Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2014 Debut Author Giveaway Hop!

There is nothing that I love more than a good giveaway, unless of course that is discovering a great new author or series so when I saw that once again Bookhounds and I Am A Reader were hosting another fabulous giveaway all about the debut authors, I had to join!

To see a full list of all the blogs participating in this great event, go HERE!

It was so hard just picking one debut author so of course I didn't.

Below you will find a list of debut authors that I have enjoyed a ton this year. The winner will get to pick which e-book they want, gifted to them through Amazon. 

Hopefully you see something you like and as always, thank you so much for following my blog, I love all of my followers and this wouldn't be half as much fun without you, so thank you for fueling my passion for reading!!

First choose the Dark Paradise Trilogy by Angie Sandro. I loved this trilogy and it was so much fun to read! You can choose one book, two books or if you need all three, then all three! 

Next up, Suspicion by Alexandra Monir

Next choice I haven't read yet but I adore the cover so call me a cover whore but I couldn't resist not having it as an option to win. :P

The Jewel by Amy Ewing

I loved this slightly dystopian fantasy mix by debut author Lindsay Cummings.

This next one is just so darn funny that I can't not post it here, these days I am all about the funny light romantic reads and Eliza Gordon's Must Love Otters is truly hilarious. 

I love a good dark retelling and Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge was perfect.

And of course, I can't help but add Rites of Passage to the list as well since I adored this book.

And last but not least, Storm Siren by Mary Weber

This giveaway is open internationally as long as you can accept an e-book gifted to you through Amazon.

I hope you see something you like and good luck to everyone who enters!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. LOL I'm always so bad at following that rule too. I have two of these on my tbr pile. Hensley and Sandro :)Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Great choices - I love Must Love Otters and Cruel Beauty especially. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Sorry I didn't have anything you wanted Heidi. :(

  4. I'd pick Rites of Passage if I win. Thanks for the chance!

  5. Ooo not sure which I would pick, I loved Murder Complex, and Rite of Passage.Thanks Ali:)

  6. The more choices the better. There's nothing wrong with picking a book for a pretty cover! ;) I really liked Storm Siren. I'm not sure I'm going to read the sequel though.

  7. So many good choices! Lots I want to read and some I've read and loved! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. The Jewel really is an amazing cover! Storm Siren was interesting. still not 100% sure about it.

    1. I know what you mean, I do want to read the sequel though just to see where the story goes.

  9. I love Cruel Beauty. Storm Siren will be my next book I will read.
