Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Waiting on Wedensday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. This is our chance to post those books that we are dying to get our hands on.

This week I am posting about Prince of Shadows by Rachel Caine.

I loved her Morganville Vampire series and I am so excited that she is writing something totally new and different for her, plus, it just sounds amazing. I love retellings.

Book Description:
A thrilling retelling of the star-crossed tale of Romeo and Juliet, from the New York Times bestselling author of the Morganville Vampires series.

In the Houses of Montague and Capulet, there is only one goal: power. The boys are born to fight and die for honor and—if they survive—marry for influence and money, not love. The girls are assets, to be spent wisely. Their wishes are of no import. Their fates are written on the day they are born.

Benvolio Montague, cousin to Romeo, knows all this. He expects to die for his cousin, for his house, but a spark of rebellion still lives inside him. At night, he is the Prince of Shadows, the greatest thief in Verona—and he risks all as he steals from House Capulet. In doing so, he sets eyes on convent-bound Rosaline, and a terrible curse begins that will claim the lives of many in Verona…

…And will rewrite all their fates, forever.

So what do you think, sound good to you?


  1. I sadly couldn't get into the Morganville Vampires series but I want to give this series a try. Sounds good! I usually like Romeo and Juliet retellings. Nothing beats star crossed lovers!

    My WOW

    1. There is just something about them I agree Jennifer!

  2. Oh yes, me too Ali! I'm a huge Rachel Caine fan and will read anything she wants to write. So excited to get my hands on this one!

  3. This sounds wonderful, I'm so excited for this book!

  4. I wish I was a Romeo and Juliet fan, but sadly I am not. So, when you read this I want to read your review. Then maybe I will decide for sure! I haven't even heard of the Morganville series, so thanks for adding yet, another series to my TBR list ;). I love reading your blog!

    1. If you like vamps you will like the series Becca! It is different, the vamps are both good and bad (mostly bad) and there are other paranormal things as well, plus the protagonist is awesome!

  5. I have never tried Mead. I know color me this may be a good one for me to try, awesome pick!

    1. I hope you do give her a try Kim, I really like her writing style.

  6. I'm super excited for this one, it sounds like a creative take on Romeo & Juliet. Great choice! :-)

  7. Ohh, mmm ... I'm actually really curious about this book. I haven't read her vampire series, but something about this book tells me to read it.

    1. I think it is the cover, I like that her shadow is a boy's!

  8. Oooh a Romeo and Juliet retelling? I haven't heard of this one yet! Retellings are all the hype these days it seems, but I'm not complaining a bit! Definitely adding this one to my tbr!! I loved her Morganville series so I'm sure this one will be just as good!! Great pick!! :)

    My WoW

  9. I have heard about this book and it does sounds truly interesting. I mean retelling of Romeo and Juliet is kinda always interesting. Great pick :)

    1. I am kind of sad I haven't seen more reviews on it but that makes it all the more interesting to me, I can't wait to read it!

  10. I am looking forward to this one too <3

    1. Now it just needs to hurry and release so we can all read it! ;)
