Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spring Break, Break

(image courtesy of

I absolutely love this time of year. Everything is blooming, things are starting to look green again, and coming back to life, I even love the rain and how clean it smells outside.

And with that comes spring break for my darling little ones. In light of spring break, I thought I would take a much needed blogging break as well.

I have to be honest, I've been feeling very burnt out lately and not at all my blogging, reading self. In fact, I've read less books this year so far than I can ever remember reading and the worst part is that they have all (seriously how I'd get so lucky) been fabulous four and five star reads and yet, I have to almost force myself to pick up a book.

It makes no sense. My only conclusion, I'm a bit burnt out on it all. 

I think being super busy at home and with other things hasn't helped and more often than not, I'm too exhausted to read and so have been resorting to watching tv series I missed out on the first time around to relax and unwind instead (shakes fist at the allure of Netflix and all it has to offer) of picking up a book. I know, I know, gasp! The horror but, there you have it.

I'm current'y addicted to Person of Interest (stinking love this show!) and two new shows Lucifer (oh my gosh, so funny!) and Blindspot (can't get enough of it!) which is very unusual for me. I hardly ever watch "new" shows but I just love both of these shows and had no idea PoI even existed until I saw it on Netflix. 

So in light of everything, I thought a good long break would be in order so I'm starting spring break a bit early and hope to come back refreshed and with a better attitude about blogging and even reading and reviewing. 

I, however, am not sick of the all of you, how could I be, you guys are the best! So I will be stopping by periodically and saying hello so don't think you've gotten rid of me yet. ;) 

Thank you so much everyone for all the support and I hope you all have a fabulous spring break, a Happy St. Patrick's Day for those that celebrate it, and Easter!

(image courtesy of


  1. Yessss Lucifer is so good! It the only show my son loves right now, so he texts me to remind me to watch it so we can "discuss it". lol.

    Getting burnt out sucks. Hopefully a break will help. I know one book that would light a fire under you. If only they'd give it to us! ;D Have a nice break!

    1. I just realized I replied on the wrong post for this LOL! Oh well. But yes I would love to start that one, if only they would approve us soon!

  2. Rest well my friend and I hope you'll have a lovely time!

  3. Ali, we will miss you but this is a well deserved break. I think you are taking the right and smart approach to this. Enjoy your break and we'll be here when you get back :)

    1. Thank you so much Tyler for the kind words!!

  4. Oh I need to check out Lucifer on Netflix. And I totally understand your need for a break. Enjoy your short hiatus, Ali. <3

    1. Lucifer is on Hulu right now but I'm sure Netflix will pick it up soon. It is still airing (first season)!

  5. " I'm too exhausted to read and so have been resorting to watching tv series I missed out on the first time around to relax and unwind instead (shakes fist at the allure of Netflix and all it has to offer) of picking up a book"

    THIS IS ME EXACTLY RIGHT NOW ALI!!! My husband and I just got Netflix the only thing I want to do when I'm done with work is watch TV. Reading has become a bit of a chore, though I know that will change eventually:) Enjoy your time off my friend!!!!

    1. Yes Jenny! I think that is how I've been looking at it as well and I don't even know why. I hope it changes soon for the both of us.

  6. You deserve this break, Ali! I will of course miss your posts, but I much prefer you out of a slump! :)
    Enjoy all those TV shows! I don't know what it is about TV shows that have the ability to distract us readers so much!
    Take care, Ali! <3

    1. I know right? I'm starting to think they are evil. ;P

      And thanks Nick, that means a lot!

  7. Oh Ali, you are speaking to my heart! I'm telling you, I have been wrestling with the same emotions in these last couple of months. As I mentioned in my monthly wrap-up post, I had a serious meltdown, I almost deleted my blog altogether! I just wasn't enjoying anything that had to do with blogging and reviewing books if you know what I mean. I wanted to just be free of any and all obligations and enjoy reading simply because it's my source of life and joy.

    Please, go and enjoy a much deserved break! Take in the wondrous songs of Spring and create unforgettable moments with your little ones; they are so worth it! Don't worry about us, I'm sure we are all on the same boat some how, just trying to make our love for reading, blogging and life work ;)

    1. I really hope you enjoy a break as well, I really do think sometimes we just need them to re energize and love what we are doing again. ;)

  8. I have been feeling the same way myself lately, so I totally get it :) It seems like a huge effort to pick up a book and read these days. I hope your break gives you a new inspiration to read and blog!

    1. Thanks so much Sarah and I hope you are doing better with it soon as well. So weird to feel that way about reading..

  9. We all go through these periods and sometimes a break is what it takes to get out of the funk. I hope that it helps and that you have a good time.
    I have watched Person of Interest (I think, if it's the one I'm thinking of) and like it a lot. I haven't watched the others though, I'll have to look them up.

    1. Glad you watched it, it is strangely addicting! I'm waiting for the new season to start. ;) And thanks, I'm really hoping this break will do me some good. ;)

  10. Sorry you are burnt out, it happens though! Just relax and enjoy your break as long as you need to so you can come back refreshed. :D

  11. You've been doing such a good job with this blog since I discovered it. I'm sure you need and will enjoy a great break!!!

    1. Ahh thanks Tori, that is so nice to hear!! <3

  12. I hope you enjoy your time off and enjoy Spring Break with your kids. Sometimes it's a good idea to take a break and just relax. Don't worry about the blog or reading because you HAVE too. :)


  13. It's always good to take a break! I think we all get that kind of burnout from time to time. I also need to see Lucifer. :D

    1. Definitely watch it, I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I do but his personality is so darn funny. Reminds me a bit of Crowley from Supernatural.

