Friday, January 30, 2015

Review: A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas

Title: A Wicked Thing
Author: Rhiannon Thomas
Series: Book One
Published By: HarperTeen (Februrary 24, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Fantasy/Retelling
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
Rhiannon Thomas's dazzling debut novel is a spellbinding reimagining of Sleeping Beauty and what happens after happily ever after.

One hundred years after falling asleep, Princess Aurora wakes up to the kiss of a handsome prince and a broken kingdom that has been dreaming of her return. All the books say that she should be living happily ever after. But as Aurora understands all too well, the truth is nothing like the fairy tale.

Her family is long dead. Her "true love" is a kind stranger. And her whole life has been planned out by political foes while she slept. 

As Aurora struggles to make sense of her new world, she begins to fear that the curse has left its mark on her, a fiery and dangerous thing that might be as wicked as the witch who once ensnared her. With her wedding day drawing near, Aurora must make the ultimate decision on how to save her kingdom: marry the prince or run.

Rhiannon Thomas weaves together vivid scenes of action, romance, and gorgeous gowns to reveal a richly imagined world … and Sleeping Beauty as she’s never been seen before. 

What is Sleeping Beauty didn't want to end up with the prince? What if there was no happily ever after, or at least none the story books told of?

What if things were more sinister than singing maidens and broken curses. What if nothing was how it was told? What if the queen and king were just as wicked as the one who put a curse on the princess and no one was really what they seemed.

I loved that rather than a retelling, this is more of a continuation of the story. A story that takes place after the princess wakes up and sees that all is not right with the world, that in fact, that very world is nothing like what she remembers.

So much happens in this story. So many arcs to the storyline and so much that is still left to say and to tell.

I had no idea this wasn't a stand alone when I picked it up and that is okay because like I mentioned, there is a lot left undone. My the end of the book in fact, it felt more like the real story, the guts of the wickedness, was only just beginning.

I am not sure I loved Aurora, she was a very naive girl that saw the world threw rose colored glasses, at least at first. I did warm up to her however and I couldn't help but be intrigued by Finnegan, Celestine, and of even Tristan, however, it was Isabelle and Rodric that stole the show for me. I couldn't help but love their kindness and goodness. 

I have no idea where this story will go from here, no idea at all but I think it would be fun to see where it does go.

This was so much different than what I thought it would be that I still haven't quite gathered all my thoughts and feelings about it together and have been able to put them into words but this was an interesting read. It was entertaining and I do want to see what the sequel will hold. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blog Tour Book Review and Giveaway: Caught in the Act by Kim Law

This is my first experience with this author and I am so glad I joined this tour because it was a fun one! 

Series: Book Two in the Davenports Series
Published By: Montlake Romance (January 20, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)

Book Description:
Catherine Davenport Carlton needs a break. After dedicating her life to her political-minded family, shocking scandals from the past have shaken her to her core. Summer in the quiet town of Dyersport, Maine, is just what she needs, especially with a super-hot neighbor right next door…who’s none other than Brody Hollister, the boy she fell in love with as a teen. Cat wants nothing more than to pick up right where they left off eighteen years ago, but she’s still haunted by a terrible secret that could devastate Brody.

Brody Hollister spent years pining over Cat Davenport. They met young and loved passionately—until she disappeared from his life. Now she’s back, as spirited and beautiful as ever. But while Brody is determined to help Cat free herself from her family’s drama, his own family may be hiding something that could ruin their rekindled romance for good.

About the Author:

As a child, Kim Law cultivated a love for chocolate, anything purple, baton twirling, and creative writing. She penned her debut work, “The Giant Talking Raisin,” in the sixth grade and got hooked on the delights of creating stories. Before settling into the writing life, however, she earned a college degree in mathematics and then worked as a computer programmer while also raising her son. Now she’s pursuing her lifelong dream of writing romance novels; she has won the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart Award, has been a finalist for the prestigious RWA RITA Award, and currently serves as president for her local RWA chapter. Kim is the author of Caught on Camera, Sugar Springs, and the Turtle Island novels, Ex on the Beach and Hot Buttered Yum. A native of Kentucky, she lives with her husband in Middle Tennessee.

This being the second book in the Davenport series, I was a little concerned that I would feel lost going into it but thankfully the author did a pretty good job relating facts from the first book pretty quickly in the first few chapters without making it too detail oriented or feeling like too much of a recap. 

