Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year Giveaway Hop!

What better way to ring in the New Year than to start it off with a giveaway hop hosted by I am a Reader Not a Writer and Babs Book Bistro?

I am so excited about the New Year. All the great new releases and new authors out their to be discovered, not to mention the release of lots of new books from series and authors I already adore.

For this giveaway I am actually going to be having two separate giveaways. Three paperback books offered by JKS Communications and then an e-book giveaway gifted by me through Amazon.

For the paperbacks, first place winner will get first choice, second place second choice and the third winner will get the book that is left over.

There will be four separate Rafflecopter forms for the different giveaways so make sure you look at them all and enter the ones you are interested in (you can enter them all but please note that the paperbacks being offered by JKS Communications are for US residents only).

Giveaway Number One:
Your choice of three different e-books.

Avow by Chelsea Fine (e-book gifted through Amazon)

Neverfall by Brodi Ashton (e-book gifted through Amazon)

and lastly, e-book (gifted through Amazon) The Boys of Summer by C.J. Duggan

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Giveaway Number Two Offered by JKS Communications (open to US residents only):

Deadly by Julie Chibbaro

Paperback Copy of 2:32AM by Emily Ford

And last, Hunted by Cheryl Rainfield

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For a full list of all the blogs that are participating in this Hop please click HERE

Review: Scent of Darkness by Margot Berwin

Title: Scent of Darkness
Author: Margot Berwin
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Pantheon (Jan. 29, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 3 Stars

Book Description:
 Evangeline is eighteen years old when her grandmother gives her the ultimate gift-a scent she has created just for her. From the moment Eva places a drop on her neck, her entire life changes. Previously unnoticed, she becomes the object of intense desire for everyone around her. Men dance close to her; women dip their noses deep into her hair; even the cats outside her bedroom cry to be near her. Gabriel, the quiet student Eva has admired from afar, falls head-over-heels in love with her. But soon the gift begins to control Eva's life: strangers follow her around, sniffing and touching her at every turn. When Eva meets Michael, an artist who barely registers her smell, Eva wonders if he is the one person who can love her for herself. Or is her scent impossible to escape? A bewitching, wildly imaginative novel steeped in the mythology of perfume, Scent of Darkness seduces the reader's every sense.

My Review:   
I wasn't too sure I was going to like this book after I read the first couple of chapters. It wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be after reading the synopsis. It had a dark feel to it, almost depressing and was slightly morbid in thought.

But really, should I have been surprised? I mean the title of the book is Scent of Darkness after all. But I kept reading on because I couldn't help myself. It had me curious and we all know what happens to those of us that are curious. It never went well for the cat...

I really wish this review was one of those that came easy to me but in truth, it wasn't. In fact I am still having a hard time putting into words my thoughts on this one, even as I type. I guess you could say I am just winging it with this one.

I don't want to give anything away and that will be hard to do but, mostly, this book left me feeling slightly off kilter. It was bizarre but in all the right ways. And like I mentioned already, much more dark than I thought it would be.

Evangeline was a curious girl. Slightly broken and definitely strange. I am still not sure if I liked her. She made some bad choices, choices she knew would hurt those she loved and yet, she didn't want to make them. She was compelled to, whether by the supernatural or by circumstance or maybe it was all just in her head, either way, she had a lot to learn and learn she did as her journey took place throughout the story.

I will say this, strangely, I loved Louise. She tried to teach Eva as best she could and sometimes it ended in disaster and sometimes those disasters ended up being blessings in disguise. I liked her riddles and rhythms. It added a slightly different element to the story and really made me think about what she was trying to show Eva, what she wanted her so desperately to see and know.

And my second favorite, Levon. He was a smart boy. He too was strange and mysterious and also broken.

Really this tale, in all its darkness, in all its strangeness and bizarre happenings, was so very New Orleans.