  14. Hope you get a good rest and come back refreshed. I have been feeling a bit like that lately myself. Maybe it's just that it's Spring Fever or something :)

    1. That could definitely be Lorna. I hope you get a break as well. ;)

  15. Understandable, we all need to unplug once in a while. Enjoy your break and don't read anything. Maybe that will help!

    1. I was thinking about that and I think I might try that for a few days and see if it does help. ;) No reading or reviews and no working on the blog, we'll see how it goes.

  16. Everybody definitely needs a break from time to time!! Have fun watching all of those Tv shows :D

  17. I have taken a break from book reviews and recently took mini one week blogging hiatus. Sometimes blogging and reading take a back seat to other things in life. Sounds blasphemous but true. Enjoy your break.

    1. It really does but you're also so right, sometimes breaks are just needed and that is that. ;)
      Glad you are back!

  18. Do not get me started on binge watching shows. I rewatched the whole season of Outlander yesterday. I was not feeling good, so I'm still home for the rest of the week. My BP has been kind of high, so I am now on meds + migraine meds. I am not a happy camper. I hope you enjoy your break, because I seriously need one.

    1. Oh no! I really hope you are able to rest and feel better again. That doesn't sound good at all. Take care of yourself and do what you need to do to be well again. *hugs*

  19. Enjoy your break and all those awesome shows. Do what you need to do to recharge! *hugs*

  20. My best wishes to you darling
    Always is good know a bit more about you

  21. I've done a lot less reading this year too and been binge watching shows. Ergs. Hope you enjoy your break and it gives you a much needed boost!

    1. Thanks so much Anna and I'm glad I'm not the only one. ;)

  22. I completely understand that. I haven't been reading as much lately too. I've been okay on audiobooks, but sitting down to read, I can only read for a like an hour or so at a time, which is nothing like me.

    My binge watching show right now is Criminal Minds on Netflix. I've heard that Lucifer is good. I need to see if I can find it on demand or hope that Netflix or Amazon Prime picks it up. I've heard about Person of Interest. I think it is pretty new to Netflix, because I looked for it and it wasn't there. I'll be sure to try it out too.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. i LOVE Criminal Minds! I keep waiting for Netflix to get the latest season. We binged watched that over summer (and then some) and I'm so hooked on it!

      PoI was on Netflix, I wonder if they took it off? :/

  23. Have a good time with you family, Ali! I hope this break would help, and you'll be able to enjoy reading and blogging again.

  24. I hope you have a wonderful Spring break with your family and friends, Ali!! I always admire your reviews, but I know how challenging it can be with real life. I hope you enjoy some great books over vacation just to "enjoy" them :)

    1. Thank you so much Kim and for all your kind words!

  25. Yessss. Blindspot and Lucifer are the best! I hope this break is what you need and gets you back to us soon.

    1. *high fives you!* Love that you are watching and loving them too and thank you!!

  26. Totally understandable. Enjoy your break!

  27. Its always a good thing to take a break when your feeling burnt out. Hope you come back refreshed.

  28. Ali I know how you feel, I feel a bit overwhelmed too, this month has just been non-stop reviewing but since I've had to quit work to take care of my husband it just seems like there's not enough hours in the day. I don't know why I can't get myself together you'd think since I'm home all day now it would be easier not harder. Maybe it's because I was trapped at work for 9hrs Mon-Fri and when I got caught up I had plenty of time to deal with my online life. Now it seems like I have no separation so I will get back together just like I know you will too. I love reading your reviews. Take care love youxo

    1. I'm sorry Debbie, I hope things get better for you as well on all fronts. *hugs*

  29. We all go through those periods where we just need a little break. Enjoy it, and we'll see you when you get back!! <3

  30. I just got back from my break which I desperately needed. So enjoy your time off an your TV. I just started The Family on ABC and highly suggest it. Can't wait to see you back :)

    1. So glad you had a nice break too! I will be back later next week for sure. Thanks for the rec, I'll check that one out too!

  31. I'm really hoping your enjoying your break, love! I know how dedicated you are to reading and commenting on everyone's blogs so it's always a good idea to take a break every once and a while! Enjoy your break! We'll be here waiting for you when you get back! <3 Muahh!

  32. Enjoy your holiday, Ali :) I had to take a step back too, you know, and I think it was for the best. It's a great thing to be able to recognize when that is needed, and even greater, when you actually act upon it. Well done! I hope your Easter was wonderful and sweet <3

    1. Thanks so much Ramona! I hope you've been doing well too. ;)

  33. I feel you! I think I have decided that I will not take any "new" reviews for the next little while! I find I'm burnt out too...not from reading but from "having" to read. Does that make sense? Every thing I think I have a handle on life, it just laughs at me and puts me back in my place ;). I am going to read for me, for a while. Well except for the reviews I have already signed up for! I just cannot refuse a new book :). Enjoy spring break! It's so nice to just be with family for a while! I love the shows you're watching! Netflix is my downfall when I'm burnt out as well ;)! It my mindless entertainment!

    1. Yes I think that is a great description of watching TV, definitely mindless in a way. ;)

      It was a nice break and I think I'm going to be rethinking things a bit as well. I learned a lot this past week off (almost two weeks!) and I've loved just reading for me again and not worrying about so much.

      I'll be cutting back a lot as well. ;)