Oh gosh, I don't think I was quite ready for the craziness that is the Davenport's way of life. A life of politics, scandal (or covering up scandals), lies, deceit, and anything else you could imagine. The only saving grace was of course, the sweet and spicy romance between Brody and Cat.

I loved so many aspects of this book and had to bite my tongue and cringe at so many others. 

This was pretty fast paced and kept me turning the pages wondering what else would be discovered and unveiled. How can there be so many painful and life altering secrets between one family?

Besides all the crazy political goings on, what you really have is a very sweet romance between two people with a whole lot of history. A history that goes back about twenty years. A history that changed their lives in ways they didn't even know about until they meet again. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

I almost never read books that involve aliens of any kind but on the rare case that I do, I find that I actually like them. So why do I not read them more? I have no idea! Maybe I am just an idiot. Anywoo, I am so excited about the second book in the Kricket series. I fell in love with the first book and it took me by surprise. Now I must know what happens next!
Plus, just look at that cover!

Release Date: March 31, 2015
Series: Book Two in the Kricket Trilogy

Book Description:

Eighteen-year-old Kricket Hollowell was looking for her place in the world when she discovered that the universe was bigger—and more dangerous—than she had ever dreamed. Now, whisked across space to the planet Ethar, Kricket learns that her genetic ability to see the future makes her a sought-after commodity…and the catalyst for war between her star-crossed parents’ clans. According to Alameedan prophecy, one house will rise to power and the other will be completely wiped out, and Kricket’s precognition is believed to be the weapon that will tip the scales.

A target of both the Rafe and the Alameeda houses, Kricket finds protection—and a home—in the arms of Trey, her Etharian bodyguard-turned-boyfriend. But her visions of what’s to come disturb her deeply, especially since she must discover whether the gift of foresight will allow her to rewrite the future, or if her fate is as immovable as the stars. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Review: The Last Time We Say Goodbye by Cynthia Hand

Title: The Last Time We Say Goodbye
Author: Cynthia Hand
Published By: HarperTeen (February 10, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contempprary/Grief/Family
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
There's death all around us.
We just don't pay attention.
Until we do.

The last time Lex was happy, it was before. When she had a family that was whole. A boyfriend she loved. Friends who didn't look at her like she might break down at any moment.

Now she's just the girl whose brother killed himself. And it feels like that's all she'll ever be.

As Lex starts to put her life back together, she tries to block out what happened the night Tyler died. But there's a secret she hasn't told anyone-a text Tyler sent, that could have changed everything.

Lex's brother is gone. But Lex is about to discover that a ghost doesn't have to be real to keep you from moving on.

From New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Hand, The Last Time We Say Goodbye is a gorgeous and heart-wrenching story of love, loss, and letting go.

I knew this was going to be great, I mean come on, this is Cynthia Hand we are talking about. I even knew this would be emotional considering the subject matter, but what I didn't know was that I would end up reading this all in one sitting. And while it was emotional, it wasn't cry your eyes out emotional. It was something more. Something very hard to put into words and to explain. But something great nonetheless.

Sometimes when I write up my reviews I wish I was an eloquent writer with beautiful words and descriptions. Someone who could make you see and feel all that I did while reading a story but sadly, that wasn't my gift in life. So instead you are stuck with this version of me, the one right now, struggling to help you understand all that I felt while reading this and how wonderful and raw I think the story truly was.

Suicide is never something anyone wants to talk about, let alone acknowledge. For whatever reason it is a very taboo subject. One that is avoided at all costs. Looked over and sometimes even ignored. But it shouldn't be because it is a very real, very serious matter. Not only to those that contemplate it but to those that love those that do.

What happens to those that are left behind? How does it affect them, change them, and how do they go on?

This was so beautifully done, so beautifully spoken. 

This doesn't just poke and prod at a tough subject matter, it digs in, elbows deep, into the heart of the matter. It is gritty and raw and really shows the painful side of those that are left to deal with the aftermath. How it changes them. It is the bad, the ugly, and the even uglier parts of the story no one wants to think about. That probably, no one really knows or can completely understand unless they have been there. 

Did I mention this was beautiful? Did I mention that it tore me up in all the right ways and really made me feel? Really opened my eyes and let me just simply see?

Well done Ms. Hand. Well done. I never expected to love this and have it move me as much as it did. So again, well done. I can't imagine how hard, how painful at times and also challenging this must have been to write. To experience and to live.

