Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday

 Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

This is a weekly meme where we can tell others what book we are anxiously looking forward to.

This week I am posting about Split Second by Kasie West.

I adored the first book in the series and I am seriously looking forward to seeing how the author continues the storyline. I loved all the characters and Ms. West's writing was awesome and I love books about time travel or the unknown. 

Book Description:
Life can change in a split second.

Addie hardly recognizes her life since her parents divorced. Her boyfriend used her. Her best friend betrayed her. She can’t believe this is the future she chose. On top of that, her ability is acting up. She’s always been able to Search the future when presented with a choice. Now she can manipulate and slow down time, too . . . but not without a price.

When Addie’s dad invites her to spend her winter break with him, she jumps at the chance to escape into the Norm world of Dallas, Texas. There she meets the handsome and achingly familiar Trevor. He’s a virtual stranger to her, so why does her heart do a funny flip every time she sees him? But after witnessing secrets that were supposed to stay hidden, Trevor quickly seems more suspicious of Addie than interested in her. And she has an inexplicable desire to change that.

Meanwhile, her best friend, Laila, has a secret of her own: she can restore Addie’s memories . . . once she learns how. But there are powerful people who don’t want to see this happen. Desperate, Laila tries to manipulate Connor, a brooding bad boy from school—but he seems to be the only boy in the Compound immune to her charms. And the only one who can help her.

As Addie and Laila frantically attempt to retrieve the lost memories, Addie must piece together a world she thought she knew before she loses the love she nearly forgot . . . and a future that could change everything.

So, what are you waiting on this week that you are just dying to get your hands on?


  1. I loved this one! It was a bit different than the first since it follows two different POVs instead of two different choices but the characters are great.
    My WOW

    1. Glad you liked it Jennifer! I can't wait to read it.

  2. Gads I bought book one and hopefully will read it in March along with a hundred other books in my tbr pile. I am excited to start it!

    1. Read it, read it, read it! :P

      I know what you mean though, I am trying to figure out what I can squeeze in in March as well. Too many books not enough hours in the day or month!!

  3. Pivot Point was a favorite of mine last year Ali, I'm so very excited for Split Second! MORE TREVOR PLEASE! I love him so much:) *swoons*

    1. Same here Jenny and I really want them together!!

  4. Sounds so enticing! Thanks for sharing...(and I, too, love guilty obsessions!). Love the look of your blog.


  5. Pivot Point was a good book. I am glad book 2 in the series is out, and it seems you truly enjoyed it too.
    Ill def read it as soon as I get a free tbr spot. lolz

    1. I know how that is Bella, sometimes there are too many great books out there. ;)

  6. I SO need to read the first book!

    1. You really so just because I know you would like it!!

  7. I only had lukewarm feelings about the first book, but I'm nevertheless excited to read this one. Her books are never spectacular, but they're reliably good.

    1. Pivot Point was the first one I have read so far but I do plan on reading more, not just this one.

  8. I cannot believe I still haven't read Pivot Point considering I have heard great things about it. Hopefully I'll read it soon and hopefully you'll enjoy the sequel. Great pick :)

  9. Great pick! I am really looking forward to this one after Pivot Point!
    By the way i'm loving the blog, just added 2 books to my TBR so thanks! Totally following.

    I'd really like it if you checked out my blog @

    Im a new blogger and would really appreciate the follow!

    1. Thank you for the follow, I will definitely check yours out as well!

  10. I haven't read Pivot Point yet, but I have read Kasie West's The Distance Between Us and enjoyed it. I'll have to check out Pivot point and this one when it comes out.
    My WoW

  11. I can't wait to read this, I loved Pivot Point! Fabulous WoW choice! :-)

  12. Yes, yes, yes ... I NEED this book NOW!

  13. Great pick. I'm really looking forward to this one to.

  14. wonderful pick, I still need to read the first one ;/ lol
