Friday, December 27, 2013

Review: Masquerade by Nyrae Dawn

Title: Masquerade
Author: Nyrae Dawn
Series: Book Three in the Games Series
Published By: Forever (January 7, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
A biker. A tattoo artist. A love to last a lifetime.

Maddox Cross has always had to be tough. When his father went to jail for murder, the teenager took care of his sister and mother. Now on his own and working security at a night club, Maddox wants to become a tattoo artist-a dream that comes closer to reality when he falls for the hottest, most tatted woman he's ever seen. She's wild and beautiful, and Maddox will do anything to be with her.

Bee Malone came to town to open up her new tattoo parlor, Masquerade. Since being kidnapped as a young girl, Bee has had trouble getting close to anyone. But when she meets Maddox, she sees that under his hard biker's body is the sensitive soul of an artist. What starts out as a sizzling one-night stand soon becomes so much more.

Bee wants Maddox to join her tattoo business, but letting him into her life means revealing all her most intimate secrets. And as the past begins to intertwine with her present, Bee fears their love may not be as permanent as their ink . . . 

I have been a huge fan of Nyrae's work from the very first book I ever read from her and that holds true still. In fact, I think it is even more so now. She completely amazes me with her talent to create real, raw characters that are completely broken and making me not only care about them, but fall in love with them as well. Characters I feel, characters that seem real to me, characters that have become friends over the course of the trilogy.

Nyrae blows me away time and time again. Just when I don't think I could like another broken bad boy more, I meet a new characters and I am falling in love all over again.

Maddox He was cold, abrupt and full of hard edges and yet he was pretty spectacular too and I knew that under all the hardness was a gooey center just waiting to come out. 

Unlike some of her other leading ladies, Bee too was all hard edges and abruptness but you know what? It totally worked because there is no way a sweet soft girl would have won Maddox over. He needed someone just like him. Someone lost and broken and someone that needed to be put back together. Someone that, when they put their pieces together, could make a whole.

This was emotional, raw and most of all, beautiful. Nyrae is a genius. She has a way with words, a way with characters, a way with everything that is just so heartfelt and real. She will continue to be on my auto buy list because I know when I pick up one of her novels, I will get one hell of a story. One that will rip my heart out and piece it all back together again. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I can't wait to start this! Great review :).

  2. Ummmmm why haven't I read any of her books Ali? She's an author I've heard so much about and one I need to make sure is on my list for 2014. You know how much I love those bad boys, and I love how you said they were broken and needed pieces from the both of them put together to be whole. Beautiful:)

  3. Thanks Jenny, she writes an amazing bad boy so you definitely need to give her books a try!

  4. I have read one of her books and thought she did brilliant in creating characters. This sounds like a must read!

  5. I'd never actually heard of Nyrae Dawn before your review... Oops! I look forward therefore to reading her novels in 2014! :-) I'm glad you've found an author who makes romance a very complicated word, thanks for sharing her!

  6. Awesome review and of course I was too booked and declined this..LOL but I will snag a copy for my own!

  7. Glad you are going to get a copy Kim!

  8. I am so behind this series. Once again that happens when I actually own the book i guess :( I will have to see if I can find it on my kindle. I heard this book was amazing!
    I always love characters that seem very real and if the author can make you fall in love with them, then yes please!

  9. This series really is a must Lily, I hope you are able to start it soon!
