Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review: Depths by Liz Reinhardt and Steph Campbell

Title: Depths
Author(s): Liz Reinhardt and Steph Campbell
Series: Book Two in the Lengths Series
Published: March 11, 2013
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Author (in exhcange for an honest review)
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:

Do you believe in love at first phone call?

Cohen Rodriquez, Deo’s hilarious, über responsible best friend in LENGTHS got dumped by his longtime girl because he’s ‘not impulsive enough,’ and he's burned up.

But maybe, just maybe, she’s more right than he wants to admit. So he starts to date.
A lot.
But no one really feels like the one. And the more girls he dates, the more Cohen’s convinced she isn’t really out there.

Luckily he has Maren—the girl with the sexy voice who always cracks the best jokes. They’ve been talking daily for a year…on the phone. What started as all work soon blooms into friendship. Then she asks him.

Do you want to meet?

He's scared out of his mind to ruin the one easy, fun relationship he has going for him. But he takes the plunge, and things are just fine, totally easy and comfortable.

Except that they both sense it's not strictly platonic...there is an undeniable attraction and absolute raw chemistry between them…and every time they're in the same room, that attraction gets deeper and harder to ignore. 

Maren could be the best thing that’s ever happened to Cohen… Or she could send his carefully compartmentalized life into a tailspin.

Cohen has to decide if he’s ready to let go of his comfortable fantasy and embrace the one girl who might be able to change his luck in love.

My Thoughts and Review:

I absolutely loved Lengths so when I find out that Liz and Steph were writing another book together and this time featuring Cohen, I was super excited to read it! I really loved Cohen from Lengths and was eager to get the rest of his story. Not only that but, I also knew (or maybe just hoped) that it would also mean that I would get glimpses of Deo and Whit along the way because I sort of miss them and wanted more of their story as well. 

Cohen was everything I knew he would be. He was kind, caring, responsible...wait. I think he would hate all those adjectives. How about, hot? Sexy? Fun and adventurous? Yep. I think he would approve of those words.

Really, I loved Deo but Cohen was just...sigh. I love him.

Maren was amazing and I loved her loyalty, her heart and the person that she was and the person that she wanted to be.

I really loved the fact that there wasn't an insta love in this one. Maren and Cohen were friends first and that friendship grew into something more. I am also thankful that while Maren and Cohen had issues in their life, there was never any big drama between them. That was such a nice change. It seems like too many times lately I find a great book with great characters and there is so much drama and silly stuff between them that it sometimes ruins the story. I am happy to say for all you drama haters, this is the story for you. 

This was such a beautiful story. Steph and Liz continue to amaze me with the depth of their writing. The emotions they can bring out in me and the heartfelt story line that just about anyone can relate to. Their characters are real. People you would love to know and hang with. People who are not perfect but are still trying to be the best that they can be. 

The epilogue was absolutely amazing and I am so happy that we got to see Deo and Whitt's big day! And I am thrilled that the next book will be about Gen. I can't wait to hear her story too and I love that it will be another hit for Steph and Liz. This duo is dynamite!


  1. Awesome review. I bought this when it came out but I haven't had time to read it yet. I can't wait now.

  2. Oo I been oogling Lengths for a while now, maybe when I can clean up some of my reading list I can make room for the books I want to read as well. Wonderful review, I do enjoy books that have depth.

  3. Heidi and Lily I hope you both give this one a try!

  4. This one sounds really good! I need to pick up Lengths one of these days. :)

  5. No instalove is pretty much all I needed to know! And I love that there's an epilogue. Sometimes, I just have to have a good, long ending, a chance to enjoy my HEA and smile like a moron while reading.