And even though it was hard to see the lessons being told sometimes, in the end, it was clear what they were.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Review: The Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington

Title: The Dead and Buried
Author: Kim Harrington
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Scholastic (Jan. 1, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars

 Book Description:
 A haunted house, a buried mystery, and a very angry ghost make this one unforgettable thriller.

Jade loves the house she's just moved into with her family. She doesn't even mind being the new girl at the high school: It's a fresh start, and there's that one guy with the dreamy blue eyes. . . . But then things begin happening. Strange, otherworldly things. Jade's little brother claims to see a glimmering girl in his room. Jade's jewelry gets moved around, as if by an invisible hand. Kids at school whisper behind her back like they know something she doesn't.

Soon, Jade must face an impossible fact: that her perfect house is haunted. Haunted by a ghost who's seeking not just vengeance, but the truth. The ghost of a girl who ruled Jade's school — until her untimely death last year. It's up to Jade to put the pieces together before her own life is at stake. As Jade investigates the mystery, she discovers that her new friends in town have more than a few deep, dark secrets. But is one of them a murderer?

My Review:  
   This is the first book by Kim that I have read. I know, I know. You are thinking I am crazy right about now for not having tried one of her books sooner, am I right? Well, I am starting to think you're right after I finished this one. I mean, what was I thinking waiting so long before picking up one of her books?

To make matters worse, I actually own a couple of her other books and just haven't found the time to start them yet, something I will soon rectify no doubt.

I love a good ghost story. I mean really, who doesn't? It doesn't have to be night time or Halloween, I just need it to be good and creepy and this one was both creepy and good and even a little unpredictable.

And let's not forget that it had some pretty great characters. I really liked Jade she was just....good. Plain and simple. She was so true to herself and to others. She was willing to give everyone a reasonable chance without being stupid about it. She wasn't some helpless Mary Sue that needed to be bailed out all the time or was blind to what was right in front of her.

Donovan was pretty awesome too. He was so sad and broken that I just wanted to grab him and give him a great big hug. But don't get the wrong idea about him, he wasn't a helpless person either. He might have been broken but he was still strong.

I really love how the author gave Kayla her voice. Through her hauntings and mysterious diary entries. The hauntings were of course creepy, especially since, lets face it, Kayla was not a nice girl. She was mean, manipulative and selfish. She was a bully in life and not much changed in her death. Her diary entries gave us a great look into her inner thoughts and turmoil and added an extra air to the already intriguing mystery of her death.

This was really well done. I was pretty sure I knew from the beginning who the killer was but I didn't know for sure why and it was fun finding that out along the way.

There were even a couple of twists that I didn't see coming that made the story even better. I am glad everything was resolved and ended the way it did. I really enjoyed this and it was exactly what I needed on a dark and rainy day.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Review: Blood Moon by Alyxandra Harvey

Title: Blood Moon
Author: Alyxandra harvey
Series: Book Five in the Drake Chronicles
Published By: Walker Children's (June 19, 2012)
Genre: YA Paranormal
My Rating: 4 Stars!

Book Description:
 When the vampire tribes convene for the rare Blood Moon ceremonies, Solange’s fight with her feral nature, a mysterious stranger, family secrets and forbidden magic put all of the Drakes in danger.

My Review:  
Oh my, what can I say about this one?

I couldn't wait to read this after the last one ended. The cliffhanger was pretty brutal and left me on the edge of my seat.

Unfortunately even though I love this series, I just didn't find the time to read it until now, even though I got this one the day it released.

I am so glad I finally was able to make time for it. As always, Harvey delivered and came through for me with yet another action packed exciting read that again, left me on the edge of my seat and wanting more.

I was a little cautious going into this one, I won't lie. With the way the last one ended and with Solange acting all vampy, well, to put it mildly, I wasn't too sure I would even like her anymore after reading this one and I really really wanted to like her still. I love all the Drakes and their yumminess (Okay so that isn't a real word, tough, I'm using it).

