Wednesday, January 21, 2015

WoW Pick of the Week

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It is a chance to share those new releases were are super anxious to get our hands on and read.

This weeks book is one that I have been seeing around the blogsphere for those that were lucky enough to get an ARC of it. Sadly I did not but, that is okay because March is just around the corner right?

I really liked the first book even though it had it's faults (which reminds me, I think I still need to post my review for it *sigh*) and I am super curious to see where the author goes with the storyline next.

Release Date: March 3, 2015 
Series: Book Two in the Winner's Trilogy

Book Description:

Book two of the dazzling Winner's Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love.

The engagement of Lady Kestrel to Valoria’s crown prince means one celebration after another. But to Kestrel it means living in a cage of her own making. As the wedding approaches, she aches to tell Arin the truth about her engagement…if she could only trust him. Yet can she even trust herself? For—unknown to Arin—Kestrel is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit: an anonymous spy passing information to Herran, and close to uncovering a shocking secret.

As Arin enlists dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he can’t fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, it might not be a dagger in the dark that cuts him open, but the truth. And when that happens, Kestrel and Arin learn just how much their crimes will cost them.

So did you read the first book? Did you like it, love it, hate it?
Tell me your thoughts, I would love to hear them!


  1. I still need to read the first book. I am so behind!

    1. At least there is only one other book though right?

  2. I got hung up on book one and think it was me..this sounds fantastic!

  3. I actually just bought the first book in this series a few weeks ago, I'm excited to get started :)

  4. I still haven't read the first one. Maybe I should wait until the third one comes out to read all three of them at once. :)

  5. This one kind of killed me. I didn't think it was as good as the first in terms of the romance, but the world was much much better. I should have waited until the last one came out to read it because it was an EVIL ending. Crossing my fingers you'll love this! :)

    1. Oh no not a cliffie! Maybe I will wait then until book three is closer? Bummer about the romance though, I was hoping there would be more of it in this.

  6. I'm scared to read this Ali! I've heard it's brutal and that makes me so nervous I practically have an ulcer. I think I might have to wait until book three is out before I tackle this one!!! Can't wait to see what you think though:)

    1. I know, Nick just said that as well. I might be waiting with you. ;)

  7. I haven't started reading this series. I hope you enjoy reading this book.
    My WoW

  8. I have book one, and I'm mad at myself for putting it off so long. You know once a book gets a zillion reviews, and you haven't had the chance to know what everyones scoop is, you say you'll wait till the hype dies down ... well, here I am with book two coming out! Lol. I WILL get to it.
    Great pick Ali, can't wait to see what you think :)

    1. I know exactly what you mean. It happens all too often with me as well!

  9. OOh looks really good Kindlemom I didn't read the first book, looks like my pile just got bigger :)

  10. I hope you end up liking them both. :)

  11. I haven't read the first book...I am curious though!!

    1. It was a pretty good read. Lots of stuff going on.

  12. I'm waiting so I can read all the books when I want, instead of waiting for them.

    1. I think that is a good idea since everyone is saying there is a terrible cliffhanger at the end of this one.

  13. I've been on the fence about reading this. I liked the first one only okay and there's no point continuing if I don't LOVE it, right? I am a bit curious though.

    1. That is very true. I feel that way about a lot of series I started last year so I get it. :)

  14. I haven't read the first one yet, but I know most people loved it! Guess I need to get it together by March! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  15. The entire blogosphere awaits...:)

  16. Sounds fantastic and the cover is amazing :)

  17. I had this one a while ago and I really loved it but I wanted to slap the characters... really bad!

  18. Winner's curse is one of those books that I'm not sure if I want to read or not. I'll have to look up your review since you obviously liked it. :)

    1. I haven't reviewed it yet! I have no idea why. I will try to get it up soon. ;)

  19. Oh I read this one. Rated it 3.5 stars. It was quite good, honestly! Will definitely read book three :) Don't expect much romance though!! heh

    1. I have heard that about the romance which makes me a little sad but I am excited that you liked it! That shows promise for sure. :)

  20. I liked the first book, although not as much as most people did. I'm curious to see what will happen in this one, though :)
