Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Review: Deeper by Blue Ashcroft

Title: Deeper

Author: Blue Ashcroft
Series: Stand Alone
Published: August 3, 2013
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Rain Wilson isn’t ever going to love again. 

It’s a promise she made the day her boyfriend died in a water park accident, one she still blames herself for. Now she’s a senior lifeguard in a new town with a new pool and she’s just going to keep her head down and everyone safe. 

Until a mysterious guy follows her into the waves at the pre-season bonfire and kisses her senseless. It’s just one mistake, and Rain is determined to put it behind her, until the dark haired, blue eyed hottie turns out to be her new co-supervisor Knight Mcallister. 

Knight is hot, tatted, and carrying baggage of his own. He’s not happy about having Rain for a co-supervisor, and he’s even less happy about his attraction to her. 

But between lifeguard drama, hot underwater kisses, and a growing attraction between them that can’t be stopped, Knight and Rain are being pulled deeper into their pasts, and realizing that sometimes too much broken can make a relationship impossible.

Then again sometimes it’s the broken parts of us that fit together best.  

My Thoughts and Review:
Blue Ashcroft's dive into the New Adult genre was a hit. You could say her debut novel, Deeper, made a huge splash. 

Okay, sounds cheesy but the fact is, I really enjoyed this. If I am being brutally honest, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. As we all know I am a sucker for broken people finding happiness when they never thought it possible and because of that weakness, I tend to love this genre and read a lot of stories about broken people. I can't help it, I am drawn to it. Sorting though all those reads, as angsty as they sometimes are, is worth it when you finally find a story with characters that stick with you long after their story is over. Those characters that leave an impression on you long after the book as been put down and the last page read.

Knight and Rain really are those characters. This wasn't anything mind blowing, maybe not even completely original. It isn't filled with sunshine and rainbows but it isn't all about the angst either. Instead about two people suffering from very similar situations in their life but both handling it in their own way. Not a right way or a wrong way necessarily but in ways that are hindering them from moving on and really living the rest of their life to the fullest. 

Ways that make them believe that even though love may be out there, that is just isn't for them. Two people that, until they meet, never thought their life was going to have more to it. That this, was as good as it was going to get.

There is just something beautiful about another person being able to help you pick up the pieces. To help you realize how great you really are and that you deserve to be loved and to be happy. There is just something so wonderful about someone else wanting to help make you whole and already seeing you that way. 

This is a story about what happens when two people are so very broken that only their broken pieces, coming together, can make a whole.

This was a beautiful story and one that will stick with me long after the book was put down and the review was written.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I, like you, am a sucker for broken people who try to find their happiness. But the problem for me is that almost all NA books have that concept and then I usually get loving only that and everything else annoys me. Still I'm glad you enjoyed this one! Great review :)

  2. I agree that it might be coming a little too popular. I still love the idea though.

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. You know I'm a complete sucker for broken characters too, they never fail to grab my attention and hold it. I'm glad this book isn't overly angst-y though, that's usually where I get in trouble with NA. Love a book that sticks with me long after I've read it, so I'm adding this to my list for sure! Beautiful review:)

  4. I too am a sucker for broken people finding each other and helping each other to put the pieces back together into something stronger. Love that this is a standalone!

  5. I love that this was a stand alone as well. Thanks for stopping by Jenny and Kim! :)

  6. Great names! And kissing underwater? Sounds dangerous! Glad you enjoyed this one!

  7. Yep this one was great and you know what? Surprisingly hot and clean all in one!

  8. I thought about requesting this, and you're not cheesy at all. I feel the same way and this kind of book is just what I enjoy to. Great review. I'll have to get this one.

  9. LOL Heidi! I know, I know. I can't help it though, I am a sucker for them! I hope you end up liking this one. ;)

  10. I LOVE this review. Books like this can be very hit and miss for me, I have to admit, but you have me completely convinced about this one. Sometimes it is just about the characters. If they stick with you, then it's worth it. :) Great review!

  11. I know what you mean Sam, I feel the same way. characters can totally make or break a book for me.

  12. I'm not as much as a sucker for these sorts of stories as I used to be since there are so many now, but it sounds like Rain and Knight really made an impact on you, and that this story stands out from the pack. That's amazing news! I'm thinking of reading another NA sometime soon after putting them aside for fatigue, and this sounds like it would be a good choice. Awesome review!

  13. Thanks everyone, it really was a good story. :)