But let's not get to Solange just yet, first let's talk about Lucy. I adore Lucy. She is such a great character, so head strong and quirky and yes, a smart a&$ but I love her for it. She is one feisty girl that can hang with vamps and not only see them for the kindness some of them have but still be strong enough to kick their butts when they are being bad and hunt them down if their killers. Yep, she is pretty kick butt.

Nicholas, oh how I love thee more each book. Yep, we get not only Lucy's POV in this one but Nicholas' too (and Solange, but again, I will discuss her later). I love all the Drake brothers, I really do but Nicholas is just awesome. He and Quinn are my favorites so I was super excited to see him play a big role in this one. He really is just sweet and kick butt and I love reading about him and Lucy and getting to really see how much he loves her and his family.

I guess I can't avoid it any longer I have to talk about Solange since she is a big part of this book, but, where to begin?

So much happens to her and with her that I don't even know what to say without giving anything away except maybe this, she isn't our Solange anymore and for good reason. I just hope that by the next book she and a certain other Drake will be okay again because if not, it would seriously break my heart.

Constantine. I really really hope he gets what is coming to him and I sincerely hope that we learn more about him. I know he plays a part in this all. He helped Viola I just know it and I hope we find out why.

This is such a fun series. I can't wait to read the last book. I know it will be a bitter sweet journey.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Promotion Event and Giveaway: The Secret World of Alaina Downs by Rebecca Rynecki

Title: The Secret World of Alaina Downs
Author: Rebecca Rynecki
Release date: July 2, 2012
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Age Group: New Adult

Links: Amazon-

Book Description
When Alaina stumbles into a world that she only thought existed in her mind, she is understandably a little bit freaked out. Who wouldn't be? Characters that she had written down years ago are walking, and talking, and telling her that she is the only one who can save the princess and the kingdom of Isleen. Um...okay. As she travels down to the southern kingdom with Sir Gabriel, a really hot knight, she falls off horses, has an interaction with an evil witch, gets attacked by a sea creature, and even falls from lust into love.

About the author:
A graduate of Hollins University in southwestern Virginia, Rebecca now lives in the hills of Connecticut with her husband and young son. When she's not working as a librarian or plotting out the sequel, she bakes, dances around the house...and sings...really badly. The Secret World of Alaina Downs is her first book.


She took a deep breath, and dove in. She pushed her feet off the soft sand on the bottom, and reemerged, gasping loudly. “I think the water may be a little too cold!”
“Hmm, I can tell.” Gabriel's eyes trailed down to where the thin garment clung to her skin.
“What?” Alaina gave a quick glance down. “Oh, shit. You know, Gabriel, I really don't think that now is the best time for you to be noticing stuff like this. I mean...Gabriel? Gabriel? Are you even paying attention to me?”
“Don't move,” he hissed. He shook his head. “No. I mean, I want you to move, just...very slowly.” Gabriel's skin had paled; his eyes wide as he stared behind her. “Let me get my sword, and-”
“Sword? What are you talking about? Is that anti-unicorn thing behind me?” she joked.
“Those creatures don't live in the water.”
“What is it?” Alaina asked, her voice trembling.
“It's...” He swallowed. “Okay, you can't panic, but...there's a sea serpent behind you.”
She broke out into a fit of giggles. “A sea serpent? This is a lake. Sea serpents wouldn't live in a lake...would they?” Alaina turned around, and let out a high pitched scream.


The giveaway will be a mobi file (gifted through Amazon) or an epub mailed to the winner.
This giveaway is open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Review: Sealed With a Curse by Cecy Robson

Title: Sealed With a Curse
Author: Cecy Robson
Series: Book One in the Weird Girls Series
Published By: Signet (Dec. 31, 2012)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Stars!!

