Monday, March 7, 2016

Mini Review: The Fear Trials by Lindsay Cummings

Title: The Fear Trials
Author: Lindsay Cummings
Series: Prequel to the Murder Complex
Published By: Harper Teen Impulse (May 27, 2014)
Source: Purchased
Genre: YA Dystopian
My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Book Description:
Meadow Woodson has been trained to survive. This is a prequel to The Murder Complex, by Lindsay Cummings, and it is set in a blood-soaked world where the murder rate is higher than the birth rate. For fans of Moira Young's Dust Lands series, La Femme Nikita, and the movie Hanna.

Meadow Woodson's father calls it The Fear Trials, and it is a rite of passage in their family. Meadow is up against her brother Koi. The Fear Trials will both harden her and make her brave. If Meadow wins, she will get a weapon of her own and the right to leave the Woodsons' houseboat without her father or mother at her side. Set in the violent, complex, and mysterious world of The Murder Complex, and introducing Meadow Woodson—a teenage girl trained to survive no matter what the cost—and her family, who are together for the last time on their houseboat in the Florida Everglades. 

All that back story I felt like I was missing in The Murder Complex is neatly delivered to us here in The Fear Trials. We learn about Meadows past with her family, we get to see her mother, and most importantly, we get to see how Meadow became the girl we first get to meet in The Murder Complex. That rough and tough kick butt girl with the heart of stone.

I do wish I would have read this one first because it just gives us so much..more. While it doesn't necessary explain Meadow's world, it certainly helps us understand it and understand her. I already loved the first book but now I can't help loving it more now that I have this little tid bit to think and ponder over.

Such a great addition to the series and really a must read.


  1. I was very much interested in the first book, but I never got around to it. I did hear some mixed thoughts for it though so that's probably a big reason why I never picked it up. That's good that this one answered questions you had though since it's a novella, I feel like those questions should have been answered in the actual book.
    Anyways, glad you enjoyed this, Ali! :)

    1. Yeah it is always weird when you have to resort to a novella for answers but it was good.

  2. I read the first book which I though was decent but I do not like prequels and novellas much so I'll definitely be skipping this one even though it sounds like it explains a lot. Glad you were able to enjoy it!

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, I never got to the first book because of mixed reviews, but I'm glad the author explained more. World building is too often ignored.
    Tori @InToriLex

    1. Yeah it is sad to see that happen, especially when the rest of the story is so good and interesting.

  4. Did the prequel release before the first book or after? I'm glad it gave you the backstory you craved.

    1. Not until after which was why it was a bit strange. I would have loved to have read them in order at the time. It didn't help that I had an ARC of the first book either I think.

  5. I haven't read this series yet but have the first book. I'll definitely have to consider getting this one first though!

    1. If you read them, definitely read this first.

  6. This sounds like my kind of series. I will definitely try this series soon and try this prequel first :)

  7. I have the first book which I still would like to read some time, it sounds like I should read this prequel first. Glad this gave you the background you wanted :)

  8. I have the Murder Complex on my wishlist. I will have to add this and remember to read it first. Great review!

  9. I'll likely pass on this, as The Murder Complex wasn't for me. Still, I'm so impressed with your novella reading of late! I read that Wrath and the Dawn one just because you gave it a good rating!

    1. Did you like it? I try to read any prequels first to get a feel for the first book and because usually there is a lot of background in them. I definitely want to read the first book now because of it though so I guess it did its job. :P

    2. I liked *some* of it. It had multiple POVs and I definitely preferred some over others. But it was a decent read. I give it three stars. :D

  10. Sounds like this should have been released first, or at the same time as the book. Glad it answered your questions though!

  11. I've had this series on my TBR for some time now, but I never manage to actually read the first book.

    1. If you do read it, I really hope you end up liking it.

  12. I haven't read this series yet. It's been on my to check out list, but I haven't made it to that point yet. Thanks for letting me know to read this one first.

    Simply Angela

    1. Of course and if you do read them, I hope you like them.

  13. I'm glad you got some back story in this one! I need to read the first book. :D

  14. Definitely read this first, it helped a lot I think.

  15. Oh I'm glad this one is so good. I still need to read that first book.

  16. I still can't believe this series was finally released -- seemed like the author was promoting it for years prior to release! Glad this one clears up things for the series!!

  17. it's always good to have a great addition to the series

  18. I keep forgetting about this series. I liked the first book, but haven't got around to the 2nd. Or this on. Sounds like this would be beneficial to read first.

    1. I think it would, a lot was mentioned that was nice to know.

  19. Blood-soaked world? Fear I don't think this is one I would read but I am happy to see you are enjoying and that this added to the story so you understood things better!

  20. I really enjoy prequels, especially when they are well executed. I have read however that this series suffers from major insta-love though :/ are the rumors true?

    1. It is a sort of insta-love but there is a reason for it if that matters? Hard to explain without giving anything away.

  21. I heard that this series took too much liberties with trying to emulate certain tv shows and movies. I don't have any problem with that per se, it's just a matter of not being in the mood for it nowadays. Glad this one made the series better for you!

    1. Yeah I can see that and how it would bother a lot of people.

  22. I enjoyed the Murder Complex, and like that so many questions are answered in this. Great review Ali!

  23. Yay for getting some of the extra details you were needing :D