The author's note at the end is something that should also be read to fully understand just how amazing, how beautiful this story really is.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Monday, January 26, 2015

Review: Rebound by Noelle August

Title: Rebound
Author: Noelle August
Series: Book Two in the Boomerang Series
Published By: William Morrow (February 10, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Hooking up is only the beginning of the fun in this sexy and irresistible second installment of the thrilling New Adult series, Boomerang.

Adam Blackwood has it all. At twenty-two, he’s fabulously wealthy, Ryan Gosling-hot and at the top of the heap in the business world. His life is perfect, until a scandal from his past resurfaces and knocks the tech wunderkind down, throwing his company, Boomerang, a hook-up site for millennials, into chaos.

Three years ago, Adam married his high school love—and then lost her in a tragic accident. Now, the heartbreak and guilt he’s tried to bury with work and women begins to take over his life.

Alison Quick, the twenty-one-year-old daughter of a business tycoon—and the very ex-girlfriend of Boomerang’s former intern, Ethan—has a problem of her own. She’s got one chance to prove to her father that she deserves a place in his empire by grabbing control of Boomerang and taking Adam down.

But as Alison moves in on him, armed with a cadre of lawyers and accountants, she discovers there’s much more to Adam and Boomerang than meets the eye. Will earning her father’s approval come at the price of losing her first real love? It appears so, unless Adam can forgive her for wrecking his life and trying to steal his livelihood. But Alison hopes that old adage is right. Maybe love can conquer all.

If there is one thing August proved to me in Boomerang, it was that this woman knows how to write!

I am happy to report that Rebound, once again proves that point.

This was such a fun read! I really liked Adam in Boomerang but in Rebound, I fell in love with him.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Ali, I mean she didn't exactly win anyone over in the first book and the girl had her ups and downs, but I did end up liking her and even more Adam. 

Both of them had their hang ups like all these good stories do and even some drama but it was worth it in the end to get their happily ever after. There were quite a few laughs along the way and even those “awww” moments that are a must have not to mention the more steamy moments as well. 

Sexual tension, drama, laughs, fun, a little heartbreak, and a great list of characters (old and new) to go along with it all and you once again have a wonderful story that will sweep you away for a few hours and leave you with a smile on your face and hoping like heck that the next story is all Cookie's, because let's face it, the girl needs a story, I know she has one and I want it. 

Wonderful job once again from this amazing author that seems, can write in any genre and excel at it.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Friday, January 23, 2015

Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Title: Red Queen
Author: Victoria Aveyard
Series: Book One in the Red Queen Trilogy
Published By: Orion (February 10, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Dytopian/Fantasy
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
The poverty stricken Reds are commoners, living under the rule of the Silvers, elite warriors with god-like powers.

To Mare Barrow, a 17-year-old Red girl from The Stilts, it looks like nothing will ever change.

Mare finds herself working in the Silver Palace, at the centre of
those she hates the most. She quickly discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy Silver control.

But power is a dangerous game. And in this world divided by blood, who will win?

I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that I would the girl to love fantasy. I have struggled with it so much in the past that it just wasn't my go to genre but I have to say, with the last year and all the excellent books I have read, this one included, I am so a fantasy girl now. 

This book once again, took me by surprise. It grabbed me by the arms and hurdled me into the world that Aveyard created and while I was hesitant to go there, I must say, after being there, I didn't want to leave.

This was another one of those books that grabs you and refuses to let go. With conspiracies, action, a very slight hint of romance, and paranormal activity up the wazoo, you don't want to be let go, instead, you findn yourself the one that is grabbing onto the pages, hanging on for dear life, screaming your head off at the wild ride and loving every single minute of it and begging for it to never end.

I can't even begin to tell you what it was that grabbed me so much other than maybe it was just the whole darn thing. The characters, the story, the plot, the action, the adventure, the lies, the society, the forbidden love, the jealousy, Just. All. Of. It.

This was on my must read list for 2015 and I am so happy that it was because it deserves the praise that is going around about it. The four and five star reviews, the glowing recommendations, the kind words, the gushing of the author's talent, again, all. Of. It.

This is Aveyard's debut and holy crap was it a hit. It wasn't a splash into the genre, it was a freaking tidal wave and I am so excited to see what book two holds.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Review: Soulprint by Megan Miranda

Title: Soulprint
Author: Megan Miranda
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Bloomsbury USA Children's (February 3, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Mystery/Fantasy
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
From the author of FRACTURE, a riveting new thriller which draws on cutting-edge science.