Goodreads Description:
 Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other 20-something girls—with one tiny exception: they're products of a backfired curse that has given each of them unique powers that make them, well, weird…

The Wird sisters are content to avoid the local vampires, werebeasts, and witches of the Lake Tahoe region—until one of them blows up a vampire in self-defense. Everyone knows vampires aren't aggressive, and killing one is punishable by death. But soon more bloodlust-fueled attacks occur, and the community wonders: are the vampires of Tahoe cursed with a plague?

Celia reluctantly agrees to help Misha, the handsome leader of an infected vampire family. But Aric, the head of the werewolf pack determined to destroy Misha's family to keep the region safe, warns Celia to stay out of the fight. Caught between two hot alphas, Celia must find a way to please everyone, save everyone, and oh yeah, not lose her heart to the wrong guy—or die a miserable death. Because now that the evil behind the plague knows who Celia is, it’s coming for her and her sisters. This Wird girl has never had it so tough.

My Review:   
   It is rare that an Urban Fantasy book can grab me from the first few pages. Maybe because usually there is a lot of world and character building going on and sometimes that can make the story drag a little, even if the book is fabulous by the end.

But this book, this one definitely got me hooked after the first few pages. Their was action, humor, danger, sisterly bonding, witty one liners, something fun and completely unique and a whole new world just waiting to be discovered and I knew I wanted to discover it.

I immediately liked the Wird sisters and I knew this was going to be one heck of an adventure filled with lots of the sarcastic humor that I adore along with some kick butt women that wouldn't let me down.

I really didn't mean to start this one when I did. I downloaded it while waiting for one of my daughter's to be out of school thinking I would just read for a few minutes to get a feel for the story and before I knew it I was completely engrossed in the story and I didn't want to put it down. I love it when an author can capture my attention like that.

And even though I had another book I was really suppose to be reading, I had to read this. I just had to, the story and characters demanded it and who am I to argue? Besides, I hate confrontation and no way was I going to tick off the tiger...

I will admit that as much as I didn't want to put this one down I did when I found out there was a prequel called The Weird Girls. I am so glad I did too because the novella gave a lot of background on the Wird Sisters that I was missing with Sealed With a Curse. Their past and the whole thing with the witch coven confrontation when they first moved into town, what happened to their parents. Also more about their powers and how they came to get them. Really this is a must read before you even start this one. So much is told and explained.

I absolutely love Celia. She is fierce and protective and just plain kick butt. She is everything I love in a strong female heroine. Well really all the sisters are. Taran is hilarious with her sailor mouth, Emme with her sweetness and Shayna with her “dudes” , I loved them all.

And can we talk about the men? Yum! There is definitely some eye candy in this one and I really hope we get more background info on some of them because I would love to learn more about them as the series progresses and I have a feeling, Gem, Koda, Aric, Misha and Liam will play a very big part in the next books, at least I really hope so!

Robson has outdone herself. It is hard finding something really great in the adult genre to read that is different and really can capture my attention (other than series I already read) and this one definitely has all of that. I will be pre-ordering the next book in the series for sure and not only will I be ordering it, but I will be anxiously awaiting it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cover Reveal: The Camp by Karice Bolton

The Camp by Karice Bolton

Expected Pub: TBA

Emma has always strove for perfection in her almost eighteen years of existence, but it has never been good enough. As she finds herself counting the days until she’s officially free from her parents’ reins, her stepfather hands her a plane ticket explaining that she must attend the Re-Boot Camp in the wilds of Alaska.

Once she lands in the middle of nowhere, she realizes the camp is nothing like she imagined, and she wants out immediately. That is until she meets Liam.
The camp is full of teens with dark pasts, but she finds herself drawn to Liam’s ability to see who she really is and who she wants to become. While Emma and Liam begin adjusting to a place neither want to be, frightening events begin to unfold. When people begin disappearing, it becomes apparent they can only trust one another as they fight for survival.

Goodreads link:
none at the moment

Author Bio:

Karice Bolton
Karice Bolton is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy author living in the Pacific Northwest. All three books in The Watchers Trilogy are available now, Awakening, Legions, and Cataclysm. Lonely Souls, which is the first book in her new series Witch Avenue, was released in June 2012!

