Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Review: Maybe by Amber Johnson

Title: Maybe
Author: Amber Johnson
Series: Stand Alone
Published: February 12, 2015
Source: Purchased
Genre: NA Contemporary
My Rating: 4 Stars

Book Description:
Letting go is hard. Admitting you need each other is harder.

Emily Portman loves her job. A writer for Breakout! Magazine, she shadows and showcases up-and-coming bands. When her next assignment takes her to Austin, Texas, she can’t wait to add the city to her map of places she’s visited. Places she’s left without looking back. Her plan is to keep moving on, and the last thing she needs is a man holding her back. She’s not going down that road again.

Tyler Macy is stuck in a rut. Despite his exceptional talent as a musician, he has chosen to take a back seat with his music and let others grab the limelight. Wounded and mistrustful, he doesn’t appreciate his friends’ efforts to bring him back to center stage. Emily comes onto the scene and sees his full potential, but he fights to stay in the shadows, shutting her out before she can add to the scars another woman gave him.

For Tyler to find his music again, he needs to accept the help that Emily and their friends offer. When he discovers that his muse lies underneath Emily’s skin, it is still not enough to keep her from walking away. Neither will admit what they really want until it is too late.

Emily is once again thrown in Tyler’s path when she is assigned to join them on tour. Despite the pain in his past, Tyler sees that she is worth it, even if she’s stolen both his heart and peace of mind. In order for them to be together, they both must discover whether the music and their passion are enough to overcome the obstacles that separate them.

Maybe finding love is worth the risk.

After falling in love with Puddle Jumping last year and becoming one of my top YA reads, how could I not try another book by this author? In fact, if truth be told, after reading Puddle Jumping, I went out and bought multiple books by this author because I just knew she was going to become a favorite for me and I wasn't wrong. After reading Maybe, I can once again say, I just love her style, her characters and most of all, the love stories she creates.

While this was much spicier and steamier than I was anticipating, and definitely not for a younger crowd, I absolutely loved Tyler and Emily. Second chance romances are by far one of my top three tropes in any contemporary and the hate to love is another and this amazing novel had both.

Their story was a sweet one but it was also riddled with annoyances, witty one liners, lots of tension, lots of steam, insults, and sweet tender moments to make it all worth it. It truly had a little bit of it all. 

Throw in the journal entries from Tyler so we get that much needed glimpse into his thoughts, and this was a fantastic read that I won't be forgetting anytime soon. I love how music factored into their relationship and I adored how music came to Tyler, there was just something so endearing and almost magical about it. 

This was another well done novel by this author and I can't wait to read more from her. 


  1. I still haven't read anything by this author yet, but Puddle Jumping is high up my TBR.
    This one sounds fantastic! I love the combo of steamy, witty and sweeter moments. I'll have to look into this one as well.
    Lovely review, Ali!

    1. Puddle Jumping is my absolutely favorite so I highly recommend starting there Nick. I wish I could read that one all over again for the "first" time.

  2. I haven't read Puddle Jumping yet, though every bot of feedback I got on it was stellar and I am quite curious. Not sure about this new one, though the cover and your review sure make it seem appealing... :) An excellent and very thoughtful review, Ali - thanks! Wishing you a great week!

    1. Definitely read Puddle Jumping if nothing else.

  3. This is new to me as well. Steamy stories aren't my jam, but I don't mind it when it's not the main story. I'm glad you enjoyed it and she didn't let you down. Cheers!

  4. I'm all for spicy and steamy in my romances Ali! Love that we get journal entries from Tyler too so we get a peek in his head:) Must add this and Puddle Jumping to my list!

    1. Definitely try Puddle Jumping, it is still by far my favorite story of her's.

  5. I'm sometimes amazed by some of the steaminess in YA books. I've read some that I really question whether or not they should really be YA. I'm glad you've enjoyed this one and that you've found and author that you love.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I have too and to be honest, as a mom, I do wish the steamy was not part of it.

  6. I love second chance romances as well.

  7. Here is yet another author that I haven't read. This sounds really great and I'm glad you loved it. Definitely adding to my never ending to read list! Also, I just LOVE that cover.

    1. She is a fabulous author and this was good but definitely read Puddle Jumping, so darn good!

  8. Awesome cover, glad you enjoyed this one. This is another contemporary I'll consider reading!!
    Tori @InToriLex

  9. All the drama and angst is what scares me away from NA. I deal with that with teens on a daily basis because of work but I don't want to read it for enjoyment. LOL. I do, however, love second chances so I might give this one a shot.

    1. I hear you, it isn't my favorite anymore either but with some authors I make an exception. :)

  10. I loved Puddle Jumping so, like you, I just HAD to try this one. But I didn't like it, sadly :(

    1. Sorry it wasn't for you, it was good but nowhere near Puddle.

  11. it's great that you found another great book by the author there!

    1. It was nice, I love it when that happens for sure.

  12. When I See NA I think ANGST! How is it here?

    Also thanks for the feedback about The Opportunist question I left here yesterday :)

    1. Of course. ;)

      And yeah, the angst is why I normally shy away from this genre now.

  13. Puddle Jumping was an amazing read. I don't think any of her other books can live up to it. But this one does sound good. Nice review. :)

    1. I sadly agree, I haven't tried them all but I imagine that would be a hard one to beat.

  14. There is some so definitely start with Puddle Jumping first.

  15. I love how this actually showed the first round of their relationship too. And omg, I wish the sequel to PJ would hurry and get here.

    1. Okay it is awesome that you two do that! Love it!

      And freaking YES! If only they would approve us. I have no idea why they are taking so long. I can't remember the last time I had to wait so long for a response one way or the other.

    2. I just realized this comment was suppose to be on my other post. *sigh* YES for the sequel, where is it! I need it!

  16. I hadn't heard of this before, I'm glad to hear you loved it. I'll have to look up Puddle Jumping.

    1. Definitely look that one up Candace, I highly recommend it.

  17. I need to try this author, and like that this is more adult.

    1. Try her Puddle Jumping Kim, it is labeled YA but so worth the read and it's a quick one, very diverse and just wonderful.

  18. Ohh now I know why her name is so familiar! Definitely adding this to my to buy list. Thanks, Ali!

    1. Yep, I think everyone loved Puddle Jumping. ;)

  19. Okay so this might not make sense but I went to Amazon and ended up buying Puddle Jumping. It sounded good and you loved it so... Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. That one is my favorite so I'm glad you downloaded it!

  20. Well that sounds great! Second chances are one of my all time favorites too :D Plus a little steam and spice? Yup! Will have to check that out :D

  21. I have my eyes on Puddle Jumping for a while, but I haven’t read it yet. Lovely review, Ali! Thanks for putting this book on my radar. I love the sound of the romance.

    1. Definitely read Puddle Jumping, it is amazing!

  22. It's so great to find an author you love so much.
