Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gilded Wings Blog Tour, Guest Post, Read-a-long and Giveaway!

Title: Gilded Wings
Author: Amy Lignor
Series: The Angel Chronicles Book Two
Pub Date: November 1, 2012
ISBN: 9780985792220
ISBN: 9781301335541
Pages: 275

The Beloved Angel-Warrior Team from Until Next Time Returns!

When Matt and Emily are sent on their second mission they have no idea how truly dark human nature can become...

Emily never wanted to face humans again. With the heartache that went on down below, she’s still trying to figure out how to save souls that don’t deserve saving. The only one she wants to see again is Jason - the young man she fell in love with who became the soulmate she simply can’t forget...

Matt was trained to protect and defend the souls down below. Longing to feel the heartfelt emotions that come from being human, Matt wants nothing more than to have just one life - one chance - to live and love the girl of his dreams...

The powerful team find themselves in a brand new century, living in the Gilded Age of New York City. Emily takes over the body of Anya, a young Russian girl who arrives on Ellis Island after a hideous tragedy. There she meets up with a strangely familiar young man by the name of Drew Parrish, who helps Anya survive in an unknown world of luxury, snobbery and…obsession.

What Anya’s inner angel doesn’t know is that the soul she loves is also back. This time around Jason goes by the name of Max Carrow. Once a quiet and kind boy, he’s now part of the ‘Four Hundred Club,’ and wants nothing more than to be among the most admired as he climbs the shaky ladder of society’s elite.

As two worlds merge, Emily and Matt struggle under the weight of their “Gilded Wings.” Not only will they have to figure out who they should fight to save, but they must also face a romantic choice that could destroy them both.

About the Author:
Amy Lignor began her career at Grey House Publishing in northwest Connecticut where she was the Editor-in-Chief of numerous educational and business directories.

Now she is a published author of several works of fiction. The Billy the Kid historical
The Heart of a Legend; the thriller, Mind Made; and the adventure novel, Tallent & Lowery 13.

She is also the owner of The Write Companion, a company that offers help and support to writers through a full range of editorial services from proofreading and copyediting to ghostwriting and research. As the daughter of a research librarian, she is also an active book reviewer.

Currently, she lives with her daughter, mother and a rambunctious German Shepherd named Reuben, in the beautiful state of New Mexico. 

Guest Post:

How a Team is Born!

Readers usually ask where the inspiration came from for an author. Not to sound hokey, but mine came from finding a best friend at a time when I really needed one.

I was thirteen - you all know it - it’s the age where the world looks like a total mess. The one thing I loved was books. My mom was a research librarian and she passed along the love of old legends to me, but when my grandfather passed away I actually began to wonder about angels, especially why, if they were real, they would come to this messed-up place?

My dreams at night turned away from the Acropolis and the ancient mysteries and fell into a grand library. I loved that place; it had every book known to mankind. There were groups of eager looking students walking around, a few adults who seemed to be ‘watching’ carefully, and a young boy named Matt.

Matt was my age and was hysterical. He would sit and talk to me in that library and I always thought we’d get kicked out for being too loud. But every night he showed me around the place and spoke a great deal about his training and what he was waiting for - the chance to come ‘down’ and have a life. He was all excited about it, and when I would roll my eyes and tell him how awful it was, he’d just smile and say that he wanted a chance at a life - a chance to fight, defend…maybe even fall in love. That’s how Matt became a reality for me - a spark of imagination that helped lead me through the troubled time of losing my grandfather.

Years later when I lost my dad, Matt returned, and I suddenly wanted the world to meet him and his partner. I wanted readers to know about what I saw and how different everything was from what is ‘in print’ - how there was fun, laughter, lighthearted sarcasm at times - and the real difference between their lot in life and ours.

I’ve worked on The Angel Chronicles for a while now, and with Gilded Wings, Matt truly comes to life. When I saw the cover, I was beyond choked-up because that was my friend out there for the world to see…and he really deserves that!

Emily and Matt will never be in the ‘fallen’ category. They are a team that comes from a place where things make sense and enter into a world where they could be torn apart by emotions - good and evil - that they find surrounding them. But the one thing they will always have is another chance. And, to me, that has to be one of the greatest gifts anyone could possibly ever receive.

So…thank you for giving them a spot on your site and in your lives!

Until Next Time, Everybody.

Read-a-long Excerpt:
 He turned back to Anya. “It says in this file you worked as a governess and domestic servant in your homeland. How many languages can you speak?”

“I speak several.”

“Is French one of them?”

“Yes,” Anya replied, confusion raged in her eyes. “Why?”

Reaching out, Drew took her by the elbow. “You and, go wait in the cafeteria for me. I have to stay here until everyone is checked in and then I will come get you.”

The medic rolled his eyes. “Drew, come on.”

“I know someone who needs a governess for his son. I’m sure you will do; if you want the job, of course.” Drew said, elbowing Mike in the stomach.

“I thought we were going to the Old West?” Gregori sniffled into the back of his hand, as he wiped the tears from his dirty cheek.

Anya smiled down at him. “We will. But first we have to get some money together to travel. Think of it as our first adventure. This might be the only time a cowboy like you will be able to see the big city of New York. It should be fun.”

The boy nodded and turned away, closing his eyes to the darkened hallway that’d just consumed his father. “Okay.”

Drew turned to the tallyman sitting silently in the corner. Bill looked stunned, staring at the young woman who’d shown more determination than half the men walking by. He looked at Drew’s angry face and pushed his thumb down quickly on the metal contraption.

The two clicks rang out like church bells in the Great Hall, as Gregori and Anya became Americans.

Giveaway Details:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To Follow The Tour and To Check Out Other Sneak Peeks of Gilded Wings, Follow The Link Below:



  1. I have the first book on my kindle and can't wait to read it. Great guest post! I always love to learn where an authors inspiration came from to write their book. So glad Amy could bring Matt to life in her books. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ali, thanks for inviting Amy and the angels to stop by for Book 2. We appreciate your support of 'The Angel Chronicles' series.

    Jennifer, thanks for the comment. I hope you enjoy reading Book 1 :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by Jennifer!!

    And Nicole, you are so welcome! Thanks for letting me be a part of the tour! :)

  4. Nice excerpt, I loved book one and will be reviewing book 2 for a Feb. post. thanks for sharing :)

  5. This does sound great! And what a great feeling to see such a long dream in book form! I'm gonna check out book one. :)

  6. Ali(and everybody :)) I just wanted to thank everyone for supporting Matt & Emily and I hope you love their next adventure! Have a VERY Happy Holiday Season!!

  7. Aw, that was such a great story of where she got her inspiration. It sounds like a wonderful series.

  8. This sounds really interesting. Great post!

  9. love the excerpt and book cover art.