Karice married the love of her life who she met in high school, and she still can't get over how cute and funny he is. They have two English Bulldogs that are the cutest bullies in the world, and they use their cuteness to get what they want. Karice loves the snow and gravitates towards the stuff as often as possible! She enjoys skiing and tries really hard to snowboard, but often makes a nice little area to sit while everyone zips by on their board. She enjoys writing, and she also loves to read just about anything with print.

Author Links:

Review: Splintered by A.G. Howard

Title: Splintered
Author: A.G. Howard
Series: Stand Alone
Published By: Amulet Books (Jan. 1, 2013)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Solid Stars!!

Goodreads Description:
 This stunning debut captures the grotesque madness of a mystical under-land, as well as a girl’s pangs of first love and independence. Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now.

When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland is a place far darker and more twisted than Lewis Carroll ever let on. There, Alyssa must pass a series of tests, including draining an ocean of Alice’s tears, waking the slumbering tea party, and subduing a vicious bandersnatch, to fix Alice’s mistakes and save her family. She must also decide whom to trust: Jeb, her gorgeous best friend and secret crush, or the sexy but suspicious Morpheus, her guide through Wonderland, who may have dark motives of his own.

My Review: 
  Holy crap this is going to be a hard review to write. Not because I don't have words to describe how amazing this book was but because I am left a little speechless by it.

The best way to describe it? Deliciously dark.

This. Book. Blew. Me. Away.

I watched the book trailer for this when it first came out (something I don't always do) and it was amazing. I knew if the trailer was that fabulous that the book had to be epic. I was so right!

The trailer, although fantastic, was nothing compared to the actual story.

The synopsis of this book says that it is a “stunning debut novel” and it couldn't be more correct.

It isn't often that I am at a loss for words but I really am with this one. I really hope this review will do this book justice.

The imagination and vivid imagery that went into creating Wonderland is truly a work of art. I felt like I was there. Mixed in with the chaos, the beauty, the darkness and the strange. I didn't know half the time if I should be in awe or horrified by what was happening.

Follow this tantalizing world with a touch of romance and two very different swoon worth men (in totally good versus bad sort of way) and well, you really do have a masterpiece that will keep you entertained, turning the pages and totally enchanted.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Merry Christmas To You, From Me!

Instead of doing a typical book review today I thought I would take the time to thank every single one of you on this very special day.

You all mean so much to me. All of your thoughtful comments and remarks brighten my day and put a smile on my face.

I haven't been blogging for all the long really, but I still get a huge smile on my face every time someone visits, comments on a post, or someone new follows my blog or shares a link with someone else.

I had no idea going into blogging how much work and time it would take each day and some weeks it can be hectic and chaotic but I have found it is worth it to see someone else be able to find a good book to read or find a new author to love because of something that I have posted or said.

I have met so many wonderful people since blogging. Authors, other bloggers, publicists, tour hosts and just good people I am thankful I can call  friends.

I sincerely hope that all of you have a very merry and peaceful day whether you celebrate the Christmas season, another holiday or nothing at all.

Again, thank you for all of your support and love. I hope that you will continue to stop by, comment and continue to share your recommendations to me as well.

I have a lot of fun giveaways, posts and tours already planned for the New Year and I hope you will all join in and share in the fun with me.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Review: Crimson Frost by Jennifer Estep

Title: Crimson Frost
Author: Jennifer Estep
Series: Book Four in the Mythos Academy Series
Published By: Kensington (Dec. 24, 2012)
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Fantasy
My Rating: 5 Stars!

Goodreads Description:
 For a moment, a face flashed before my eyes—the most hideous face I’d ever seen. No matter how hard I tried to forget what had happened, I saw him everywhere I went. It was Loki—the evil god that I’d helped set free against my will.

