Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Review: Breath of Frost by Alyxandra Harvey

Title: Breath of Frost
Author: Alyxandra Harvey
Series: Book One in the Lovegrove Legacy
Published By: Walker Children's (January 7, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
In 1814, three cousins-Gretchen, Emma, and Penelope-discover their unknown family lineage of witchcraft. Beyond the familiar manicured gardens and ballrooms of Regency London, a dangerous, alluring new underworld visible only to those with power is now open to the cousins. 
But unbeknownst to them, by claiming their power, the three cousins have inadvertently opened the gates to the Underworld. 
Now the dead, ghouls, hellhounds-and the most terrifying of all: the spirits of dark witches known as the Greymalkin Sisters-are hunting and killing young debutante witches for their powers. 
And, somehow, Emma is connected to the murders...because she keeps finding the bodies. 
Can the cousins unravel the clues and mystery behind their heritage and power before their gifts are stripped away ...or even worse, another witch is killed?

Already being a fan of Ms. Harvey I knew opening this that I was going to get a fun read with lovable characters and an enjoyable plot, and not only that but my nerdy side was super excited about getting a paranormal set in the early 1800's as well. What is not to love about that time and era with grand balls and huge manor houses, debutantes and a time when men were charming and gentlemanly? Oh and did I mention the gorgeous dresses and horse drawn carriages and dancing the night away in grand ballrooms?

No? Well I should have because not only is this filled with three cousins I instantly fell in love with but all of the above mentioned as well. What's not to love?

Emma was feisty and headstrong and I knew she and I would be friends immediately. Penelope and Gretchen too were so smart, witty, and full of fire that I couldn’t help but warm up to them as well. I am a sucker for a heroine who isn't afraid to speak her mind and kick a little butt along the way to get the job done and these three cousins were the epitome of kick butt women, especially for their time and station on life.

It is no wonder after writing about vampires so well that Ms. Harvey would be able to transition into witches so seamlessly, she did an amazing job. Not only did she move into the folk lore of witches quite nicely but she pulled off multiple points of view just as well, which, let's face it doesn't always happen with dual point of views let alone with four.

This was such a fun entertaining read, with secondary characters as well set up and fleshed out as the main characters, and all just as lovable. 

I love Cormac and his crazy sisters and Moira and One Eyed Joe almost as much as Emma and her cousins. Not to mention Theodora (in her spells and lucid moments), Ewan and the aunts as well. Truly this has a whole cast of characters that will get under your skin and refuse to be ignored. 

The characters aren't the only great thing about this story, the plot, mystery and action are a huge bonus. Honestly I would have been over joyed just having a fun story with great characters but to actually have the mystery, danger, murders, romance and adventure as well gave this story a huge advantage and pushed it right up there to be one of my favorite YA reads this year. 

I am so impressed with the start of this series, the writing skills Ms. Harvey has always had really came out and shined bright and I can say with utmost confidence that I will eagerly be awaiting the release of the next book in the series. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Oh early 1800 sound so good! I cannot remember reading about that period and when you combine that with how great this story sounds. I'm intrigued for sure. Also it has a really pretty cover. Great review, Ali :)

    PS. Sorry for not commenting as often, but my classes are killing me :(

  2. I know how that can be Tanja, good luck with all your classes! :)

  3. This sounds like a really character-driven story Ali, and that's always something I look for in a book! I haven't read anything by this author which is a shame, I know, so I need to fix that asap. I think I might have to start with this one! Lovely review:)

  4. I think this would be a great one to start with Jenny!

  5. Great review. I am so glad you liked this. IT sounds great.

  6. so good to hear you like this book, it's one of my next to reads! Cormac does sound loveable!

  7. I've read one Alyxandra Harvey book and really liked her writing style, and for some reason I hadn't heard of this until today (on two of my favorite blogs, it's like fate is calling out to me to read it! :D). I love character driven stories, and I think I'm going to love the cousins. Great review!

  8. Oh I'm so glad this was a win for you! I really love her as well and since I love HF I should enjoy this as well. On my WL it goes!

  9. sorry I am late visiting, I am sick and quite mizzy. Are we friends on facebook? This sounds really good! I love both the historical and paranormal elements of this and I have had success with YA books that feature these elements so this is going on my list.

  10. Witches seem to be making a move lately with all the TV shows and books. This sounds good, especially given the time period.

  11. Great review! Sounds like an awesome book to read!

  12. Sorry you are sick Kim, we aren't on FB together, have no idea why!

    Christy and Paij, I hope you both give this one a try. :)

    Candace, yay! I hope you love it!

  13. I'm a fan of Alyxandra Harvey too. I think she has a great sense of humor and I own all her Drake books. I think i'll like these three cousins a lot.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Interesting review! Glad to hear you enjoyed it as I have a copy to read as well :)
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