Saturday, September 15, 2012

Review: Into The Woods by Kim Harrison

Title: Into The Woods: Tales From the Hollows and Beyond
Author: Kim Harrison
Series: Anothologies from the Rachel Morgan Series
Published By: Harper Voyager (Oct. 12, 2012)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Goodreads Description:
 Fans have fallen for bounty hunter and witch Rachel Morgan. Through banishment and road trips, deadly supernatural duels and lost loves, they have avidly cheered her on, eagerly awaiting the next installment in her adventures. This collection of short works, published together in once volume for the first time, adds a whole new dimension to the Hollows saga, featuring tales involving Rachel and her coterie of friends and enemies. Untitled contains original works, including:

"Million Dollar Baby"-original novella about what happens when elven tycoon Trent Kalamack and Jenks the pixy team up to rescue Trent's daughter;

"Spider Web" and "Grace's Fall"-original novelettes set in brand-new fantasy worlds;

Here, too, are reprinted short stories, including:

"Undead in The Garden of Good and Evil"-an Ivy novella from Dates from Hell

"Dirty Magic"-a Mia the banshee short story from Hotter Than Hell

"The Bridges of Eden Park"-a Kisten/Rachel short from the mass market edition of For a Few Demons More

"Two Ghosts for Sister Rachel"-a Robbie/Rachel/Pierce novella from Holidays from Hell

"The Bespelled"-a Ceri/Al short story from the mass market edition of The Outlaw Demon Wails

"Ley Line Drifter"-a Bis/Jenks novella from Unbound.

My Review:
I admit, I am always drawn to getting anthologies because I love the idea of being able to read short little experts from loved authors and series but, admittedly, they aren't always that great and can be hard to rate since there are so many stories in one book.

Thankfully I didn't have a problem with this one at all.

Not only was this a great set of anthologies but they (mostly) were all from the same series, a series I already love and have fun reading.

 And yes, holy moly this was a long book, but oh, was it worth it to read.

To be able to get small glimpses into old character and beloved character (Jenks!!) all while eagerly awaiting the next book in the series is always a treat.

And even though these weren't all new stories (a lot of them have been featured somewhere else over the course of the series) it was still really nice to have them all in one place to read and reread. 

I really enjoy this series and if you are a fan of the series, this really is a most get book. 

You won't be disappointed with the stories or the characters or even the writing. It will just remind you all the reason you already love Kim Harrison and the world that she has created in the Hollows. 


  1. I love the Hollows! And Jenks is one of my all time most favorite characters. This book id one I definitely need to get though so I'm glad it was good!

  2. Yay!!!! No word verification! Thank you SO much for that! Those things HATE me! Sorry about always whining about it though.

  3. Oh lucky you!! *high five* for scoring this one :)

    I can't wait to read the new stories. And I like that I'll have all the older ones in the SAME book instead of scattered out in a bunch of different anthologies.

  4. Candace I did it just for you. ;)

  5. Heidi and Christy, I had no idea you were both huge Kim Harrison fans! That is awesome!!

  6. I've never thought of it that way, but you're right. It is nice to have a variety. :-)

  7. Thanks for stopping by emaginette!