I should have known that my first official date with Logan Quinn was destined to end in disaster. If we’d gotten into a swordfight, or been ambushed by Reapers, I’d have been more prepared. But getting arrested mid-sip at the local coffee hangout? I didn’t see that one coming.

I’ve been accused of purposely helping the Reapers free Loki from his prison—and the person leading the charge against me is Linus Quinn, Logan’s dad. The worst part is that pretty much everyone at Mythos Academy thinks I’m guilty. If I’m going to get out of this mess alive, I’ll have to do it myself…

My Review: 
    The Mythos Academy Series is one of my favorites. I just know picking it up that I will get something action packed, full of mystery, humor and just some really fabulous characters that I have come to love over the course of the series.

And of course this latest book is no different. I love that as soon as I pick up a new installment I feel like I am going back to visit some old friends that I have really missed seeing and talking to. I love being immersed in Gwen's world.

Just when I think this series couldn't get better Jennifer proves me wrong. This book was by far the best yet. I have a hard time putting them all down but this one, especially, made it not just hard but down right painful to put down.

I love all the Logan Gwen time we get even though there is so much happening in Gwen's life right now. I love how Logan stands up for her and how he really starts to show his feelings to her. If I didn't already like him from the previous books, this one would have clinched the deal. The Spartan is definitely swoon worthy but in a total kick butt kind of way.

Sometimes it seems like the motives of the bad guy and what is going on is totally predictable and then Jennifer will throw in a new twist and you are back at square one trying to figure it all out. There is a lot going on in this with Loki and Vivian free and out for revenge and there is a lot more at stake than ever before.

I love the direction the series is headed. I love how much Gwen has grown. I love her fierceness and her goodness. I love that only only Gwen but all the characters are growing, even Grandma Frost. I loved seeing her jump into the battle and have Gwen's back. She is one tough cookie!

Really this whole series is just fantastic and I absolutely can not wait for the next book. With some things ending like they did, I want more. I want to see more of everyone, but especially of a certain fierce kick butt Spartan.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Review: Play With Me by Piper Shelly

Title: Play With Me
Author: Piper Shelly
Series: Stand Alone
Published: Dec. 9. 2012
Source: Copy Provided by the Author (in exchange for an honest review)
Genre: YA Contemporary
My Rating: 5 Stars!!

Goodreads Description:
 Ryan Hunter's parties are legend. And tonight she's going to be there.

Liza Matthews anticipates the return of her best friend and only love since kindergarten from soccer camp. But when Tony finally shows up, his mind is more focused on another girl. And worse, she's a soccer player. Fighting for the attention Liza craves, she's just a hairbreadth away from making a very stupid decision. But when extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, she's prepared to play ball to get her man.

The tryouts are hell, the first match ends bloody, and the morning after the selection party she wakes up in the worst place possible—in the arms of the captain of the soccer team. The hottest guy in school. Ryan Hunter.

My Review:    
    I already knew I loved piper's work after reading her novel, Her Game, His Rules so when I was offered the chance to read her novella I jumped at it.

This was exactly the read I needed. I absolutely loved this book and read it in one sitting. If I am being honest I would say I devoured it. I soaked it up and basked in the tingly goodness only a sweet story like this one can give.

I loved Liza, Ryan and Tony. Such great characters. The friendship between Liza and Tony was amazing and reminded me so much of the guys I use to hang out with in high school (minus the love interest of course).

Ryan was just the perfect guy and friend for Liza and even though I adored Tony I couldn't help but love Ryan. I was rooting for him the whole way through the story and while I won't tell you how it ends I will say that I loved the ending. It was perfect and other than the fact that I just didn't want this story to end, nothing was left undone or unsaid and really, it was the perfect length.

Piper is an amazing author and I will continue to read whatever she writes because I have fallen in love with each of her stories and all of her characters are ones that will stick with me for a very long time and always make me smile when I think about them.

Very well done!