Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Review: The Donor by Nikki Rae

Title: The Donor
Author: Nikki Rae
Series: Stand Alone (although earlier this was released as a serial novel in 3 parts)
Published: October 30, 2014
Source: Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Paranormal
My Rating: 3.5 Stars

Book Description:
Casey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.
Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her body.
Inside or out. 

I love a good paranormal read as much as the next girl and getting something different from the norm is even better. And this was different, very different.

A whole new fresh approach to...well, actually I am not going to tell you since it is never actually spoken out loud, although it is implied and is very much obvious what beings we are dealing with early on, I will leave the discovering up to you. And while this was a whole new fresh approach to, well, supernaturals, I am not sure I was in love with it and before you get mad at me, let me explain why.

The writing was great, the storyline was even great, but the ending lacked something. Something that sadly was needed to make this truly a wonderful story for me. Maybe I am too use to my happily ever afters to appreciate when I don't exactly get the one I was expecting. I don't know, but however you want to label it, the ending left me feeling sad and almost angry at the whole story, no matter how well it was presented or written. 

But then I took a step back and some time to really think about the story as a whole and I have to say, once I started comparing the metaphors of the octopus and seahorses (trust me, you will get this once you read it) and the lives of the characters, something clicked and I got it. I still wasn't happy about the ending because I DO like my HEAs but I was okay with it, or at least more okay with it than I had been.

Truly this was so well written and done and completely not the norm that if nothing else, I have to love it for those reasons alone. And okay, I don't love the ending but I did really like the story and I did really appreciate the beautiful writing so even though it pains me to give this three and a half stars, it definitely deserves it. I mean, I can't rate it lower because I wanted things to be better. I can't fault a book for bringing out emotions in me right? 

So there you have it. A short read filled with a whole lot of emotion and not all of it good emotion but all of it beautiful. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. Oooo intriguing. I love finding something really different. Maybe. Hmmms.

    1. It is definitely different if nothing else. ;)

  2. wow it sounds really well done. And you're right it's so intriguing when the author had a new approach of things! It's the first time I hear about this one so thank you!

    1. It really is different and new and I did really enjoy that about it.

  3. This one is a weird one. I am intrigued. But I hate feeling sad by an ending.

    1. I really did too which is why I didn't rate this higher.

  4. The synopsis doesn't really call to me, but I'm really curious about what this book is about after reading your review. Although I am kinda scared for that ending... We'll see! Lovely review!

    1. Glad I could at least make you curious about it if nothing else.

  5. *blinks* "I started comparing the metaphors of the octopus and seahorses"Say What? You have me curious and the concept is creepy!

    1. LOL! I promise you would get it if you read the story. ;)

  6. I'm definitely an HEA girl too Ali, so I'm not sure how this ending would work for me. I'm really glad you were able to take a step back and understand why it ended the way it did though:)

    1. Thanks Jenny, it was a hard ending for someone like me for sure.

  7. No HEAs - Nick runs away. Even though you got me very curious about what's going on in the book with regards to the paranormal elements, I don't think I can handle the ending. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it though, Ali! Lovely review! :)

  8. Hmmm, Kindlemom. I like different like the next supernatural fan but not everyone can write a novella and end it well. So this is a maybe for me

    1. I completely understand how you feel Debbie. :)

  9. This one just sounds creepy! LOL.
    I'm not a huge fan of novellas since I always think they are rushed but if you say this one was satisfying it must be. Lovely review!

    1. It was short but a lot happens in it. It didn't feel too short at all.

  10. I like different, but not too out there. (If that makes sense.) I totally understand not being satisfied with an ending and it's so hard to write a review without mentioning the most important part of the book. I'm a big Happily Ever After girl too!

    1. It was hard not mentioning anything spoiler-ish but I think a lot of people will guess very early on what is going on. ;)

  11. It is/was a good thing. Have a wonderful Christmas as well Heidi!

  12. the cover is nice but not really my book, Lovely review :) hope your next reads is an awesome one :)

  13. This sounds really intriguing (and creepy). I'm wondering if it might have to do with vampires? I like HEA's, too, so I'm not sure what I would think of the ending, though. Great review :)

    1. It is a little creepy if you think about it. ;)

  14. This is new to me. Thanks for sharing.
