this series!!! I am finishing this book up now and am glad to see another review that was good. at first it was different for me because of how the first book was written, but i am liking it a lot and feel i am getting to know charactaers a bit deeper and i like the new ones too

    1. Yes! it wasn't quite as bleak and dark as the first, a slightly different tone to it but still really good.

  12. Wonderful and ended exactly the way you wanted. You've convinced me. Adding this to my TBR list now.

  13. Oh it's only a duology? Well then, I actually feel better about picking them up, especially since I can easily read them close together.

  14. Read it Christy, you'll like it. ;)

  15. bah bought book 1 so just need to read it, cause this sounds like fun!
