Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review: Day After by Emi Gayle

Title: Day After
Author: Emi Gayle
Series: Book Two in the 19th Year Trilogy
Published By: J. Taylor Publishing (May 6, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy/Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Demon crypts. Vampire lairs. Glowing angels. Sexy sirens. The stuff of fiction. 

Or so Winn Thomas always thought. 

Since being accepted into the fold of the supernatural, he knows better. None of what he imagined is true, but everything he feared is, and binding himself to his Changeling girlfriend until her nineteenth birthday will give him an education far beyond what he’d get at his human high school. 

Luckily, Winn’s not giving up, he won’t back down, and he definitely isn’t going to run away with his tail between his legs. After all, only werewolves have tails. Right? 

In this, the second of the 19th Year trilogy, Winn’s facing the challenge of one lifetime. If he doesn’t learn the truth about mythological creatures, his girlfriend Mac Thorne won’t either. That means, in six months, when she chooses her final form, she won’t know what to pick. 

Winn, though, has his own ideas about Mac’s final selection—plans she knows nothing of. 

He intends to have her pick human. 

Whether she can or not.

My Thoughts and Review:
Emi Gayle has truly created something unique in YA paranormal. Not only is the story engaging, action packed and filled with all sort of things that go bump in the night, but it is also chocked full of awesome characters that are completely memorable.

I fell in love with Mac's hardness and nonchalant attitude in the first installment but I fell even more in love with Winn, his abilities to forgive, his book smarts and his down right hotness and loyalty to Mac, even when she pushed him away. So you can imagine how excited I was when I found out that this installment would be told from Winn's point of view. I was thrilled that the author gave us this in depth look into his thoughts and feelings not only about Mac but about the supernatural world as well and his new role in it.

Mac couldn't have picked a more trusting, caring, dedicated, loyal friend and teacher to help her along the way.

As we learn more about Winn's role as Mac's teacher, Mac herself, her background and the supernatural beings on the Council we are once again reminded why we love this series and the diverse group that inhabit it. 

I loved how things all unfolded as Mac and Winn get closer and closer to Mac's 19th year. So much is revealed and while a lot of questions are answered those answers inevitably lead to new more interesting and sometimes puzzling questions.  

The Council continues to hide facts and truths (as well as untruths) around every cryptic message and once again you have to question whom the good guys are and who are the ones that want to see Mac fail. 

This was brilliantly done and makes me anxious to know how it will all come to a conclusion in the last book. It will be bittersweet to see this trilogy come to an end. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Oh having something new in paranormal stories is always amazing. I haven't heard of this one and it sounds amazing. Great review, Ali :)

  2. Thanks Tanja, I highly recommend this series, it is very unique and most of all really fun!

  3. This sounds fantastic Ali! I'll be sure to check out the first book in the series, you know I'm always on the lookout for a unique paranormal read! So glad you get answers to your questions too, even if those answers lead to more questions:):) Fabulous review!

  4. Thank you Jenny. :)

    I have read the last book already too and it is..well, it was pretty darn great!!

  5. glad you enjoyed this series. I love paranormal <3 have heard of it just haven't made the time thought. It does sound like the author knows how to weave a great story with loveable characters!

  6. She really does Lily, I hope you give it a try!

  7. It sounds like I really need to read this series!

  8. Lately I feel the need to read more and more paranormal YA again, and as always, the characters are the most important factor by far.
    I'll definitely be checking this out, Mac and Winn sound wonderful.

  9. Wonderful review. I love Suze in these books. I have book three for the tour in January, and they are releasing a novella in early Feb from Suze's perspective.

  10. "his abilities to forgive, his book smarts and his down right hotness and loyalty " If you're trying to start me down a path to a huge crush on Winn, this is a very good start! :-) Mac sounds awesome too. Can't wait to check this series out! Great review :-)

  11. Me too Kim!!

    Heidi, this definitely did not suffer from middle book syndrome!

    Maja Winn is very book boyfriend worthy. ;)

  12. Now I have two...two book I have to add, since this is the second in the series! Thanks for the review! :)

  13. Hee hee sorry to add to your pile Paij!

  14. "Demon crypts. Vampire lairs. Glowing angels. Sexy sirens. The stuff of fiction."

    Pff... whatever. It's all real, dammit! ;)

    Okay, had to double check the cover of the first book. I think I already have it, which is probably your fault. :P

  15. Wonderful review. I am going to have to add this to my list. I always like when you find a paranormal story that is unique.
