Sunday, April 21, 2013

Review: Sketchy by Olivia Samms

Title: Sketchy
Author: Olivia Samms
Series: Book One in the Bea Catcher Chronicles
Published By: Amazon Children's (April 30, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal Thriller
My Rating: 3.5 to 4 Stars!

Book Description:
A popular cheerleader—raped, beaten, and left for dead. An edgy outsider with a gift. Can they team up to catch a killer? Bea’s life has been a mess ever since she got kicked out of private school and sent to rehab. Now clean, Bea is starting over at Packard High School, in a city shaken from two assaults on young women. The latest victim, Willa Pressman—the one who survived— doesn't remember a thing. But Bea has a disturbing new “skill”: she can see—and then draw—images from other people’s minds. And when she looks at Willa, Bea is shocked by what she sketches. Bea might be the only one who knows Willa’s secrets—and who can take down the killer before he strikes again.

My Thoughts and Review:

I never know what to expect from a new author. It is always kind of like the luck of the draw with what you end with, a winner or a loser. Thankfully this was a winner.

I really am surprised by how much I enjoyed this. I loved Bea. She was beautifully flawed, rough, feisty, sarcastic and a fighter. She had some problems but she also had a special gift and a heart of gold and those two things combined, along with a family that loved her and some great people to help her along the way, and you have a winning combination.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like her crassness at first but she completely grew on me. I liked that she was slightly bitter and cynical and yeah, rough around the edges. It added to her personality and made her feel real to me.

I enjoyed that this wasn't just a coming of age story (although it sort of was as Bea struggled to figure out who she was sober and clean) but also had a great mystery that was slightly creepy at times as well as kept me turning the pages up until the very last one.

I loved that this isn't the end. I actually am happy that this will be a series and that we will get more Bea because like I mentioned above, her character really did grow on me and I can't wait to read more of her adventures and if a certain love interest develops along the way, all the better.  


  1. Bea sounds like a very complex, fully fleshed out character and I'd read this book just for her. I've come to expect a lot from Amazon Children's books and I'll definitely be reading this one.
    Great review.

  2. I hate to say it but I had no idea how great a lot of their books are. I will definitely be looking into more of them!

  3. I have a copy of this one and I'm happy to hear it was a great read! And yes, Amazon Children's books has had some great books!

  4. I am glad you both have this one to read Candace and Heidi, I think you will really like it!

  5. A crass chick.. I like her already. lol. What with all the covers lately with big block letters and images in them? I like it, but it seems like there's a lot of them recently. This really does sound interesting, though.

  6. I haven't heard of this, but it sounds good and I am glad you think it is a winner. I will have to keep it in mine for the future :)
