Thursday, September 13, 2012

Through Indigo's Eyes Blog Tour Guest Post and Giveaway!!

Through Indigo’s Eyes by Lorna Schultz Nicholson & Tara Taylor 
Release Date: August 1, 2012
 Publisher: Hay House Publishing  
Pages: 288 
Genre: Young Adult 
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Author: Website | Facebook | Twitter


“I was always going to be on the outside because I saw visions, visions that came true. And I’d been seeing them since I was little. When they first started, I was naïve enough to think that everyone around me also saw and heard things. I didn’t know that other people weren’t like me.”

       More than anything else, Indigo Russell longs to fit in. And if she can’t accomplish that, then she’ll settle for fading into the background, which she’s managed to do rather well over the last couple of years. To most of Ridgemont High, she’s just another teenager walking the halls, doodling in her notebook during class, never raising her hand. An average student. That’s what she’d like you to think.

       But Indie isn’t average; she’s different. She has visions, visions that allow her to see into the future and back again. Only her family and best friend, Lacey, know about them. But when she sees Lacey’s boyfriend with another girl, Indie has to decide whether to trust her instincts or her friends. As she grows closer with John, an enigmatic loner who recently transferred to her school, the visions intensify, threatening not only to alter the lives of others, but also to expose her well-kept secret.

Guest Post:

I always joked that my teenage years would make a perfect fantasy novel...

So I will never forget the day that Lorna (my co-author) and I were sitting in a coffee shop chatting. I was telling her about the non-fiction book I was writing about embracing and balancing the ego, and had asked her about the new sports fiction series she was writing. 

We then started chatting about the different types of intuition. I shared with her that she is a “knower” and a “feeler”, and was explaining how she could best use these intuitive abilities in her life. 

 That led us to the topic of what it was like for me to “see”, “hear” and “know” things that most people aren’t aware of. Until I was seven I believed everyone saw and heard the things that I did!
I was so happy to share my stories with Lorna because she is a very dear friend to me and I felt safe to open my world to her. 

  Lorna then mentioned that she would love to write my memoir one day, to which I laughed and replied, “how about a fiction?” 

That was the beginning of our adventure together creating “Through Indigo’s Eyes”


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Interesting posts. I also had visions when I was teenager, but they went away after my conversion. Greetings from Poland! :)

  2. This seems like and interesting book. Thanks for the giveaway :)


  3. Hey!! Sounds like an awesome book! Thanks for giving it away!

  4. Crap. I need to retype my comment cause word verification didn't accept. Let me try this again and see if it accepts...
    I read this one and really liked it!

  5. This sounds like a really good book! I'm adding it to my books to read list. Thanks for the great interview and the excellent giveaway!

  6. Thanks for a great post and congrats on the new release!

  7. Looks like a great story. I can't wait to read it. Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. It's always interesting learning how an author(s) came up with the idea for a book. Sometimes I wonder how the heck their mind even works like that. But it's funny how something can form out of a regular conversation with a friend.
