Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2013 Debut Author Giveaway Hop!

I am always looking for great new authors to follow, after all what is better than discovering not only a new series to love but an author as well?

Which of course is why I decided to once again join one of I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Bookhounds hops!

This time up, it is all about debut authors and lucky for you I have found not one but a writing duo that are both debut author and both fabulous ones at that. Their new book and series promises to be something you do not want to miss out on. 

What book am I talking about?

So glad you asked! It is none other than extracted by Tyler Jolley and Sherry Ficklin!

If you want to see my review on this one go HERE.

Up for grabs I have an ARC paperback copy of this baby just for you (sorry US residents only).

This is a fabulous book filled with steampunk, adventure, sweet romance and time travel not to mention a whole cast of lovable characters and even some historical goodness thrown in. Really, what more could you ask for?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Such a pretty cover!!!! I heard a lot about this one at BEA this past year, I can't wait to give it a try! You know I can't resist a book that has a sweet romance Ali:)

  2. I remember your review for this one and it sounds like an amazing read :) Hope someone will enjoy it. Great giveaway, Ali :)

  3. Thanks so much- it sounds fun, and the cover is gorgeous! :D

  4. Good luck to everyone who enters!!

  5. Oh YAY! I REALLY want this one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. I loved your review of this one and Kimba's so I definitely want to read it. Thanks for the chance to win! :-)
