Monday, January 26, 2015

Review: Rebound by Noelle August

Title: Rebound
Author: Noelle August
Series: Book Two in the Boomerang Series
Published By: William Morrow (February 10, 2015)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
Hooking up is only the beginning of the fun in this sexy and irresistible second installment of the thrilling New Adult series, Boomerang.

Adam Blackwood has it all. At twenty-two, he’s fabulously wealthy, Ryan Gosling-hot and at the top of the heap in the business world. His life is perfect, until a scandal from his past resurfaces and knocks the tech wunderkind down, throwing his company, Boomerang, a hook-up site for millennials, into chaos.

Three years ago, Adam married his high school love—and then lost her in a tragic accident. Now, the heartbreak and guilt he’s tried to bury with work and women begins to take over his life.

Alison Quick, the twenty-one-year-old daughter of a business tycoon—and the very ex-girlfriend of Boomerang’s former intern, Ethan—has a problem of her own. She’s got one chance to prove to her father that she deserves a place in his empire by grabbing control of Boomerang and taking Adam down.

But as Alison moves in on him, armed with a cadre of lawyers and accountants, she discovers there’s much more to Adam and Boomerang than meets the eye. Will earning her father’s approval come at the price of losing her first real love? It appears so, unless Adam can forgive her for wrecking his life and trying to steal his livelihood. But Alison hopes that old adage is right. Maybe love can conquer all.

If there is one thing August proved to me in Boomerang, it was that this woman knows how to write!

I am happy to report that Rebound, once again proves that point.

This was such a fun read! I really liked Adam in Boomerang but in Rebound, I fell in love with him.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Ali, I mean she didn't exactly win anyone over in the first book and the girl had her ups and downs, but I did end up liking her and even more Adam. 

Both of them had their hang ups like all these good stories do and even some drama but it was worth it in the end to get their happily ever after. There were quite a few laughs along the way and even those “awww” moments that are a must have not to mention the more steamy moments as well. 

Sexual tension, drama, laughs, fun, a little heartbreak, and a great list of characters (old and new) to go along with it all and you once again have a wonderful story that will sweep you away for a few hours and leave you with a smile on your face and hoping like heck that the next story is all Cookie's, because let's face it, the girl needs a story, I know she has one and I want it. 

Wonderful job once again from this amazing author that seems, can write in any genre and excel at it.

*All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced by the author or publisher. I was not compensated for this review.*


  1. I love it when an author surprises you and makes wonderful sequels with the reader finding new things to love about their beloved characters! I remember one of my co-bloggers loving the first book, too. I will have to see for myself ;)

    Faye at The Social Potato

  2. Wonderful sequels are the best! I actually just wrote a post about sequels LOL!

    I love it when the author is able to constantly outdo themselves in subsequent books!

    1. Me too. It really makes it exciting for the anticipation of the next book when you just know it will be just as good or even better.

  3. YAY! Glad you loved this one too, Ali. This was a really fun read and I'm so happy I liked Allison even though I was a bit worried. And Adam was made of swoon! I can't wait to see who the next book is about.
    Wonderful review, Ali!

  4. I'm so excited for this Ali! I was definitely a little wary when I learned Ali was the one to be paired with Adam, but I'm so glad to know she won you over completely in this book. Can't wait for these two now:)

    1. She did and I think she will win you over as well. :)

  5. I'd heard great things about the first book in this series, so I'm glad it keeps going strong!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  6. I don't mind drama just so long as there's good reason for it, and I'm all about the sexual tension which according to your review, Noelle August totally rocked it.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  7. I heard so many things about this book, glad you enjoy it, I have it in my GoodRead TBR list but not sure if I will read it any time soon :)

    1. I hope you are able to get to it eventually. :)

  8. I'm glad you enjoyed Rebound as much as the first book! The fact that both Ali and Adam won you over this time around is a plus as well. And, who can resist a romance with "sexual tension, drama, laughs, fun, and little heartbreak..."
    Lovely review, Ali!! :)

  9. I am glad that your really liked this one. I haven't read any of these, but they do sound fantastic. :)

  10. I think I got Boomerang when it came out. I'm glad you liked this!

  11. I haven't read Boomerang just yet, but I love your enthusiasm about it, I love that the sequel is even better, and the cover is totally eye-catching. And how great that you warmed up to Ali. :)
    Lovely review, my friend!

  12. If you liked Boomerang then you will love this one too!

  13. I can see that but this would be a great one to read if you wanted to get back into the genre. ;)

  14. I still haven't read Boomerang, but I love Veronica Rossi's Under The Never Sky trilogy, and I've heard great things about this series. I'm glad you were able to like both main characters more than you did in the first book, too. Great review :)

    1. Thanks Montana and even though this is completely different from her YA series, I think you will really love this as well.

  15. I know lots of peeps loved Boomerang, great thing the sequel is just as strong

  16. This sounds like a fun contemporary! I know everyone's been loving this duology, but the books somehow hasn't make an appearance on my bookshelves. I need to do something about that. :)

  17. I'm always so impressed when an author can win me over to a character like that. Glad you're having a great time with these!

    1. I really am too Anna, especially when I had no intention of ever liking them. ;)

  18. I love a well written book!. I don't mind those characters that are a little iffy. It's fun to like them but hate them too.

  19. It's nice to have so many things in a book like that. I saw it severral times but haven,'t read it I confess. Maybe one day. Thanks for the review.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Meiiliane. :) I hope you do get to it some day.

  20. Apparently I was the only one who liked Ali in the last book. lol. I loved her even more in this. Haha - omg, yes ... I was totally thinking Cookie needs a book.

  21. I really liked the first book and I can't wait to get Adam's story. I wasn't a huge fan of Ali in the first book, but I'm glad to hear you ended up liking her. Can't wait to read this! Great review!