Alina Chase has been contained on an island for the last 17 years—whether that’s for the crimes of her past life, or for her own protection, well, that depends on whom you ask. With soul-fingerprinting a reality, science can now screen for the soul, and everyone knows that Alina’s soul had once belonged to notorious criminal, June Calahan, though that information is supposed to be private. June had accomplished the impossible: hacking into the soul-database, ruining countless lives in the process.

Now, there are whispers that June has left something behind for her next life—something that would allow Alina to access the information in the soul-database again. A way to finish the crimes she started.

Aided by three people with their own secret motivations, Alina escapes, only to discover that she may have just traded one prison for another. And there are clues. Clues only Alina can see and decipher, clues that make it apparent that June is leading her to something. While everyone believes Alina is trying to continue in June’s footsteps, Alina believes June is trying to show her something more. Something bigger. Something that gets at the heart of who they all are—about the past and the present. Something about the nature of their souls.

Alina doesn’t know who to trust, or what June intends for her to know, and the closer she gets to the answers, the more she wonders who June was, who she is, whether she’s destined to repeat the past, whether there are truths best kept hidden—and what one life is really worth.

Set in a time where anything is possible, Soulprint explores that possibility of past lives and souls that never die, that never truly go away but instead, regenerate after death into someone new. Someone who can be punished for mistakes you may have made.

Always being fascinated with the possibility of reincarnation, it was no wonder the synopsis for Soulprint appealed to me. The what ifs of it all were too appealing to ignore and so, I picked this up already being familiar with Miranda's work and sure that she would deliver an outstanding read, and dove head first into the fray.

And I did get something unusual, something different, and even something slightly, dare I say, strange?

I admit, this wasn't quite what I was expecting it to be and I am still unsure of whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, I did get the unexpected and I did get something original and at times, fun.

Miranda knows how to set up a story and make you invested in the outcome. She knows how to keep you turning the pages simply because you are fascinated with the direction the story took. With the direction she choose to lead us.

The only downside was that at times the story tended to drag and slow down almost to a crawl and instead of being riveted to the page, I instead found myself slightly let down and forcing myself to continue with the story, only to be hooked once again as it picked back up.

I wouldn't say this was Miranda's best work but it was imaginative and creative at times and did keep me curious if nothing else. But honestly, over time, I can't imagine this is a story that will stick with you or one that you will remember months from putting it down. 

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

This weeks book is one that I have been seeing around the blogsphere for those that were lucky enough to get an ARC of it. Sadly I did not but, that is okay because March is just around the corner right?

I really liked the first book even though it had it's faults (which reminds me, I think I still need to post my review for it *sigh*) and I am super curious to see where the author goes with the storyline next.

Release Date: March 3, 2015 
Series: Book Two in the Winner's Trilogy

Book Description:

Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.

The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.

As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

So did you read the first book? Did you like it, love it, hate it?
Tell me your thoughts, I would love to hear them!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Review: The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher

Title: The Opportunist
Author: Tarryn Fisher
Published: February 14, 2011
Source: Won
Genre: NA Contemporary
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Book Description:
Olivia Kaspen has just discovered that her ex-boyfriend, Caleb Drake, has lost his memory. With an already lousy reputation for taking advantage of situations, Olivia must decide how far she is willing to go to get Caleb back. Wrestling to keep her true identity and their sordid past under wraps, Olivia’s greatest obstacle is Caleb’s wicked, new girlfriend; Leah Smith. It is a race to the finish as these two vipers engage in a vicious tug of war to possess a man who no longer remembers them. But, soon enough Olivia must face the consequences of her lies, and in the process discover that sometimes love falls short of redemption.

I read reviews for this in the past but the past was a long time ago and I didn’t' quite remember what any of them said other than this was a book that must be read.
So when I went into this, I was pretty much going in blind and I loved that.

Having already read Mud Vein by Tarryn earlier, I knew I was going to be in for the ride of my life and I was thoroughly elated about it.

This stupid, stupid, heart wrenching book.

Oh the feels. The pain. The torment and yet, I loved every freaking minute of it.

Damn Tarryn and her writing ability.

I have come to the realization that I am a masochist because I didn't want this to end. I didn't want that ending. It couldn't be over. I wouldn't accept it.

Thankfully, Caleb and Olivia's story isn't over. Oh no, there is not only a book two but a book three instead and I couldn't be more happy about it.

