Thursday, January 23, 2014

Review: Uninvited by Sophie Jordan

Title: Uninvited
Author: Sophie Jordan
Series: Book One in the Uninvited Duology
Published By: Harper Teen (January 28, 2014)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Dystopian/Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
The Scarlet Letter meets Minority Report in bestselling author Sophie Jordan's chilling new novel about a teenage girl who is ostracized when her genetic test proves she's destined to become a murderer.

When Davy Hamilton's tests come back positive for Homicidal Tendency Syndrome (HTS)-aka the kill gene-she loses everything. Her boyfriend ditches her, her parents are scared of her, and she can forget about her bright future at Juilliard. Davy doesn't feel any different, but genes don't lie. One day she will kill someone.

Only Sean, a fellow HTS carrier, can relate to her new life. Davy wants to trust him; maybe he's not as dangerous as he seems. Or maybe Davy is just as deadly.

The first in a two-book series, Uninvited tackles intriguing questions about free will, identity, and human nature. Steeped in New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan's trademark mix of gripping action and breathless romance, this suspenseful tale is perfect for fans of James Patterson, Michelle Hodkin, and Lisa McMann.

I was so looking for something different when I picked this up. Something fun and maybe a little dangerous and just truly unique. I was craving something out of the ordinary, something that stood out in the genre. Something intriguing. Honestly, I was just looking for something unlike all the others. Something that beat to it's own drum.

I got exactly what I was hoping I would get and so much more. In fact, I don't really even know where to begin to tell you how much this book rocked, how much I loved it and how very much I am glad that I picked it up when I did. It was like a breath of fresh air after being stifled under the same ole' same ole' for so long. This completely restored my faith not only in the genre but in knowing that something original is still being made and is still out there. Jordan did an amazing job with this book, the characters, the plot, the setting, all of it.

I read a lot of books and I hate to say it but sometimes those books and characters start to blend together and become one, especially in this genre. It is so hard to find something that stands out and is still well written with characters you can relate to and eventually grow to care about and love so when you find that author that succeeded in doing all of that, you want to shout it out on the roof tops and get the word out. You want everyone to pick it up because you know they are going to devour it and love it just as much as I did. 

The whole concept of this story, the murder gene, brilliant and so darn believable. What if what we were set out to be was written in our DNA and there was nothing we could do about it? What if our choices and wishes didn't matter because what our DNA said, is what the outcome would be anyways?

Crazy right? It was. This had me captured after the very first chapter and I couldn't put it down. It held me captive, made me curious and most of all, made me think. 

This was my first Sophie Jordan book but I can promise you, it won't be my last. I am already anxious for the sequel and I can't wait until I get it into my hot little hands. My only regret is that I didn't start this one earlier, that I didn't try this author earlier. 

Now I need to check out everything she has ever written and buy it all up. Yep, it was, That. Good. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Wahoo.,.I am glad you loved this. I was impressed and like you thought it was very plausible. Wonderful review Ali!

  2. YAY ALI!!! I was so hoping you would love this one when I saw you were reading it, I thought it was fantastic. I agree completely, I loved the originality of it and the feeling that it COULD be real at some point in the future. There's so much complexity in DNA, and as much as it scares me, I can picture this exact reaction to something like a Kill Gene. Fear of the unknown on a massive scale is a truly terrifying thing. Can't wait for book two!

    1. I am so glad Jenny! It seems not everyone has loved it but I really did so it is nice to see that you did too!

  3. I am so glad to hear this stood out for you in the crowd, and that you found it well written and original. I wasn't excited about this initially after seeing a few negative reviews, but recently I've seen some very convincing enthusiastic reviews, including this one, so I'm definitely going to give it a try now! Looking forward to it. Thanks for your lovely review! :-)

    1. Yay, I am so glad you are going to try it now Lauren, I think you will really like it too!

  4. I'm with you, I need unique and different these days! I'm so tired of the same ol' thing. I've heard great things about this so far so I'm going to have to get a copy!

    1. I think you will like this one then Candace. :)

  5. You have no idea how happy I'm with your review. I cannot wait to read this book and you saying it's unique and different is all I want to hear. Great review, Ali :)

  6. Sorry you didn't like quite as much but still glad you really enjoyed it Heidi. :)

  7. Wow, I've been seeing a lot of great reviews for this book today. I'm definitely excited to read it now! I always love when a concept feels entirely believable, and it's great to hear that this book was original too. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Ali! Lovely review. :)

  8. Glad you loved it, Ali! It really is a great premise, but I wish I had liked the characters.

    1. You never know, maybe you will like the next one better?

  9. i really liked it, I liked the story but I do have to remember that it's just a story and fiction but the book left me with some questions. I hope to review it tomorrow.
    I really loved the romance in this one.

  10. I'm glad you enjoyed this one! I just read it last week and LOVED it! It's definitely different and unique, I don't think I've read anything quite like it before. Great review!

    1. So glad to hear you say you loved it too and I agree, definitely an original!

  11. AWESOME review! I cannot wait to read it!

  12. Awesome review. I have this to read also and now I am really excited.
