Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Release Day Review and Giveaway: Sin City Goddess by Barbra Annino

Title: Sin City Goddess
Author: Barbra Annino
Series: Book One in the Secret Goddess Series
Published By: Thomas & Mercer (December 10, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 3.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Tisiphone loves spending her days playing poker in the underworld, far away from mortals and all the trouble they cause—and all the terrible mistakes they make. Unfortunately for this goddess, her sister Alecto has vanished in Las Vegas—and the gods of Olympus believe only Tisi can find her and bring her back. To make matters worse, they force her to partner up with a mortal: recently deceased FBI agent Archer Mays. With all these challenges, how can a Fury keep her temper?

On their quest to track down the missing goddess, Tisi and Archer battle danger, demons, and even their simmering attraction to one another— until a sinister plot unfolds that could devastate humans and gods alike. Now, Tisiphone must set everything right within a few days, or find herself trapped in the mortal world she despises…forever.

From the author of the enchanting Stacy Justice series comes the first book in her brand-new Secret Goddess series: a book that proves hell hath no Fury, because she’s in Las Vegas.

I fell in love with Barbra's writing after reading her Stacy Justice series and I knew that after that I would read anything she had to write.

I was so very happy to see that she was coming out with a new series that I didn't even hesitate to pick this one up and dive right in. 

Goddesses, gods, demons, monsters and a murderer on the loose, all in Sin City? What’s not to love?

I really enjoyed this, it was a lot of fun. It had just the right amount of intrigue, action, romance, mythology lore and of course danger.

I loved how Barbra incorporated her Stacy Justice series into this with glimpses of Stacy and Chance and I really liked Tisi's hard as nails no nonsense attitude but the fact that she still had a softer side.

The banter between the gods and goddesses was great and I loved the dynamic of the group. 

Archer was wonderful and I liked the chemistry between him and Tisi. Once again it was wonderful to see a canine companion in this novel, Cerberus was a fun addition and he reminded me a lot of Thor from Stacy's books. 

I really think this series has a lot of potential. I am really looking forward to future installments. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I haven't read anything by this author before. This sounds like a good series. I am glad you loved her other series to. Great review!

  2. Oooo sounds like a really fun paranormal read Ali! And any book with a canine companion in it is a winner for me. Particularly if it's Cerberus, I so love Greek mythology!

  3. I love wicked banter and the town of Sin City. This sounds like a neat urban fantasy, thanks Ali!

  4. I can't believe I've never heard of either of these series, and they seem to be my kind of books! Paranormal and entertaining!
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the giveaway, Ali!

  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by!

    Heidi I liked it but it wasn't' as funny as the first, it has more of a serious, darker edge to it.

  6. I haven't heard of these series, but this really sounds right up my alley. Plus who can resist a canine friend like Cerberus? Great review!

  7. I love when author create spin off series so you can see your beloved characters in the background. And I love the familiar settings from worlds. This one definitely sounds like something I might enjoy!

  8. Great review!! It sounds interesting! Yet, another book I have to add to my "to read" list! It's getting longer and longer every day

  9. This isn't really a spin off Candace as much as the worlds are one in the same. But it was super fun to see other characters in this from the original!

    Thanks everyone for stopping by!

  10. oh sounds like another fun series! love books with gods and goddesses in them!

  11. Gotta love a cover with feathers and a nice ass. lol! No, this really does sound like a lot of fun. And I love when authors incorporate characters from there other books into a different series like that.
