Saturday, October 19, 2013

Review: Whisper Falls by Elizabeth Langston

I have had so much fun reading all the great posts, interviews and seeing all the giveaways. I think my TBR pile is seriously going to be suffering for it too!

We still have lots for you as our month long tour continues hosted by Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings, Candace at Candace Book Blog, Maja at The Nocturnal Library and of course me!

Keep checking back every day for more fun stops, posts and giveaways. Also, don't forget to enter our big giveaway for a $50 giftcard to Amazon! The giveaway can be found HERE

Today's stop is with:

Candace@Candace's Book Blog: Karen Kincy

Heidi@Rainy Day Ramblings: Stacey Kennedy: The Cat's Meow

Tomorrow look for:

Beris@ Fantasy is More Fun: Marie Hall: Crimson Night

Ginny@Gin's Book Notes:Sharon Kay: Wicked Wind

A huge thank you not only to my co-hosts but also for everyone who has participated so far and is signed up for more great posts throughout the month. This truly has been a blast and I am so excited to see what else is in store for us!!

What better way to celebrate the Halloween season than with a little time travel back to the late eighteenth century?

Instead of something spooky today for Something Wicked I thought it would be fun to shake it up with a little paranormal time traveling.

Title: Whisper Falls
Author: Elizabeth Langston
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Spencer Hills (November 19, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal/Time Travel
My Rating: 3.5 to 4 Stars!

Book Description:
While training for a mountain bike race, high-school senior Mark Lewis spots a mysterious girl dressed in odd clothing, standing behind a waterfall in the woods near his North Carolina home. When she comments on the strange machine that he rides, he suspects something isn’t right. When Susanna claims to be an indentured servant from 1796, he wonders if she's crazy. Yet he feels compelled to find out more.

Mark enters a ‘long-distance’ relationship with Susanna through the shimmering--and temperamental--barrier of Whisper Falls. Curious about her world, Mark combs through history to learn about the brutal life she's trapped in. But knowledge can be dangerous. Soon he must choose between the risk of changing history or dooming the girl he can't stop thinking about to a lifetime of misery.

My Thoughts and Review:

Langston's debut novel Whisper Falls is truly a wonderful read. One that draws you in with rich historic detail of the times and the mystery and budding romance between Susanna and Mark. 

Susanna's life and hardships as an indentured servant in the the late 1790's were so interesting and heartbreaking. To think that we treated one another with so little respect and regard is hard to read about let alone stomach. To see how much they struggled and worked while at the whim of their master's every command was terrifying to see and truly a part of history that should never be forgotten or repeated. The Pratt family was...a piece of work. Their only redeeming quality were their children (well, the younger ones) and really, that was all owed to Susanna, not the Pratts. I have never wanted a husband and wife to get their just rewards as much as I did the Pratts. 

Susanna by far had the more captivating voice of the two (the other being Mark's) and the history nerd in me couldn't help but love to read about her daily life, from tending the children to cooking, she did it all.  

Mark surprised me, he ended up being strong and determined and a great friend for Susanna. Even though they were centuries apart they both experienced very similar situation that I think drew them to one another. They understood each other even if they didn't understand the times and it wasn't long before a friendship was forged. 

Susanna was already a strong girl when her story began but to see her grow stronger, braver and to really stand up for herself was truly a treat. Especially when she was in a time and place when that just wasn't considered acceptable behavior for a woman let alone an indentured servant. She took charge, she changed her family's history and she did it all with little to no though of how it would impact her life and her future. She ended up being quite the kick butt girl and I loved her for it.

I started this knowing that there couldn't possibly be a future for Mark and Susanna, after all their relationship redefined “long distance” but I couldn't help rooting for them anyways. I couldn't help but want them to end up together and while I won't say if I got the happily ever after I wanted, I will say that I was satisfied with the ending.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I haven't heard of this book but it sounds like a great read to me. It's not perfect but worth reading. I love the sound of historical elements and the romance. Great review :)

  2. Thanks Tanja, I definitely think it is one that is worth picking up.

  3. This really sounds like a book I would love! I love historicals but it's really cool when two people are from totally different times. I had a book that was somewhat (sort of) similar that I read as a kid and LOVED! I'm so adding this to the WL!

  4. This sounds like a good read! This is my first time coming across it. :) I'm glad to hear that you were satisfied with the ending overall, as that's one of the most important parts for me, even if it isn't a true HEA (though I hope it is!). Thanks for sharing, as always! Lovely review. :)

  5. Thanks Sam! And there is a HEA. ;)

  6. I love the sound of this Ali, and you know I like historical and the whole barrier thing sounds like some great paranormal woo-woo!

  7. Ohhh reeeaaally?! You know how much I love these types of stories! And it's a stand along? Bonus! I'll have to remember this book, because I'd definitely like to try it.

  8. aww wow wonderful review hon, the book sounds very deep and different. going to keep an eye out on this one, I like the concept behind it!

  9. This sounds like a great book. I love books that show character growth and time travel books are another favorite of mine. Definitely going to check it out. :)

  10. Cheering someone on is the essence of hope, being hopeful is a good thing. :-)

  11. I'm glad to hear you were satisfied with the ending (happily ever after or not). It sounds like the characters are fantastic, especially Susanna. I definitely want to give this one a try. You're right, my TBR is suffering this month from all the fab posts, but I love it! :-) Great review!

  12. I am glad you liked this book. I have it to review also, but just haven't gotten a chance to start it. It sounds pretty good.

  13. I think you will really like it Ellen!!
