Thursday, June 6, 2013

Blog Tour, Book Review, and Giveaway: A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson

I am so unbelievably excited to be a part of this blog tour. As most of you know I feel in love with this series after reading Sealed With A Curse  ( you can see my review of it HERE) in December and have been dying ever since to read the second installment. This is a MUST read series and for those that know me, you know I don't say those words lightly. 

I adore this series, I really do. It has everything I love in a great kick butt heroine and story line. 

As a UF lover I know how hard it can be to find something unique and something that draws me in and I can't get enough of, this series is that series for me. In fact, I encouraged everyone I knew to read this book I loved it that much. 

So, without anymore babbling from me, I give you, A Cursed Embrace, book two in the Weird Girls Series!!

Title: A Cursed Embrace
Author: Cecy Robson
Series: Book Two in the Weird Girls Series
Published By: Signet (July 2, 2013)
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Source: ARC Copy Provided by the Publisher (in exchange for an honest review)

Book Description:

Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other twenty-something girls—with one tiny exception: They are the products of a curse that backfired and gave each of them unique powers that made them, well, a little weird…

After Celia Wird and her sisters help master vampire Misha save his family, their powers are exposed to the supernatural community of the Lake Tahoe region. But fame comes at a price, and being “weird” isn’t always welcome.

To make matters worse, Celia desires the love of Alpha werewolf Aric, but his pack is bent on destroying their relationship to preserve his pureblood status. And once weres start turning up dead—with evidence pointing to the vampires—she must face the prospect of losing Aric forever. But the chaos only masks a new threat. An evil known as the Tribe has risen—and their sights are set on Celia and her sisters.

About the Author:

Cecy (pronounced Sessy) Robson is an author with Penguin's SIGNET ECLIPSE. She attributes her passion for story-telling back to the rough New Jersey neighborhood she was raised in. As a child, she was rarely allowed to leave the safety of her house and passed her time fantasizing about flying, fairies, and things that go bump in the night. Gifted and cursed with an overactive imagination, she began writing her Urban Fantasy Romance Series, Weird Girls, in May 2009. THE WEIRD GIRLS: A Novella and SEALED WITH A CURSE are now available.  A CURSED EMBRACE, releases July 2, 2013 followed by A CURSED MOON: An eSpecial Novella December 2013, and CURSED BY DESTINY, January 2014.

Goodreads Author Page

My Thoughts and Review:

I freaking LOVE this series. Robson has once again blown me away with the greatness that is her writing. The characters she creates and the world they live in is just...well I really don’t' think I have words great enough to convey how wonderful they are. How engaging, funny, flawed, real and totally kick ass. 

I have eagerly (and not so patiently) been awaiting the arrive of this book since finishing the first, Sealed With a Curse months ago.  Sealed With a Curse blew me away and I was really hoping that this one would too and that it wouldn't suffer from the dreaded second book syndrome so many second books in series do and this one totally rocked it. I should never have doubted Robson, NEVER, this girl can seriously write and captivate an audience with her witty character's (Shayna and her “dudes” crack me up every single time!), fast paced plot, swoon worthy male leads and her unparalleled character dialogue. 

I should have known better than trying to start this in the middle of the day when I had other things to do because as soon as I picked this up thinking I would just read a “couple of pages”, those couple of pages turned into chapters and those chapters turned into half the book and then half the book turned into..well you get the idea. Needless to say, nothing got done until I completely devoured this. And devoured it I did. 

I absolutely love the secondary characters as much as the primary. Some of the best moments in this book are between the sisters and their vile neighbor Mrs. Mancuso. Who would have thought a woman in her eighties with an affinity to give people the bird would be so hilarious? I seriously was dying reading the scenes with her in it. Taran and Mancuso were just so dang funny, at one point I think I had tears streaking down my face I laughed so hard. I could vividly picture it all in my head. 

And that is the thing, this whole book is like that, so crisp in detail the characters feel real to me and I care about them all deeply. Who would have thought I would be in love with wolves or a nerd or even a vamp? But I am. In fact, I love them all the more after reading this. Aric was, just wow. I truly love him in every way but I have to admit, I still adore Misha, how could I not?

Celia opened up so much more in this installment and it was so nice to see and to watch her character grow not only in physical strength but emotional as well. She really is one tough chick. The ending just about broke my heart, in fact I think it did break my heart.  Felt everything Celia felt, her loss, her love, her despair and then later, her strength and her courage. 

I don't know where this series will go from here but I know that where ever it goes I will follow because I am in love. In love with it all and I want more, lots more.

*All Opinions are my own and I was in no way compensated for my review*


One lucky winner will not only receive a signed paperback copy of A Cursed Embrace but all of this great swag as well! A lip balm, bookmark, signed postcard, rack card and magnet! Phew! That is a whole lot of awesomeness right now!

Please be aware that this giveaway is open to US residents only and only one winner per blog per tour stop. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*giveaway sponsored by the author*


  1. Haha! Mrs. Mancuso sounds hilarious! I love that this had you laughing too. A little bit of good humour always works well for me. I need to get started on this series soon as I've yet to hear anything negative about it. Lovely review!

  2. I was hooked with the cover. I love it. Then your review has totally sold me on this series. Adding it to my list now. Great review.

  3. Yay! i know you will both LOVE it!

  4. hehe oh I been there. Picked up a book and had a hard time putting it down and the next thing I know, my dishes have piled up and I need to start dinner lol. Glad you loved this one! this series does look amazing :) Great review hon!

  5. *grins* I cannot wait to read this, I have it preordered and ooh your review gave me goosebumps. This is going to be a book that I read on release day!

  6. Oh Kim, you are in for such a treat!! Things get steamy and even more crazy and just plain wonderful! This was amazing, even better than the first one if you can believe that!!

  7. The first book was amazing. Ms. Robson has a way of reeling you in and falling in love with her characters.

  8. Most definitely! Thanks for stopping by Stephanie! It is always nice meeting more Robson fans!!

  9. I'm still reading this (my tour stop is next week) but I can already guess where this pureblood issue is going and I totally understand the heartbreak. Truth be told, Aric can be a bit high-handed at times which bothers me a bit, but we'll see. I can't wait to go back to it tonight.
    Fabulous review!

  10. The great thing about him is that he is the alpha male and all that comes with it but he is also a complete sweetheart at times too.

  11. Oh Heidi just wait, Ms. Mancuso is even better than before, so darn feisty!

  12. This sounds amazing! I love the fact that an old lady is hilarious! I usually read about them as grumpy old people, so this is totally refreshing. Definitely going on my TBR! :)

  13. Oh no, she is grumpy, quite so in fact but she is hilarious too in her grumpiness!

  14. This series is on my wishlist! I'm so excited to read it one of these days and I'm glad to see another great review!

  15. I just know you are going to love it Candace!!

  16. I loved the first book and I am looking forward to reading the 2nd. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. I've read a few amazing reviews of this sequel, and now I'm kicking myself that I haven't read Sealed With a Curse sooner! I think I'm going to love Celia and her sisters. Going to add Sealed With a Curse to my e-reader right away. Lovely review! :-)

  18. Yay, I am so glad Lauren! I know you will adore this series too!

  19. Thank you to Ali, and to all the wonderful readers who stopped by to leave a comment. For those who haven't read my WEIRD GIRLS series, I hope you'll give it a try. And for those who have, I hope that you continue to laugh, cringe, and fight along with Celia and her sisters. Thank you, again!

  20. Thank you Cecy!!! You know I will be right there the whole way until the end!!