This lived up to all of my expectations of Tarryn's writing and ability to twist my insides around, do a little jig on them, rip them out and then harshly stuff them back inside again, with me looking around with the whole WTH just happened look on my face and still I know I will come back for more. I will crave more and I will be picking up book two as soon as possible.

Olivia and Caleb's story was...just wow. It was fabulous and horrible and awesome and sad and all those things you love in a book that makes you reel and sob and just plain and simply want more.

Tarryn truly is a master at what she does and I am her slave asking for more no matter the hurt and pain I know I may get along the way because of it.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Review: Amour Amour by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Title: Amour Amour
Author(s): Krista & Becca Ritchie
Series: Stand Alone
Published: December 12, 2015
Source: Borrowed
Genre: NA Contemporary
My Rating: 4.5 Stars!

Book Description:
Love is a circus

"Every day,” he says lowly, “I hold a person’s life in my hands. The circus is based one-hundred percent off trust. I give it all to someone, and they give it all to me.”

The best aerial technique won’t land 21-year-old Thora James her dream role in Amour—a sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip. Thora knows she’s out of her element the second she meets Amour’s leading performer. Confident, charming and devilishly captivating, 26-year-old Nikolai Kotova lives up to his nickname as the “God of Russia.”

When Thora unknowingly walks into the crosshairs of Nikolai’s after-show, her audition process begins way too soon. Unprofessional. That’s what Nik calls their “non-existent” relationship. It’s not like Thora can avoid him. For one, they may be partners in the future--acrobatic partners, that is. But getting closer to Nik means diving deeper into sin city and into his dizzying world. 

Thora wants to perform with him, but when someone like Nikolai attracts the spotlight wherever he goes—Thora fears that she’s destined to be just background to his spellbinding show.

I am going to be upfront from the very beginning and tell you that what I loved most about this story, other than the beautiful messages behind it, was Nik. 

I have loved a lot of book boyfriends in my time but none of them compares to Nik. His strength, compassion, loyalty, love, support, and down right goodness towards those he cares about.

His strength, his loyalty and his undying support for Thora was in fact the very best part of this story. Everyone should have someone like him in their life. Those people that better us, not because they are near and love us, but because they believe in us and they help us achieve our dreams. They fight with us and our dreams become their dreams and they become within grasp simply because we know someone else has faith is us. Someone believes in us. Someone else is our cheerleader, our biggest advocate and there when we need to be lifted back up because our failures weigh us down. Someone that lets us see the light when it is so very dark and bleak. 

Not only was this story about going after the things that you want, even when others are bringing you down and telling you that you can't achieve them, it is about family. A strong family. A crazy family but one that is built with love all the same. The Kotova's are one of my most favorite families now. I loved every single one of them. No matter what, no matter their differences or choices or arguments, when it came down to it, they had each others back's and they cared about each other and fought for each other. What more could you ask for in a family?

I have so much love for this book that I can't even name everything. From the great cast of characters (I am looking at you John!) to the ones that you wanted to reach through the pages and shake (I am looking at you Shay!) to the ones you wanted to hug and call your own (I am looking at you Kotovas).

I never thought there could be so much depth to a book about the circus. A story about what it really means to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Something called family.  

Circus is love, circus is family. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight: Haven Waiting by Tifani Clark

Release Date: January 12, 2015

Fifteen-year-old Jamie Peters is a Soul Saver. She helps ghosts finish their business and move on. When a mysterious map comes into her possession, she knows a new adventure is waiting. With the help of her friends, Peter and Camille, she follows the map. Her friends hope to find treasure, but Jamie suspects there is more to the map than riches. She never imagined the map would lead her to Haven—and a book of spells.

Haven Mills was accused of practicing witchcraft during the Salem Witch Trials. Unlike the other women hung during the trials, Haven wasn’t as innocent as she claimed to be. In one moment of weakness and desperation, she did something sinister—something that has been bringing evil to the world for centuries.

Jamie promises to help Haven, but the reality of what that promise entails comes back to haunt her as she fights not only for Haven’s soul, but for her own as well.


Tifani Clark grew up on a farm in southeastern Idaho (yes, that’s where they grow all the potatoes) as the middle of five children. She had a lot of space to imagine and daydream and often pictured herself as a character in one of the many books she read. She was habitually found pretending to be Scarlet O’Hara. Tifani loves mysteries and hates it when one goes unsolved. She is married to the love of her life and is the mother to four fabulous children. When not writing, she enjoys playing the violin and piano and traveling to new places. She especially enjoys visits to national parks and places of historical significance.
